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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2370



No. 1772 Session of 2007

           JULY 25, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," providing for special education
     6     services for nonpublic school students.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    10  as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding a
    11  section to read:
    12     Section 922.2-A.  Special Education Services for Nonpublic
    13  School Students.--(a)  Legislative Finding; Declaration of
    14  Policy. The welfare of this Commonwealth requires that school
    15  age children be assured ample opportunity to develop their
    16  intellectual capacities to the fullest. Children attending
    17  nonpublic schools have not been furnished special education
    18  services on an equal basis with public school children. It is

     1  the intent of the General Assembly to ensure that nonpublic
     2  school children be afforded an equitable opportunity to receive
     3  special education services.
     4     (b)  Definitions. The following terms, whenever used or
     5  referred to in this section, shall have the following meanings,
     6  except in those circumstances where the context clearly
     7  indicates otherwise:
     8     "Nonpublic school" means a nonprofit school, other than a
     9  public school or an approved private school within this
    10  Commonwealth wherein a resident of this Commonwealth may legally
    11  fulfill the compulsory school attendance requirements of this
    12  act and which meets the applicable requirements of Title VI of
    13  the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Public Law 88-352, 78 Stat. 241).
    14     "Special education services" means secular, neutral,
    15  nonideological educational services and related services for
    16  children with exceptionalities, as that term is defined in
    17  section 1371.
    18     (c)  Program of Special Education Services. (1)  To the
    19  extent allowed by the level of funds appropriated by the General
    20  Assembly to implement the provisions of this section, children
    21  with exceptionalities attending nonpublic schools shall be
    22  furnished a program of special education services which are
    23  required by law to be offered to public school students in this
    24  Commonwealth and which are appropriate to the needs of those
    25  children. The program of special education services shall be
    26  provided by the intermediate unit in which the nonpublic school
    27  is located, in accordance with standards of the Secretary of
    28  Education.
    29     (2)  Such services shall be provided directly to the
    30  nonpublic school students by the intermediate unit in the
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     1  schools which the students attend, in mobile instructional units
     2  located on the grounds of such schools or in any alternative
     3  setting mutually agreed upon by the school and the intermediate
     4  unit, to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United
     5  States and the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
     6     (3)  Such special education services may be provided directly
     7  by the intermediate units or through agreements between the
     8  intermediate units and school districts or qualified private
     9  service providers, but may not be provided by nonpublic school
    10  employes.
    11     (4)  School districts may also, at their option, provide such
    12  services to resident students attending nonpublic schools or
    13  place children in need of such services in nonpublic schools at
    14  school district expense.
    15     (d)  School District Responsibilities. Nothing in this
    16  section shall relieve any school district of any
    17  responsibilities, under Federal or State law, to identify,
    18  locate or evaluate any nonpublic school student who is in need
    19  of special education services. School districts may fulfill such
    20  responsibilities directly or by agreement with an intermediate
    21  unit.
    22     (e)  Intermediate Unit Responsibilities. (1)  Intermediate
    23  units shall be responsible for designing and implementing
    24  appropriate individualized education programs for children with
    25  exceptionalities who attend nonpublic schools. The Secretary of
    26  Education shall prescribe standards establishing procedures for
    27  the development, review and revision of appropriate special
    28  education programs for such children, which standards shall
    29  include required timely and meaningful consultation with a
    30  representative of the nonpublic school which the child to be
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     1  served attends regarding the child's secular educational needs.
     2     (2)  The required consultation shall occur before the
     3  intermediate unit makes any decision that affects the
     4  opportunities of nonpublic school children to participate in the
     5  services provided under this section, and shall include, at a
     6  minimum: which children shall receive services; what services
     7  will be provided; how and where the services will be provided;
     8  and how the services provided will be evaluated.
     9     (f)  Appropriations. (1)  From the Federal funds received by
    10  the Commonwealth for special education services, the Secretary
    11  of Education shall allocate to intermediate units a proportion
    12  equal to the percentage of children with exceptionalities who
    13  attend nonpublic schools in this Commonwealth. Said funds shall
    14  be combined with State funds appropriated by the Commonwealth
    15  and utilized by the intermediate units for purposes of providing
    16  special education services under this section.
    17     (2)  Appropriations of Federal and State funds made by the
    18  Commonwealth under this section shall be allocated by the
    19  Secretary of Education to each intermediate unit based upon the
    20  number of nonpublic school children within that intermediate
    21  unit who are in need of special education services.
    22     (g)  Limitations on Expenditure. The intermediate unit shall
    23  not use more than six per centum (6%) of the funds it receives
    24  under this section for administrative expenses. The Department
    25  of Education shall not use more than one per centum (1%) of the
    26  funds it allocates under this section for administrative
    27  expenses. If all funds allocated by the intermediate units to
    28  administration are not expended for those purposes, such funds
    29  may be used for program costs under this section.
    30     (h)  Interest. There shall be no adjustment in the allocation
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     1  as provided in subsection (f) because of interest earned on the
     2  allocations by the intermediate units. Interest so earned shall
     3  be used for the purpose of this section but shall not be subject
     4  to the limitations of subsection (g).
     5     (i)  Budgets. Annually, each intermediate unit shall submit
     6  to the Secretary of Education a preliminary budget for services
     7  to be provided under this section on or before January 31 and a
     8  final budget on or before June 15 for the succeeding year, and
     9  shall file a final financial report on or before October 31 for
    10  the preceding year.
    11     (j)  Limitations on Regulations. (1)  Nothing in this section
    12  shall be construed to authorize any additional regulations,
    13  requirements or limitations upon nonpublic schools which are not
    14  otherwise authorized by law.
    15     (2)  No nonpublic school may be compelled to accept or to
    16  enroll children with exceptionalities if the school:
    17     (i)  is not structured or equipped to meet the special needs
    18  of the student;
    19     (ii)  does not offer educational programs appropriate to the
    20  special needs of the student; or
    21     (iii)  does not offer a particular program requested.
    22     (3)  The providing of special education services to children
    23  under this section shall not be considered to be appropriations
    24  or financial assistance to the nonpublic school which the child
    25  attends.
    26     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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