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same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 2799                      PRINTER'S NO. 4328



No. 2126 Session of 1989

           J. TAYLOR, NOVEMBER 29, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for collective
     6     bargaining for school administrators IN SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF    <--
     7     THE FIRST CLASS.

     8     The General Assembly declares that it is the public policy of
     9  this Commonwealth and the purpose of this act to promote
    10  orderly, constructive and harmonious relationships between each
    11  school district OF THE FIRST CLASS and its school administrator   <--
    12  employees, subject, however, to the paramount right of the
    13  citizens of this Commonwealth to keep inviolate the guarantees
    14  for their health, safety and welfare and to the duty and
    15  responsibility of the boards of public education of school
    16  districts OF THE FIRST CLASS to provide an appropriate education  <--
    17  to the children of their districts. Unresolved disputes between
    18  boards of public education of school districts OF THE FIRST       <--
    19  CLASS and their employees charged with managing, supervising and

     1  administering the educational programs may be injurious to the
     2  public and pupils. The delineation of the responsibilities, the
     3  clarification of the administrative roles and the facilitation
     4  of communications are vital to the functioning of the
     5  educational system. Recognizing that continuing harmonious
     6  relationships between school districts OF THE FIRST CLASS and     <--
     7  their management, supervisory and administrative employees are
     8  essential to the educational process, the General Assembly has
     9  determined that the overall policy may best be accomplished by
    10  requiring school districts OF THE FIRST CLASS to negotiate and    <--
    11  bargain with employee organizations representing their
    12  management, supervisory and administrative employees and to
    13  enter into written agreements evidencing the result of such
    14  bargaining.
    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    18  as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding a
    19  section to read:
    20     Section 2134.  Collective Bargaining.--(a)  Upon the written
    21  request of an employe organization, the appropriate
    22  representatives of the board of public education of a school
    23  district OF THE FIRST CLASS shall be required to enter into       <--
    24  collective bargaining with representatives of the school
    25  administrator's employe organization for the purpose of reaching
    26  agreement upon all questions concerning wages, hours and other
    27  terms and conditions of employment. Any agreement reached as a
    28  result of such collective bargaining shall contain, but shall
    29  not be limited to, provisions concerning school administrators'
    30  salaries and fringe benefits and a procedure for the resolution
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     1  of grievances which shall contain provisions for final, binding
     2  arbitration of disputes or grievances arising out of the
     3  interpretation of the provisions of the collective bargaining
     4  agreement. The procedure to be adopted is a proper subject of
     5  bargaining.
     6     (b)  Once an agreement is reached between a school district
     7  OF THE FIRST CLASS and the school administrator's employe         <--
     8  organization, the agreement shall be reduced to writing and
     9  signed by the parties. Any provisions of the contract requiring
    10  legislative action will be effective only if such legislation is
    11  enacted. Such agreement shall continue in effect until the time
    12  specified in the agreement, but in no event for less than one
    13  school year.
    14     (c)  (1)  If in any case where the collective bargaining
    15  process reaches an impasse and stalemate with the result that
    16  said school district OF THE FIRST CLASS and the school            <--
    17  administrators' organization are unable to effect a settlement,
    18  then either party to the dispute, after written notice to the
    19  other party containing specifications of the issue or issues in
    20  dispute, may request the appointment of a board of arbitration.
    21  An impasse or stalemate shall be deemed to occur in the
    22  collective bargaining process if the parties do not reach a
    23  settlement of the issue or issues in dispute by way of a written
    24  agreement within six months after collective bargaining
    25  proceedings have been initiated.
    26     (2)  The board of arbitration shall be composed of three
    27  persons, one appointed by the board of public education, one
    28  appointed by the employe representative and a third member to be
    29  agreed upon by the board of public education and employe
    30  representative. The members of the board representing the board
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     1  of public education and the employe representative shall be
     2  named within five days from the date of the request for the
     3  appointment of such board. If, after a period of ten days from
     4  the date of the appointment of the two arbitrators appointed by
     5  the board of public education and by the employe representative,
     6  the third arbitrator has not been selected by them, then either
     7  arbitrator may request the American Arbitration Association, or
     8  its successor in function, to furnish a list of three members of
     9  said association who are residents of this Commonwealth from
    10  which the third arbitrator shall be selected. The arbitrator
    11  appointed by the board of public education shall eliminate one
    12  name from the list within five days after publication of the
    13  list, following which the arbitrator appointed by the employe
    14  representative shall eliminate one name from the list within
    15  five days thereafter. The individual whose name remains on the
    16  list shall be the third arbitrator and shall act as chairman of
    17  the board of arbitration. The board of arbitration thus
    18  established shall commence the arbitration proceedings within
    19  ten days after the third arbitrator is selected and shall make
    20  its determination within thirty days after the appointment of
    21  the third arbitrator.
    22     (3)  The determination of the majority of the board of
    23  arbitration thus established shall be final on the issue or
    24  issues in dispute and shall be binding upon the board of public
    25  education and the employe representative. Such determination
    26  shall be in writing and a copy thereof shall be forwarded to
    27  both parties to the dispute. No appeal therefrom shall be
    28  allowed to any court. Such determination shall constitute a
    29  mandate to the board of public education to take the action
    30  necessary to carry out the determination of the board of
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     1  arbitration.
     2     (4)  With respect to matters which require legislative action
     3  by the board of public education for implementation, such action
     4  shall be taken within one month following publication of the
     5  findings. The effective date of any such action shall be the
     6  first day of the fiscal year following the fiscal year during
     7  which the action is thus taken.
     8     (5)  The compensation, if any, of the arbitrator appointed by
     9  the employe representative shall be paid by them. The
    10  compensation of the other two arbitrators, as well as all
    11  stenographic and other expenses incurred by the arbitration
    12  panel in connection with the arbitration proceedings, shall be
    13  paid by the board of public education.
    14     (d)  School administrators shall continue to be subject to
    15  the prohibition against strikes contained in the act of June 30,
    16  1947 (P.L.1183, No.492), referred to as the Public Employe Anti-
    17  Strike Law.
    18     (e)  The following words, when used in this section, shall
    19  have the following meaning, except where the context clearly
    20  indicates or requires a different meaning:
    21     "Collective bargaining," "bargain" and "negotiate" shall mean
    22  the performance of the mutual obligation of school districts and
    23  the employe representative to meet at reasonable times and
    24  confer in good faith with respect to wages, hours and other
    25  terms and conditions of employment, or the negotiation of an
    26  agreement or any question arising thereunder and the execution
    27  of a written contract incorporating any agreement reached, but
    28  such obligation does not compel either party to agree to a
    29  proposal or require the making of a concession, but shall not
    30  include a requirement to bargain over matters of inherent
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     1  managerial policy nor the implementation of any provision which
     2  would be in violation of, or inconsistent with, or in conflict
     3  with, any statute or statutes of the Commonwealth, excluding,
     4  however, section 704 of the act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563,
     5  No.195), known as the "Public Employe Relations Act."
     6     "Employe organization" shall mean an organization or any
     7  agency or employe representation committee or plan in which
     8  membership is limited to school administrators and which exists
     9  for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with school
    10  districts concerning grievances, employe-employer disputes,
    11  wages, hours of employment or conditions of work, but shall not
    12  include any organization which practices discrimination in
    13  membership because of race, color, creed, national origin or
    14  political affiliation.
    15     "School administrator" shall mean all supervisory and
    16  administrative employes of a school district below the rank of
    17  superintendent, district superintendent, executive director,
    18  associate superintendent, assistant superintendent or assistant
    19  executive director, but including the rank of first level
    20  supervisor, who, by virtue of assigned duties, is in or is
    21  eligible to be in a "meet and discuss unit" as defined and
    22  created under the act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195), known
    23  as the "Public Employe Relations Act," and all other employes
    24  except those specified in this definition. The term shall not
    25  include those in or eligible to be in a rank and file unit of
    26  public employes as created under the aforesaid "Public Employe
    27  Relations Act," or any employe who has the duties and
    28  responsibilities of a personnel director.
    29     Section 2.  The act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195), known
    30  as the Public Employe Relations Act, is repealed insofar as it
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     1  is inconsistent with the provisions of this act.
     2     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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