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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 486



No. 422 Session of 2007

           FEBRUARY 13, 2007

           FEBRUARY 13, 2007

                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing an informal dispute resolution process for long-
     2     term care nursing facilities and an informal dispute
     3     resolution panel within the Department of Health; and
     4     providing for membership of the panel, for the scope of
     5     informal resolution review and for data collection.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Long-Term
    10  Care Nursing Facility Informal Dispute Resolution Act.
    11  Section 2.  Purpose.
    12     The purpose of this act is to give long-term care nursing
    13  facilities the opportunity to refute deficiencies cited in a
    14  department survey.
    15  Section 3.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the

     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Deficiency."  A long-term care nursing facility's failure to
     3  meet a requirement of the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42
     4  U.S.C. § 301 et seq.), 42 CFR Pt. 483 Subpt. B (relating to
     5  requirements for long term care facilities), the act of July 19,
     6  1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act,
     7  or 28 Pa. Code Pt. IV Subpt. C (relating to long-term care
     8  facilities).
     9     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    10     "Facility."  A long-term care nursing facility.
    11     "Findings."  Examples of noncompliance noted on a statement
    12  of deficiencies.
    13     "IDR."  Informal dispute resolution as provided for in this
    14  act.
    15     "Immediate jeopardy."  A situation in which a deficiency has
    16  caused or is likely to cause serious injury to, harm to,
    17  impairment of or death of a resident.
    18     "Long-term care nursing facility."  A facility that provides
    19  either skilled or intermediate nursing care or both levels of
    20  care to more than one patient unrelated to the licensee for a
    21  period exceeding 24 hours. The term does not include an
    22  intermediate care facility exclusively for the mentally
    23  retarded, commonly called ICF/MR.
    24     "Panel."  The informal dispute resolution panel established
    25  in section 4(a).
    26     "Plan of correction."  A facility's response to deficiencies
    27  which explains how corrective action will be accomplished, how
    28  the facility will identify other residents who might be affected
    29  by the deficient practice, what measures will be used or
    30  systemic changes made to ensure that the deficient practice will
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     1  not recur and how the facility will monitor to ensure that
     2  solutions are sustained.
     3     "Qualified geriatrician."  A physician who meets the
     4  requirements of the American Medical Directors Certification
     5  Program and:
     6         (1)  is a certified medical director; or
     7         (2)  has successfully completed a geriatric fellowship
     8     approved by the American Geriatrics Society.
     9     "Remedies."  Enforcement actions, including termination of a
    10  provider agreement with Medicare, Medicaid, or both; denial of
    11  payment for new admissions; denial of payment for all residents;
    12  imposition of a temporary manager; civil money penalties;
    13  monitoring; directed plan of correction; directed in-service
    14  training or other alternative enforcement actions.
    15     "Scope."  The degree to which a pattern or widespread
    16  deficiencies throughout a facility are isolated.
    17     "Severity."  Whether deficiencies constitute:
    18         (1)  no actual harm with potential for minimal harm;
    19         (2)  no actual harm with a potential for more than
    20     minimal harm but not immediate jeopardy;
    21         (3)  actual harm which is not immediate jeopardy; or
    22         (4)  immediate jeopardy to resident health or safety.
    23     "Statement of deficiencies."  Written notice by the
    24  department to a facility specifying the deficiencies found upon
    25  inspection.
    26     "Substandard quality of care."  A deficiency relating to
    27  requirements for resident behavior and facility practice,
    28  quality of life or quality of care which constitutes:
    29         (1)  immediate jeopardy to resident health or safety;
    30         (2)  a pattern of or widespread actual harm which is not
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     1     immediate jeopardy; or
     2         (3)  a widespread potential for more than minimal harm,
     3     but less than immediate jeopardy, with no actual harm.
     4     "Survey."  An inspection of a facility conducted by
     5  representatives of the department in accordance with procedures
     6  outlined in Chapter 7 of the Federal State Operations Manual,
     7  relating to survey and enforcement process for skilled nursing
     8  facilities and nursing facilities.
     9  Section 4.  Informal dispute resolution process.
    10     (a)  Establishment of panel.--The department shall establish
    11  an informal dispute resolution panel to determine whether a
    12  cited deficiency as evidenced by a statement of deficiencies
    13  against a facility should be upheld.
    14     (b)  Minimum requirements of process.--The department shall
    15  promulgate regulations which shall incorporate by reference the
    16  provisions of 42 CFR § 488.331 (relating to informal dispute
    17  resolution) and shall contain the following minimum requirements
    18  of the IDR process:
    19         (1)  Within ten business days of the end of the survey,
    20     the department shall transmit to the facility a statement of
    21     deficiencies committed by the facility, by certified mail or
    22     the department intranet, if the facility is connected to the
    23     intranet.
    24         (2)  Within ten days of receipt of the statement of
    25     deficiencies, the facility shall return a plan of correction
    26     to the department. The facility may request an IDR conference
    27     to refute the deficiencies cited in the statement of
    28     deficiencies. The request must be submitted in writing within
    29     the same ten-day period that the facility has for submission
    30     of the plan of correction.
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     1         (3)  Within 14 days of receipt of the request for an IDR
     2     conference made by a facility, the panel shall hold the IDR
     3     conference. The IDR conference shall afford the facility the
     4     opportunity to provide additional information or
     5     clarification in support of the facility's contention that
     6     the deficiencies were erroneously cited. This opportunity
     7     shall be, at the option of the facility:
     8             (i)  a review of written information submitted by the
     9         facility; or
    10             (ii)  either a conference call or a face-to-face
    11         meeting at the headquarters office of the Division of
    12         Nursing Care Facilities.
    13         (4)  Within five calendar days of the IDR conference, the
    14     panel shall make a determination, based upon the facts and
    15     findings presented, and shall transmit the decision to the
    16     facility.
    17         (5)  If the panel rules that the original statement of
    18     deficiencies should be changed as a result of the conference,
    19     the department shall transmit a revised statement of
    20     deficiencies to the facility with the notification of the
    21     determination.
    22         (6)  Within ten calendar days of receipt of the
    23     determination made by the department and the revised
    24     statement of deficiencies, the facility shall submit a plan
    25     of correction to the department.
    26         (7)  The department may not post on its Internet website
    27     or enter into the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
    28     Online Survey, Certification and Reporting System any
    29     information about deficiencies which are in dispute unless
    30     the dispute determination is made and the facility has
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     1     responded with a revised plan of correction, if needed.
     2  Section 5.  Informal dispute resolution panel.
     3     (a)  Membership.--The panel shall consist of three members
     4  who shall be separate from the Informal Dispute Resolution Unit
     5  within the Division of Nursing Care Facilities of the
     6  department. Panel members must meet the minimum surveyor
     7  qualifications, and at least one of the members must be a
     8  registered nurse. A member of the State Board of Examiners of
     9  Nursing Home Administrators shall be an ex-officio member of the
    10  panel.
    11     (b)  Qualified geriatrician.--If a deficiency under dispute
    12  involves physician decision making, the panel shall consult with
    13  a qualified geriatrician to provide information and
    14  recommendations regarding physician practice.
    15     (c)  Additional consultants.--Additional consultants,
    16  requested by the panel or the facility, may be consulted if
    17  specific expertise is needed to address deficiencies under
    18  dispute.
    19     (d)  Panel decisions.--A decision of the panel shall be
    20  forwarded to the director of the Bureau of Facility Licensure
    21  and Certification who shall notify the facility of the decision.
    22  Section 6.  Scope of informal dispute resolution review.
    23     (a)  Matters not subject to challenge.--A facility may not
    24  challenge:
    25         (1)  the scope and severity assessments of deficiencies,
    26     except for the scope and severity assessments which
    27     constitute substandard quality of care or immediate jeopardy;
    28         (2)  remedies imposed;
    29         (3)  alleged failure of a survey team to comply with a
    30     requirement of the survey process;
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     1         (4)  alleged inconsistency of the survey team in citing
     2     deficiencies among facilities; or
     3         (5)  alleged inadequacy or inaccuracy of the IDR process.
     4     (b)  Matters subject to challenge.--A facility may challenge
     5  individual findings which lead to the assessment of scope and
     6  severity.
     7  Section 7.  Data collection.
     8     The department shall collect and maintain data regarding:
     9         (1)  The number of IDR requests made on an annual basis.
    10         (2)  The number of written reviews.
    11         (3)  The number of conference calls and face-to-face
    12     meetings under section 4(b)(3)(ii).
    13         (4)  The number of requests in which no change was made.
    14         (5)  The number of requests in which a deficiency was
    15     removed.
    16         (6)  The number of requests in which a deficiency was
    17     downgraded.
    18  This information shall also be maintained per deficiency.
    19  Section 20.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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