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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4387



No. 2886 Session of 2002

           WILT, OCTOBER 2, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for a defined contribution
     3     plan for tax collectors.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Title 53 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     7  Statutes is amended by adding a part to read:
     8                              Part VI
    10                           TAX COLLECTORS
    11  Chapter
    12    61.  Preliminary Provisions
    13    63.  Establishment of Plan
    14    65.  Participation and Eligibility for Benefits
    15    67.  Administration, Funds, Accounts and General Provisions
    16                             CHAPTER 61
    17                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS

     1  Sec.
     2  6101.  Short title.
     3  6102.  Definitions.
     4  § 6101.  Short title.
     5     This part shall be known and may be cited as the Pennsylvania
     6  Tax Collectors Retirement Code.
     7  § 6102.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this part shall
     9  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "Alternate payee."  Any spouse, former spouse, child or
    12  dependent of a participant who is recognized by a domestic
    13  relations order as having a right to receive all or a portion of
    14  the moneys payable to that participant under this part.
    15     "Approved domestic relations order."  Any domestic relations
    16  order that has been approved in accordance with section 6753
    17  (relating to approval of domestic relations orders).
    18     "Beneficiary."  The person or persons last designated in
    19  writing to the board by a participant to receive payments upon
    20  the death of such participant regardless of whether such
    21  payments are as a lump sum benefit, as an annuity or a
    22  combination of both.
    23     "Board."  The Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board
    24  established pursuant to section 103 of the act of February 1,
    25  1974 (P.L.34, No.15), known as the Pennsylvania Municipal
    26  Retirement Law.
    27     "Compensation."  Payment received as a tax collector from a
    28  municipality or school district, including, but not limited to,
    29  salary, fees, per bill amounts or commissions.
    30     "Distribution."  Payment of all or any portion of a person's
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     1  interest in the Pennsylvania Tax Collectors Retirement Plan
     2  which is payable under this part.
     3     "Domestic relations order."  Any judgment, decree or order,
     4  including approval of a property settlement agreement, entered
     5  on or after the effective date of this part by a court of
     6  competent jurisdiction pursuant to a domestic relations law
     7  which relates to the marital property rights of the spouse or
     8  former spouse of a participant, including the right to receive
     9  all or a portion of the moneys payable to that participant under
    10  this part in furtherance of the equitable distribution of
    11  marital assets. The term includes order of support as defined by
    12  23 Pa.C.S. § 4302 (relating to definitions) and orders for the
    13  enforcement of arrearages as provided in 23 Pa.C.S. § 3703
    14  (relating to enforcement of arrearages).
    15     "Elected tax collector."  Any individual who is elected to
    16  the office of tax collector for any municipality within this
    17  Commonwealth, including any individual appointed to a vacancy as
    18  tax collector until an election is held to fill the office.
    19     "Fund."  The Pennsylvania Tax Collectors Retirement Fund.
    20     "IRC."  The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as designated and
    21  referred to in section 2 of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (Public
    22  Law 99-514, 100 Stat. 2085, 2095). A reference in this part to
    23  "IRC § XXX" shall be deemed to refer to the identically numbered
    24  section and subsection or other subdivision of such section in
    25  26 United States Code (relating to Internal Revenue Code).
    26  References in this part to provisions of the IRC, including
    27  administrative regulations promulgated pursuant to it, are
    28  intended to include such laws and regulations as in effect on
    29  the effective date of this part and as they may hereafter be
    30  amended or supplemented or supplanted by successor provisions.
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     1     "Irrevocable beneficiary."  The person permanently designated
     2  by a participant in writing to the Pennsylvania Municipal
     3  Retirement Board pursuant to an approved domestic relations
     4  order to receive all or a portion of the distributions payable
     5  upon the death of such participant.
     6     "Municipality."  A city, borough, town, township, county or
     7  county institution district.
     8     "Retirement plan."  The Pennsylvania Tax Collectors
     9  Retirement Plan as authorized by the provisions of this part and
    10  established by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board.
    11     "Tax collector."  Any individual who is an elected tax
    12  collector of and paid directly by any municipality or school
    13  district within this Commonwealth, excluding:
    14         (1)  Any individual who annually receives less than
    15     $12,500 in compensation as an elected tax collector, unless
    16     such individual makes an election to participate in the plan
    17     established by this part.
    18         (2)  Any individual who is employed by either a tax
    19     collector or any entity other than a municipality or school
    20     district for the collection of taxes.
    21         (3)  Any individual who has retirement coverage based on
    22     compensation earned as a tax collector in a retirement plan
    23     that is established or maintained by a municipality or school
    24     district for its employees.
    25  The Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board shall make the final
    26  determination of who is a tax collector.
    27                             CHAPTER 63
    28                       ESTABLISHMENT OF PLAN
    29  Sec.
    30  6301.  Establishment of plan.
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     1  6302.  Powers and duties of the Pennsylvania Municipal
     2                 Retirement Board.
     3  6303.  Tax qualification.
     4  § 6301.  Establishment of plan.
     5     The board may establish a qualified defined contribution plan
     6  pursuant to IRC § 401 for tax collectors. Any qualified defined
     7  contribution plan established for tax collectors shall be
     8  established by the board.
     9  § 6302.  Powers and duties of the Pennsylvania Municipal
    10             Retirement Board.
    11     In order to establish and administer a qualified defined
    12  contribution plan, the powers and duties of the board shall
    13  include, but not be limited to:
    14         (1)  Entering into written agreements with one or more
    15     financial or other organizations to administer the qualified
    16     defined contribution plan for tax collectors and to invest
    17     funds held pursuant to such plan.
    18         (2)  Promulgating rules and regulations establishing
    19     procedures arranging for a deduction from the compensation of
    20     eligible individuals of the amounts to be contributed to the
    21     retirement plan.
    22         (3)  Establishing standards or criteria for the selection
    23     by the board of financial institutions, insurance companies
    24     or other organizations which may be qualified as managers on
    25     behalf of the board of funds contributed to the plan on
    26     behalf of any participant.
    27         (4)  Establishing standards and criteria for the
    28     providing of options to participants concerning the method of
    29     investing amounts contributed under the retirement plan and
    30     of informing participants of specific options offered by
    20020H2886B4387                  - 5 -

     1     qualified managers.
     2         (5)  Establishing standards and criteria for the
     3     disclosure to eligible individuals of the anticipated and
     4     actual income attributable to such amounts, property and
     5     rights and all fees, costs and charges to be made against
     6     such amounts contributed to cover the costs of administering
     7     and managing the funds and the retirement plan.
     8         (6)  Making an annual review of any qualified fund
     9     manager for the purpose of making certain it continues to
    10     meet all standards and criteria established.
    11         (7)  Establishing procedures in the retirement plan where
    12     any tax collector may:
    13             (i)  Change investment choices on a periodic basis.
    14             (ii)  Withdraw defined contributions, subject to any
    15         investment earnings or losses and fees in cases of
    16         separation of such individual from service as a tax
    17         collector.
    18             (iii)  Dispose of a participant's account pursuant to
    19         a domestic relations order unless in conflict with the
    20         provisions of IRC § 401.
    21             (iv)  Designate one or more beneficiaries to receive
    22         benefits after his or her death.
    23  These procedures may include, but are not limited to, the
    24  method, amount and timing of distributions to participants and
    25  beneficiaries, payment of administrative expenses, payment
    26  procedures if the beneficiary designated by a participant should
    27  predecease him, or if a valid nomination of a beneficiary is not
    28  in effect at the participant's death, the establishment of life
    29  expectancy tables and interest rates to determine actuarial
    30  equivalence for the calculation and payment of distributions,
    20020H2886B4387                  - 6 -

     1  the methods and rules regarding filing documents with the board
     2  or plan, how to vest a benefit if a participant chooses not to
     3  receive a distribution immediately upon termination of tax
     4  collector service and whether to accept eligible rollovers and
     5  trustee-to-trustee transfers from other qualified plans and
     6  under what conditions.
     7  § 6303.  Tax qualification.
     8     The qualified defined contribution plan established pursuant
     9  to this part and any written agreement to administer the savings
    10  plan shall conform with IRC § 401 and any other provision of the
    11  IRC applicable to the plan and shall be administered in
    12  compliance with IRC § 401 and any other provisions of the IRC.
    13  This part shall be construed and administered in such a manner
    14  that the retirement plan will satisfy the requirements to
    15  qualify as a qualified pension plan under the IRC.
    16                             CHAPTER 65
    18  Sec.
    19  6501.  Mandatory participation.
    20  6502.  Mandatory contributions.
    21  6503.  Eligibility for distributions.
    22  6504.  Eligibility for vesting.
    23  6505.  Payments under other laws.
    24  § 6501.  Mandatory participation.
    25     Participation in the retirement plan shall be mandatory on
    26  the effective date of this part for all tax collectors.
    27  § 6502.  Mandatory contributions.
    28     Tax collectors shall contribute to the plan 7.5% of their
    29  compensation as a tax collector through mandatory payroll
    30  deductions which the municipality or school district shall make
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     1  to the plan on behalf of the tax collector. The contributions
     2  shall be considered tax deferred contributions which shall be
     3  picked up by the municipality or school district in accordance
     4  with IRC § 414(h).
     5  § 6503.  Eligibility for distributions.
     6     Any tax collector participating in the retirement plan who
     7  terminates tax collector service shall be entitled to receive
     8  distributions as set forth in the retirement plan.
     9  § 6504.  Eligibility for vesting.
    10     Participants in the retirement plan shall immediately be
    11  vested in any funds credited to their account as set forth in
    12  the retirement plan.
    13  § 6505.  Payments under other laws.
    14     No payment provided for in this part shall be reduced on
    15  account of any other benefits, now or hereafter provided for,
    16  under any workmen's compensation law or any other law, except as
    17  otherwise herein provided.
    18                             CHAPTER 67
    20                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    21                            SUBCHAPTER A
    22                           ADMINISTRATION
    23  Sec.
    24  6701.  The Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board.
    25  6702.  Administrative duties of board.
    26  6703.  Duties of municipalities and school districts.
    27  6704.  Management of fund and accounts.
    28  § 6701.  The Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board.
    29     (a)  Oath of office.--The board shall take an oath of office
    30  in addition to the oath taken pursuant to section 103 of the act
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     1  of February 1, 1974 (P.L.34, No.15), known as the Pennsylvania
     2  Municipal Retirement Law, which shall include that he will
     3  diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the board
     4  regarding the administration of the retirement plan and that he
     5  will not knowingly violate or willfully permit the violation of
     6  any of the provisions of law applicable to this part.
     7     (b)  Corporate power and legal advisor.--For purposes of this
     8  part, the board shall possess the power and privileges of a
     9  corporation. The General Counsel of the Commonwealth shall be
    10  the legal advisor of the board in its establishment and
    11  administration of the retirement plan.
    12  § 6702.  Administrative duties of board.
    13     (a)  Employees.--The secretary and other officers and
    14  employees of the board shall have, in addition to the powers and
    15  authority granted to them under this title and other laws the
    16  same powers and authority as necessary to administer this part
    17  and the retirement plan established pursuant to it.
    18     (b)  Professional personnel.--The board may contract for the
    19  services of an actuary, investment advisors, consultants and any
    20  other professional personnel it deems advisable.
    21     (c)  Records.--The board shall keep a record of all its
    22  proceedings under this part which shall be open to inspection by
    23  the public.
    24     (d)  Functions.--The board shall perform any other functions
    25  as are required for the execution of the provisions of this
    26  part.
    27     (e)  Performance of duties of municipalities and school
    28  districts.--In the event the municipality or school district
    29  fails to comply with the procedures as mandated in section 6703
    30  (relating to duties of municipalities and school districts), the
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     1  board shall perform the duties and charge the municipality or
     2  school district for the cost of the performance.
     3  § 6703.  Duties of municipalities and school districts.
     4     (a)  Status of participants.--The municipality or school
     5  district shall, at the end of each pay period, notify the board
     6  or its designee of the date of all removals from the payroll and
     7  the reasons for doing so.
     8     (b)  Records and information.--At any time at the request of
     9  the board and at termination of service of a participant, the
    10  municipality or school district shall furnish such information
    11  as the board may require and shall maintain and preserve such
    12  records as the board may direct for the expeditious discharge of
    13  its duties.
    14  § 6704.  Management of fund and accounts.
    15     (a)  Control and management of fund.--The members of the
    16  board shall be the trustees of the retirement plan and fund. All
    17  assets and income which have been or shall be withheld by the
    18  municipality or school district in accordance with this section
    19  shall be held in trust in any funding vehicle permitted by IRC §
    20  401 for the exclusive benefit of the retirement plan
    21  participants and their beneficiaries until such time as the
    22  funds are distributed to the participant or his beneficiary. All
    23  assets and income shall be held in trust pursuant to this
    24  subsection in a special fund created within the State Treasury
    25  named the Pennsylvania Tax Collectors Retirement Fund of which
    26  the State Treasurer shall be custodian. The defined contribution
    27  plan shall exist separate from the Pennsylvania Municipal
    28  Retirement Fund.
    29     (b)  Timely investments.--Investment of defined contributions
    30  funds by any corporation, institution, insurance company or
    20020H2886B4387                 - 10 -

     1  custodial bank which the board has approved shall not be
     2  unreasonably delayed and in no case shall the investment of
     3  contributions be delayed more than 30 days from the date of
     4  payroll deduction. Any interest earned on such funds pending
     5  investment shall be allocated to the fund and credited to the
     6  accounts of the tax collectors who are then participating in the
     7  retirement plan unless such interest is used to defray
     8  administrative costs and fees which would otherwise be required
     9  to be borne by the tax collectors who are then participating in
    10  the retirement plan.
    11     (c)  Payments from fund.--All payments from the fund shall be
    12  made by the State Treasurer in accordance with requisitions
    13  signed by the secretary of the board or his designee.
    14     (d)  Fiduciary status of board.--The members, employees and
    15  agents of the board shall stand in a fiduciary relationship to
    16  the participants of the retirement plan regarding the
    17  investments and disbursements of any of the moneys of the fund
    18  and shall not profit either directly or indirectly with respect
    19  thereto.
    20     (e)  Name for transacting business.--The business of the
    21  retirement plan shall be transacted, its fund invested, all
    22  requisitions for money drawn and payments made and all of its
    23  cash and securities and other property shall be held in the name
    24  of the Pennsylvania Tax Collectors Retirement Fund. Except that
    25  notwithstanding any other law, the board may establish a nominee
    26  registration procedure for the purpose of registering securities
    27  in order to facilitate the purchase, sale or other disposition
    28  of securities pursuant to the provisions of this part.
    29     (f)  Legislative declaration concerning certain authorized
    30  investments.--The General Assembly finds and declares that
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     1  authorized investments of the fund made by or on behalf of the
     2  board under this section wherein the board becomes a joint owner
     3  or stockholder in any company, corporation or association are
     4  outside the scope of the original intent and therefore do not
     5  violate the prohibition set forth in section 8 of Article VIII
     6  of the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
     7                            SUBCHAPTER E
     8                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
     9  Sec.
    10  6751.  No Commonwealth guarantee.
    11  6752.  Taxation, attachment and assignment of funds.
    12  6753.  Approval of domestic relations orders.
    13  6754.  Irrevocable beneficiary.
    14  6755.  Amendment of approved domestic relations orders.
    15  6756.  Fraud and adjustment of errors.
    16  6757.  Construction of part.
    17  6758.  Provisions severable.
    18  § 6751.  No Commonwealth guarantee.
    19     Neither the Commonwealth nor the board shall be responsible
    20  for any investment loss incurred in the retirement plan or for
    21  the failure of any investment to earn any specific or expected
    22  return or to earn as much as any other investment opportunity,
    23  whether or not such other investment opportunity was offered to
    24  participants in the retirement plan.
    25  § 6752.  Taxation, attachment and assignment of funds.
    26     (a)  General rule.--
    27         (1)  The trust established for tax collectors is declared
    28     to be a spendthrift trust. Except as provided in paragraphs
    29     (2) and (3), the right of a person to any benefit or right
    30     accrued or accruing under the provisions of this part and the
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     1     moneys in the fund are hereby exempt from any State or
     2     municipal tax, execution or levy and sale, garnishment,
     3     attachment, alienation, transfer, anticipation, mortgage,
     4     pledge, hypothecation, commutation, spouse's election or any
     5     other process and shall be unassignable except to the
     6     municipality or school district in the case of a participant
     7     who is terminating tax collector service and has been
     8     determined to be obligated to the municipality or school
     9     district for the repayment of money owed on account of the
    10     participant's employment. No amounts contributed by the
    11     municipality or school district to the savings plan shall
    12     constitute taxable income for purposes of the act of March 4,
    13     1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, nor
    14     shall it constitute taxable income for State and local earned
    15     income tax purposes.
    16         (2)  Rights under this part shall be subject to
    17     attachment in favor of an alternate payee as set forth in an
    18     approved domestic relations order.
    19         (3)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, a
    20     distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner
    21     prescribed by the board, to have any portion of an eligible
    22     rollover distribution paid directly to an eligible retirement
    23     plan by way of a direct rollover. For purposes of this
    24     paragraph, a "distributee" includes a participant and a
    25     participant's surviving spouse and a participant's former
    26     spouse who is an alternate payee under an approved domestic
    27     relations order. For purposes of this paragraph, the term
    28     "eligible rollover distribution" has the meaning given it by
    29     IRC § 402(f)(2)(A) and "eligible retirement plan" has the
    30     meaning given it by IRC § 402(c)(8)(B) except that a
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     1     qualified trust shall be considered an eligible retirement
     2     plan only if it accepts the distributee's eligible rollover
     3     distribution; however, in the case of an eligible rollover
     4     distribution to a surviving spouse, an eligible retirement
     5     plan shall be an "individual retirement account" or an
     6     "individual retirement annuity" as those terms are defined in
     7     IRC § 408(a) and (b).
     8  § 6753.  Approval of domestic relations orders.
     9     (a)  Certification.--A domestic relations order shall be
    10  certified as an approved domestic relations order by the
    11  secretary of the board, or his designated representative only if
    12  that order meets all of the following:
    13         (1)  Requires the retirement plan to provide any type or
    14     form of benefit or any option already provided under the
    15     retirement plan.
    16         (2)  Requires the retirement plan to provide no more than
    17     the total amount of benefits than the participant would
    18     otherwise receive as set forth in the retirement plan.
    19         (3)  Specifies the amount or percentage of the
    20     participant's distribution to be paid by the savings plan to
    21     each such alternate payee or the manner in which such amount
    22     or percentage is to be determined.
    23         (4)  Specifies the name and last known mailing address,
    24     if any, of the participant and the name and last known
    25     mailing address of each alternate payee covered by the order
    26     and states that it is the responsibility of each alternate
    27     payee to keep a current mailing address on file with the
    28     savings plan.
    29         (5)  Does not grant an alternate payee any of the rights,
    30     options or privileges of a participant under this part or in
    20020H2886B4387                 - 14 -

     1     the retirement plan except as provided in the retirement
     2     plan.
     3         (6)  Requires the participant to execute an authorization
     4     allowing each alternate payee to monitor the member's
     5     compliance with the terms of the domestic relations order
     6     through access to information concerning the member
     7     maintained by the system.
     8     (b)  Determination by secretary.--Within a reasonable period
     9  after receipt of a domestic relations order, the secretary of
    10  the board or his designated representative shall determine
    11  whether this order is an approved domestic relations order and
    12  notify the participant and each alternate payee of this
    13  determination. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
    14  exclusive remedy of any participant or alternate payee aggrieved
    15  by a decision of the secretary of the board or his designated
    16  representative shall be the right to an adjudication by the
    17  board pursuant to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice
    18  and procedure) with appeal to the Commonwealth Court pursuant to
    19  2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to judicial review) and 42 Pa.C.S. §
    20  763(a)(1) (relating to direct appeals from government agencies).
    21     (c)  Other orders.--The requirements for approval identified
    22  in subsection (a) shall not apply to any domestic relations
    23  order which is an order for support as defined pursuant to 23
    24  Pa.C.S. § 4302 (relating to definitions) or an order for the
    25  enforcement of arrearages as provided for in 23 Pa.C.S. § 3703
    26  (relating to enforcement of arrearages). These orders shall be
    27  approved to the extent that they do not attach moneys in excess
    28  of the limits on attachments as established by the laws of the
    29  United States and this Commonwealth.
    30     (d)  Authority of courts.--No court or other tribunal having
    20020H2886B4387                 - 15 -

     1  jurisdiction over the equitable distribution of marital property
     2  of a participant may enter a domestic relations order that
     3  provides for the distribution of a participant's account in the
     4  retirement plan in a way that violates the terms and conditions
     5  of the retirement plan as established by this part and the board
     6  or requires any action or distribution that would be a violation
     7  of the terms and conditions the retirement plan is required to
     8  satisfy to be qualified under the IRC.
     9     (e)  Obligation discharged.--Only the requirements of this
    10  part and any regulations promulgated pursuant to it shall be
    11  used to govern the approval or disapproval of a domestic
    12  relations order. If the secretary of the board or his designated
    13  representative acts in accordance with the provisions of this
    14  part or any promulgated regulations in approving or disapproving
    15  a domestic relations order, the obligations of the system with
    16  respect to such approval or disapproval shall be discharged.
    17  § 6754.  Irrevocable beneficiary.
    18     Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, a domestic
    19  relations order may provide for an irrevocable beneficiary. A
    20  domestic relations order requiring the nomination of an
    21  irrevocable beneficiary shall be deemed to be one that requires
    22  a member to nominate an alternate payee as a beneficiary and
    23  that prohibits the removal or change of that beneficiary without
    24  approval of a court of competent jurisdiction except by
    25  operation of law. A domestic relations order may be certified as
    26  an approved domestic relations order by the secretary of the
    27  board or his designated representative after the member makes
    28  such nomination; in which case the irrevocable beneficiary so
    29  ordered by the court cannot be changed by the member without
    30  approval by the court. A person ineligible to be designated as a
    20020H2886B4387                 - 16 -

     1  beneficiary cannot be designated as an irrevocable beneficiary.
     2  § 6755.  Amendment of approved domestic relations orders.
     3     (a)  Deceased alternate payee.--In the event that the
     4  alternate payee predeceases the participant and there are
     5  benefits payable to the alternate payee, the divorce court may
     6  amend the approved domestic relations order to substitute a
     7  person for the deceased alternate payee to receive any benefits
     8  payable to the deceased alternate payee.
     9     (b)  Recertification of amended order.--If a divorce court
    10  amends the approved domestic relations order for any reason, the
    11  amended order must be submitted for recertification as an
    12  approved domestic relations order pursuant to this part.
    13  § 6756.  Fraud and adjustment of errors.
    14     (a)  Penalty for fraud.--Any person who knowingly makes any
    15  false statement or falsifies or permits to be falsified any
    16  record of the plan in an attempt to defraud the plan commits a
    17  misdemeanor of the second degree.
    18     (b)  Adjustment of errors.--Should any change or mistake in
    19  records result in any participant, beneficiary or alternate
    20  payee receiving from the retirement plan more or less than he
    21  would have been entitled to receive had the records been
    22  correct, regardless of the intentional or unintentional nature
    23  of the error and upon the discovery of the error, the board
    24  shall correct the error and so far as practicable shall adjust
    25  the payments which may be made for and to such person in a
    26  manner that the actuarial equivalent of the benefit to which he
    27  was correctly entitled shall be paid as set forth in the
    28  retirement plan.
    29  § 6757.  Construction of part.
    30     (a)  Exclusive source of benefits.--Notwithstanding any other
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     1  provision of law, pension rights of tax collectors shall be
     2  determined solely by this part and no agreement between a tax
     3  collector and a municipality or school district shall be
     4  construed to change any of the provisions of this part to
     5  require the board to administer pension or retirement benefits
     6  not contained in this part or otherwise require action by any
     7  other government body pertaining to pension or retirement
     8  benefits or rights of tax collectors.
     9     (b)  No contractual right to continuation.--Notwithstanding
    10  any other provision of law, the General Assembly specifically
    11  reserves to itself the right to change, alter, reduce or
    12  eliminate any provision of this part or benefits provided
    13  hereunder, including, but not limited to, reducing or
    14  eliminating future contribution to the retirement plan, and
    15  further grants the board the right and authority to change,
    16  alter, reduce or eliminate any provisions of the retirement
    17  plan, including, but not limited to, fees charged and investment
    18  vehicles offered, provided however, that fees shall not be
    19  increased or decreased retroactively and contributions made
    20  shall not be increased or decreased retroactively.
    21  § 6758.  Provisions severable.
    22     The provisions of this part are severable to the extent that
    23  if any of its provisions are held to be legally or
    24  unconstitutionally impermissible as applied to any tax
    25  collector, the decision of the court shall not affect or impair
    26  the application the provisions of this part to other tax
    27  collectors.
    28     Section 2.  No contributions shall be made on behalf of any
    29  tax collector until such time as the board has established a
    30  defined contribution retirement plan pursuant to this part and
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     1  has started accepting contributions to the retirement plan.
     2     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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