No. 289 Session of 1981



                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring item pricing to appear on certain consumer
     2     commodities; imposing powers and duties on the Bureau of
     3     Consumer Protection and providing penalties.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Item Pricing
     8  Law."
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    12  meanings given to them in this section:
    13     "Automatic checkout system."  An electronic device, computer
    14  or machine which determines the price of a consumer item by
    15  using a product identity code and shall include an automated
    16  optical scanner.
    17     "Consumer commodity."  Any food, drug, device or cosmetic and
    18  other article, product or commodity of any other kind or class,

     1  which are customarily produced for sale to retail agencies or
     2  instrumentalities for consumption by individuals, for use by
     3  individuals for personal care or in the performances of services
     4  ordinarily rendered in or around the household and which are
     5  usually consumed in the course of such consumption or use. The
     6  term "consumer commodity" shall not be construed to include the
     7  shelf, carton or crate in which the commodities were received at
     8  the retail establishment.
     9     "Sale at retail."  The transfer of an interest in a consumer
    10  item by a person regularly and principally engaged in the
    11  business of selling consumer commodities to a buyer for use or
    12  consumption and not for resale.
    13     "Total price."  The full purchase price of the consumer
    14  commodity without regards to units of weight, measure or count,
    15  excluding sales tax and container deposit.
    16  Section 3.  Item price marking.
    17     The total price of consumer commodities offered for sale at
    18  retail shall be clearly, conspicuously and plainly displayed in
    19  arabic numerals, so as to be readable and understandable by
    20  visual inspection and shall be stamped upon or affixed directly
    21  upon each individual consumer commodity as close as possible to
    22  the product identity code. If a consumer commodity is canned,
    23  bottled, boxed or bagged, but sold in quantities of more than
    24  one in the containers in which the product came from the
    25  manufacturer or distributor, the price may be marked on the
    26  outer containers rather than on each individual items; such
    27  items could include single pieces of bubble gum, penny candy,
    28  single cigars and similar items but not to the distortion of the
    29  basic intended protection of this proposal to the consumer.
    30  Section 4.  Exceptions.
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     1     The provisions of this act shall not apply to:
     2         (1)  Consumer commodities subject to the packaging or
     3     labeling requirements of the Federal Alcohol Administration
     4     or to any pricing requirements by Federal law.
     5         (2)  An item of goods offered for sale through a vending
     6     machine.
     7         (3)  An item of goods sold only by prescription.
     8         (4)  Prepared foods intended for immediate consumption
     9     such as fast food restaurants and like establishments.
    10         (5)  A consumer item purchased by mail through a catalog
    11     order, or which is not otherwise visible for inspection by
    12     the consumer at the time of the sale and which is ordered or
    13     requested by the consumer, if the price of the item is on the
    14     consumer's written order or request, or on a bill, invoice,
    15     or other notice which describes or names the item and which
    16     is enclosed with the item.
    17         (6)  Live animals.
    18         (7)  Greeting cards sold individually which have a
    19     readable coded price on the back of the card.
    20         (8)  Magazines sold with a sale price visually printed on
    21     the cover at the time of printing.
    22         (9)  Merchandise ordered as a gift by a consumer which is
    23     sent by mail or other delivery service to a person other than
    24     the consumer by the retailer at the request of the consumer.
    25  Section 5.  Evidence of violation.
    26     (a)  It shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this
    27  act if any retailer using an automatic checkout system or
    28  magnetic scanning of the Universal Product Code system for
    29  checkout fails to comply with section 2.
    30     (b)  It shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of
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     1  section 2 if a price charged or attempted to be charged as a
     2  result of electronic identification or calculation by an
     3  automatic checkout system exceeds the price required to be
     4  indicated pursuant to section 2.
     5     (c)  Each violation with respect to a particular consumer
     6  commodity on any single day shall be deemed a separate offense.
     7  Section 6.  Remedies.
     8     Any person who violates any provisions of this act commits a
     9  summary offense and shall upon conviction be fined not more than
    10  $100 for the first offense nor more than $500 for each
    11  subsequent offense. Each violation with respect to a particular
    12  consumer commodity on any single day shall be deemed a separate
    13  offense.
    14  Section 7.  Rules and regulations.
    15     The Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection in the
    16  Office of Attorney General shall promulgate such rules and
    17  regulations as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this
    18  act.
    19  Section 8.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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