No. 2446 Session of 1988

           LASHINGER, MAY 9, 1988


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 26, 1975 (P.L.438, No.124),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act establishing child protective
     3     services; providing procedures for reporting and
     4     investigating the abuse of children; establishing and
     5     providing access to a Statewide central register and pending
     6     complaint file on child abuse; investigating such reports;
     7     providing for taking protective action including taking a
     8     child into protective custody; placing duties on the
     9     Department of Public Welfare and county children and youth
    10     social service agencies; establishing child protective
    11     services in each county children and youth social service
    12     agency; and providing penalties," defining neglect; further
    13     defining child abuse and sexual abuse; further providing for
    14     recordkeeping duties of the department and for duties of
    15     child protective services concerning reports of abuse; and
    16     providing for training and certification of caseworkers and
    17     for positive parenting courses and for funding thereof.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  The definitions of "child abuse" and "sexual
    21  abuse" in section 3 of the act of November 26, 1975 (P.L.438,
    22  No.124), known as the Child Protective Services Law, amended
    23  June 10, 1982 (P.L.460, No.136), are amended and the section is
    24  amended by adding a definition to read:

     1     Section 3.  Definitions.--As used in this act:
     2     "Child abuse" means serious physical or mental injury which
     3  is not explained by the available medical history as being
     4  accidental, or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation, or serious
     5  physical neglect, of a child under 18 years of age, [if]
     6  regardless of whether the injury, abuse or neglect has been
     7  caused by the acts or omissions of the child's parents or by a
     8  person responsible for the child's welfare, or any individual
     9  residing in the same home as the child, or a paramour of a
    10  child's parent or any other person, provided, however, no child
    11  shall be deemed to be physically or mentally abused for the sole
    12  reason he is in good faith being furnished treatment by
    13  spiritual means through prayer alone in accordance with the
    14  tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious
    15  denomination by a duly accredited practitioner thereof or is not
    16  provided specified medical treatment in the practice of
    17  religious beliefs, or solely on the grounds of environmental
    18  factors which are beyond the control of the person responsible
    19  for the child's welfare such as inadequate housing, furnishings,
    20  income, clothing and medical care.
    21     * * *
    22     "Neglect" includes failure to provide medical care or proper
    23  nutrition.
    24     * * *
    25     "Sexual abuse" [means] includes the obscene or pornographic
    26  photographing, filming or depiction of children for commercial
    27  purposes, or the rape, molestation, incest, prostitution, or
    28  other such forms of sexual exploitation of children under
    29  circumstances which indicate that the child's health or welfare
    30  is harmed or threatened thereby, as determined in accordance
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     1  with regulations prescribed by the secretary.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 2.  Section 14(i) of the act, amended July 1, 1985
     4  (P.L.124, No.33), is amended to read:
     5     Section 14.  Record Keeping Duties of the Department.--* * *
     6     (i)  The Statewide central register shall include and shall
     7  be limited to the following information: the names, social
     8  security numbers, age and sex of the subjects of the reports;
     9  the date or dates and the nature and extent of the alleged
    10  instances of suspected child abuse; the home addresses of
    11  subjects of the report; the county in which the suspected abuse
    12  occurred; family composition; the name and relationship, if any,
    13  to the abused child of the person or persons responsible for
    14  causing the abuse; the source of the report; services planned or
    15  provided; whether the report is a founded report, an indicated
    16  report; and the progress of any legal proceedings brought on the
    17  basis of the report of suspected child abuse.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 3.  Section 16 of the act is amended by adding a
    20  subsection to read:
    21     Section 16.  Child Protective Service Responsibilities and
    22  Organization; Local Plan.--* * *
    23     (f)  The department shall establish a program to train and
    24  certify children and youth caseworkers. Only certified children
    25  and youth caseworkers shall be employed as caseworkers to carry
    26  out the provisions of this act.
    27     Section 4.  Section 17(4) of the act is amended to read:
    28     Section 17.  Duties of the Child Protective Service
    29  Concerning Reports of Abuse.--Each child protective service
    30  shall:
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     1     * * *
     2     (4)  Upon receipt of each report of suspected child abuse,
     3  commence [within 24 hours,] an appropriate investigation which
     4  shall include a visit to the home of the child or children
     5  within 24 hours and a determination of the risk to such child or
     6  children if they continue to remain in the existing home
     7  environment, as well as a determination of the nature, extent,
     8  and cause of any condition enumerated in such report, and, after
     9  seeing to the safety of the child or children, forthwith notify
    10  the subjects of the report in writing, of the existence of the
    11  report and their rights pursuant to this act in regard to
    12  amendment or expungement. The investigation shall be completed
    13  within 30 days.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 5.  Section 18 of the act, amended June 10, 1982
    16  (P.L.460, No.136), is amended to read:
    17     Section 18.  Cooperation of Other Agencies.--(a)  The
    18  secretary may request and shall receive from departments,
    19  boards, bureaus, or other agencies of the Commonwealth, or any
    20  of its political subdivisions, or any duly authorized agency, or
    21  any other agency providing services under the local child
    22  protective services plan such assistance and data as will enable
    23  the department and the child protective services to fulfill
    24  their responsibilities properly, including law enforcement
    25  personnel when assistance is needed in conducting an
    26  investigation of alleged child abuse. School districts shall
    27  cooperate with the department and the agency by providing them
    28  upon request with such information as is consistent with law.
    29     (b)  In cooperation with the Department of Education, the
    30  department shall develop and implement courses in positive
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     1  parenting in schools and social service agencies. The courses
     2  shall stress general health, nutrition and developmental
     3  information for new families.
     4     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     5     Section 24.1.  Voluntary Contribution System.--(a)  The
     6  Department of Revenue shall provide a space on the face of the
     7  Pennsylvania individual income tax return form whereby an
     8  individual may voluntarily designate a contribution of any
     9  amount desired to the Child Abuse Prevention Fund, which is
    10  hereby created in the General Fund. The fund shall be used
    11  exclusively for the prevention of child abuse, including, but
    12  not limited to, the funding of salaries of certified children
    13  and youth caseworkers.
    14     (b)  The amount so designated by an individual on the income
    15  tax return form shall be deducted from the tax refund to which
    16  such individual is entitled and shall not constitute a charge
    17  against the income tax revenues due the Commonwealth.
    18     (c)  The Department of Revenue shall determine annually the
    19  total amount designated pursuant to this section and shall
    20  report such amount to the State Treasurer, who shall transfer
    21  such amount from the General Fund to the Child Abuse Prevention
    22  Fund. The Department of Revenue shall be reimbursed from the
    23  fund for any administrative costs incurred above and beyond the
    24  cost savings it realizes as a result of individual total refund
    25  designations.
    26     (d)  The Department of Revenue shall provide adequate
    27  information concerning the Child Abuse Prevention Fund in its
    28  instructions which accompany State income tax return forms,
    29  which shall include the listing of an address, furnished to it
    30  by the department, to which contributions may be sent by those
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     1  taxpayers wishing to contribute to the fund but who do not
     2  receive refunds.
     3     (e)  This section shall apply to taxable years beginning on
     4  or after January 1, 1989.
     5     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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