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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2303



No. 1725 Session of 2007

           THOMAS AND YOUNGBLOOD, JULY 13, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," providing for advanced placement
     6     courses; and making an appropriation.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    10  as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding a
    11  section to read:
    12     Section 1551.  Advanced Placement Courses.--(a) (1)  By the
    13  2010-2011 school year, each school district shall maintain a
    14  high school curriculum that includes no less than one (1)
    15  optional advanced placement course in the core subject areas of
    16  English, mathematics and science.
    17     (2)  Beginning with the 2008-2009 school year, each school
    18  district may add one (1) advanced placement course in any of the
    19  three (3) subject areas.

     1     (b)  (1)  An advanced placement course shall be taught by a
     2  professional educator trained at a College Board-endorsed
     3  advanced placement summer training institute or online as
     4  provided under subsection (g)(2). The professional educator
     5  shall attend such training at least every five (5) years in
     6  order to maintain the professional educator's eligibility to
     7  teach the advanced placement course.
     8     (2)  Attendance at an advanced placement summer training
     9  institute or online as provided in subsection (g)(2) shall count
    10  toward compliance with the continuing professional education
    11  requirements set forth under section 1205.2(a)(3) or (4).
    12     (3)  Any school that is unable to meet the stated deadlines
    13  through no fault of its own may apply to the Secretary of
    14  Education for a waiver to extend the time frame to meet the
    15  requirement.
    16     (c)  The school district shall use in its advanced placement
    17  courses syllabi approved and monitored by the College Board.
    18     (d)  The content offered in advanced placement courses shall
    19  include information tested on advanced placement examinations
    20  administered by the College Board.
    21     (e)  No student enrolled in an advanced placement course
    22  shall be required to take an advanced placement examination
    23  administered by the College Board.
    24     (f)  A school district may utilize funds made available by
    25  the Commonwealth under the provisions of this bill to:
    26     (1)  Provide financial assistance to professional educators
    27  for attendance at advanced placement summer training institutes.
    28     (2)  Contribute to and participate in a clearinghouse for the
    29  collection and dissemination of syllabi to other high schools,
    30  which shall be deemed reviewed and approved by the College
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     1  Board.
     2     (3)  Pay the fee charged to students for taking advanced
     3  placement examinations administered by the College Board,
     4  provided that the students qualify for free or reduced-price
     5  meals under the Federal school lunch and breakfast programs.
     6     (4)  Assist school districts that are unable to meet the
     7  2010-2011 deadline for offering advanced placement courses, by
     8  providing distance learning in the acquisition of advanced
     9  placement courses.
    10     (g)  The Department of Education shall support the program
    11  by:
    12     (1)  Providing technical assistance to high schools for
    13  incorporating advanced placement syllabi and materials in the
    14  course content and design.
    15     (2)  Collaborating with advanced placement summer training
    16  institutes to offer online courses over the Internet to
    17  professional educators who seek eligibility for teaching
    18  advanced placement courses. The online courses shall utilize the
    19  content of the advanced placement summer training institutes.
    20     (3)  Developing a clearinghouse for submission of high school
    21  syllabi that meet the approval of the College Board.
    22     (4)  Disseminating, upon request, syllabi approved for use in
    23  the advanced placement courses of high school English,
    24  mathematics and science courses.
    25     Section 2.  The sum of $750,000 is hereby appropriated to the
    26  Department of Education for the purpose of providing student
    27  advanced placement examination assistance during the 2007-2008
    28  school year as authorized under section 1551(f)(3) of the act.
    29     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007, or
    30  immediately, whichever is later.
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