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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 651



No. 585 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing, as relates to
     6     distressed school districts, when district distressed and for
     7     special board of control, petition and appointments; and
     8     providing for public school expenditure accountability.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 691(a) of the act of March 10, 1949
    12  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
    13  amended April 27, 1998 (P.L.270, No.46), is amended to read:
    14     Section 691.  When District Distressed.--(a)  A school
    15  district shall be deemed to be distressed when any one of the
    16  following circumstances shall arise and the Secretary of
    17  Education, after proper investigation of the district's
    18  financial condition, the administrative practices of the board
    19  and such other matters deemed appropriate by the Secretary of
    20  Education, has issued a certificate declaring such district in

     1  financial distress:
     2     (1)  The salaries of any teachers or other employes have
     3  remained unpaid for a period of ninety (90) days.
     4     (2)  The tuition due another school district remains unpaid
     5  on and after January first of the year following the school year
     6  it was due and there is no dispute regarding the validity or
     7  amount of the claim.
     8     (3)  Any amount due any joint board of school directors under
     9  a joint board agreement remains unpaid for a period of ninety
    10  (90) calendar days beyond the due date specified in the joint
    11  board's articles of agreement.
    12     (4)  The school district has defaulted in payment of its
    13  bonds or interest on such bonds or in payment of rentals due any
    14  authority for a period of ninety (90) calendar days and no
    15  action has been initiated within that period of time to make
    16  payment.
    17     (5)  The school district has contracted any loan not
    18  authorized by law.
    19     (6)  The school district has accumulated and has operated
    20  with a deficit equal to two per centum (2%) or more of the
    21  assessed valuation of the taxable real estate within the
    22  district for two successive years.
    23     (7)  A new, merged or union school district has been formed
    24  and one or more of the former school districts which compose the
    25  merged or union school district was a distressed school district
    26  at the time of the formation of the merged or union school
    27  district.
    28     (8)  The school district has failed to meet the provisions of
    29  section 605-A(a) related to its level of operational
    30  expenditures for services that directly affect student
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     1  achievement.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 2.  Section 692 of the act, amended December 9, 2002
     4  (P.L.1472, No.187), is amended to read:
     5     Section 692.  Special Board of Control; Petition;
     6  Appointments.--[Whenever] Except as provided in section
     7  691(a)(8), whenever on the basis of a proper investigation as
     8  herein provided for, the Secretary of Education has declared a
     9  school district of the first class A, second class, third class
    10  or fourth class to be a distressed school district under section
    11  691(a), he or his designated representative who shall be a
    12  person trained in public school administration, possessing the
    13  certification prerequisites demanded of a district or assistant
    14  superintendent, or holding in the Department of Education the
    15  rank of Deputy Secretary, shall petition the court of common
    16  pleas of the county in which such district, or the largest part
    17  in area, is located to appoint two citizens who shall be
    18  qualified electors and taxpayers in the county in which the
    19  school district is located. School directors and employes of any
    20  such school district shall be ineligible for appointment by the
    21  court. The appointees, together with the designated
    22  representative of the Secretary of Education, shall constitute a
    23  special board of control and shall serve for terms of five
    24  years. No member of the board may be removed from office during
    25  a term, except that the Secretary of Education may upon clear
    26  and convincing evidence of malfeasance or misfeasance in office
    27  remove a member prior to the expiration of the term. Before a
    28  member of the board is removed, that member must be provided
    29  with a written statement of the reasons for removal and an
    30  opportunity for a hearing in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5
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     1  Subch. A (relating to practice and procedure of Commonwealth
     2  agencies) and Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating to judicial review of
     3  Commonwealth agency action). Vacancies occurring because of
     4  death, removal or resignation of members of the board shall be
     5  filled within thirty (30) days of the creation of the vacancy in
     6  the manner in which that position was originally filled. A
     7  member of the board shall hold office until a successor is
     8  appointed and qualified. The special board of control shall
     9  assume control of the affairs of the district and operate it in
    10  the place of the school directors during the period necessary to
    11  reestablish a sound financial structure in the district. The
    12  costs of the court proceedings shall be paid by the Department
    13  of Education.
    14     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
    15                            ARTICLE VI-A
    17  Section 601-A.  Short title.
    18     This article shall be known and may be cited as the Public
    19  School Expenditure Accountability Act.
    20  Section 602-A.  Legislative declaration.
    21     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    22         (1)  It is the responsibility of the General Assembly to
    23     provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and
    24     efficient system of public education.
    25         (2)  Operational expenditures by school districts
    26     maximize the quality of each student's educational
    27     experience.
    28         (3)  This Commonwealth's public school students have the
    29     right to realize the immediate effects of additional
    30     resources, whether these resources are provided through new
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     1     or reallocated funding, that are focused on services that
     2     directly affect each student's achievement.
     3         (4)  Taxpayers, including parents and business owners in
     4     each school district, have a right to know whether their tax
     5     dollars are being appropriately budgeted and spent by their
     6     school districts to provide students with an opportunity for
     7     a quality education.
     8         (5)  To ensure accountability in school district
     9     budgeting to taxpayers and students, it is necessary to
    10     require each school district to spend a minimum percentage of
    11     its operational expenditures on services that directly affect
    12     student achievement.
    13  Section 603-A.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this article
    15  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Department."  The Department of Education of the
    18  Commonwealth.
    19     "Operational expenditures."  All expenditures made by a
    20  school district within a single fiscal year, with the exception
    21  of the following expenditures related to types of revenues:
    22         (1)  Money required to be set aside to liquidate the
    23     indebtedness of a distressed school district pursuant to
    24     section 694.
    25         (2)  Money received for capital construction pursuant to
    26     section 690.
    27         (3)  Payments made to a charter school or cyber charter
    28     school pursuant to section 1725-A.
    29         (4)  Money set aside for the school district's designated
    30     reserve fund pursuant to section 690.
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     1         (5)  Local revenues received through local bond
     2     elections, including interest earnings and specific ownership
     3     taxes related to bond redemption funds.
     4         (6)  Bond redemption funds.
     5         (7)  Federal, State, local and private funds received for
     6     a designated purpose that are unrelated to services that
     7     directly affect student achievement.
     8         (8)  Trust and agency funds received for a designated
     9     purpose.
    10         (9)  Internal service funds, as such funds are defined by
    11     generally accepted accounting principals for governments,
    12     with the exception of property tax revenues or allocations
    13     attributable to the General Fund and the corresponding
    14     expenditures of such property taxes or allocations.
    15     "Services that directly affect student achievement."
    16         (1)  Programs and services funded by a school district's
    17     total budget during a fiscal year that have an immediate
    18     effect on the quality of a student's educational experience,
    19     including, but not limited to:
    20             (i)  Salaries and benefits of professional school
    21         personnel who hold State-issued licenses or
    22         certifications, including, but not limited to,
    23         principals, assistant principals, teachers, substitute
    24         teachers, school librarians, school counselors, school
    25         nurses, school psychologists and school social workers.
    26             (ii)  Salaries and benefits of school support
    27         personnel who do not hold professional licenses or
    28         certifications, including, but not limited to,
    29         paraprofessionals, bus drivers, food service employees
    30         and athletic coaches.
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     1             (iii)  Supplies, materials, equipment and technology
     2         intended to serve an instructional purpose.
     3             (iv)  Instructional services purchased by a school
     4         district from individuals or entities outside the school
     5         district.
     6             (v)  Nonmandated instructional services provided
     7         through preschool, full-day kindergarten, tutoring and
     8         extended-day programs.
     9             (vi)  Certain support services provided at the school
    10         level, including:
    11                 (A)  Instructional support, including, but not
    12             limited to, the coordination, delivery, evaluation
    13             and technological support of teacher training and
    14             professional development, curriculum development and
    15             student testing.
    16                 (B)  Student support, including, but not limited
    17             to, the coordination, delivery, evaluation and
    18             technological support of college placement services,
    19             student health care and medical services, nutritional
    20             services and attendance and other student
    21             recordkeeping services.
    22                 (C)  Food services for students.
    23                 (D)  Transportation for students.
    24                 (E)  Tuition paid on behalf of students placed in
    25             residential facilities within this Commonwealth or
    26             out-of-State as a result of being adjudicated
    27             delinquent pursuant to Article XIII or as part of the
    28             student's individualized education plan developed
    29             pursuant to 22 Pa. Code, Ch. 14 (relating to special
    30             education services and programs).
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     1         (2)  The term does not include:
     2             (i)  Central school district office services and
     3         business, including, but not limited to, accounting,
     4         budgeting, payroll, receiving, purchasing, planning,
     5         recruiting, human resources administration, risk
     6         management administration and communications.
     7             (ii)  General school district administration,
     8         including, but not limited to:
     9                 (A)  Salaries and benefits of school district
    10             superintendents, assistant superintendents and other
    11             personnel associated with central school district
    12             office services and business services, as these
    13             services are described in clause (B).
    14                 (B)  Administration functions, including, but not
    15             limited to, costs associated with the board of school
    16             directors, legal matters, audits and elections.
    17             (iii)  Operations and maintenance of facilities,
    18         including, but not limited to, utilities, debt service,
    19         property insurance payments, maintenance and repair of
    20         buildings, grounds, ventilation systems, equipment and
    21         security systems and the salaries and benefits of
    22         custodial maintenance and grounds personnel.
    23  Section 604-A.  Annual budget reporting.
    24     (a)  Filing of annual budget.--Each school district shall
    25  prepare an annual budget as required by section 687 and file
    26  that budget with the department by June 30, 2008, and by June 30
    27  of each year thereafter.
    28     (b)  Standard format.--The department shall designate a
    29  standard format for the school district's annual budget by July
    30  1, 2008, which permits the school district and the department to
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     1  calculate the percentage of operational expenditures on services
     2  that directly affect student achievement.
     3     (c)  Summary information.--The standard format for the annual
     4  budget shall summarize revenues by revenue source and shall
     5  summarize expenditures by function, fund and object.
     6     (d)  Consistency of format.--Beginning with the 2008-2009
     7  school year, the annual budget report format designated by the
     8  department shall be substantially consistent from year to year.
     9  Section 605-A.  Expenditures on student services.
    10     (a)  Requirement.--Except as otherwise provided in section
    11  606-A(b), in 2008-2009 school year and in each school year
    12  thereafter, each school district shall spend at least 65% of its
    13  operational expenditures on services that directly affect
    14  student achievement. Expenditures by a charter school within a
    15  school district shall not be considered expenditures by that
    16  school district.
    17     (b)  Department determination.--The department shall annually
    18  determine whether a school district has satisfied the
    19  operational expenditures requirement specified in subsection
    20  (a). The department shall base this determination upon the
    21  financial audit of the school district's budget conducted by the
    22  Auditor General and not upon the annual budget prepared by the
    23  school district pursuant to section 687.
    24         (1)  Before December 31, 2009, and before December 31 of
    25     each year thereafter, the department shall report to each
    26     member of the General Assembly a list of all school districts
    27     in this Commonwealth that:
    28             (i)  failed in the preceding school year to satisfy
    29         the operational expenditures requirement specified in
    30         subsection (a); and
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     1             (ii)  are not exempt from the operational
     2         expenditures requirement specified in subsection (a) as a
     3         result of a waiver issued pursuant to section 606-A(b).
     4         (2)  The General Assembly may impose sanctions upon a
     5     school district that fails to satisfy the operational
     6     expenditures requirement specified in subsection (a) unless
     7     the school district is exempt from the requirement or a
     8     waiver issued pursuant to section 606-A(b).
     9  Section 606-A.  Enforcement, waivers and local elections.
    10     (a)  Operational expenditure increase.--Except as otherwise
    11  provided in subsection (b), if a school district fails to
    12  satisfy the operational expenditures requirement specified in
    13  section 605-A(a) in the 2008-2009 school year or a school year
    14  thereafter, the school district shall increase its operational
    15  expenditures on services that directly affect student
    16  achievement by a minimum of 2% of its total operational
    17  expenditures each year until the school district satisfies the
    18  operational expenditures requirement. Failure to do so will
    19  subject the school district to a declaration of distressed
    20  district by the Secretary of Education under section 691.
    21     (b)  Waiver.--
    22         (1)  A school district that has failed to satisfy the
    23     operational expenditures requirement specified in section
    24     605-A(a) may apply to the department for a waiver, excusing
    25     the school district from compliance with the operational
    26     expenditures requirement.
    27         (2)  A school district that applies for a waiver pursuant
    28     to this subsection shall specify in the application the
    29     manner in which it shall comply with the intent of the
    30     operational expenditures requirement and shall be accountable
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     1     to the department for such compliance.
     2         (3)  If a school district that has failed to meet the
     3     operational expenditures requirement specified in section
     4     605-A(a) applies to the department for a waiver pursuant to
     5     this subsection, the department may approve a one-year waiver
     6     excusing the school district from compliance with the
     7     operational expenditures requirement. The district may
     8     reapply for such a waiver for not more than three consecutive
     9     years.
    10         (4)  The department may identify criteria for approval or
    11     denial of a waiver.
    12         (5)  If the department grants a waiver to the school
    13     district pursuant to this subsection, the department may
    14     orally notify the school district of the decision to grant
    15     the waiver. If the department denies a waiver to the school
    16     district, the department shall notify the school district in
    17     writing that the request has been denied and specify the
    18     reasons for the denial.
    19         (6)  If the department grants a waiver to a school
    20     district pursuant to this subsection, the waiver shall be
    21     valid for one year, after which time the school district
    22     shall either:
    23             (i)  Meet the operational expenditures requirement.
    24             (ii)  Reapply to the department for another waiver.
    25     Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2008, or
    26  immediately, whichever is later.

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