No. 1469 Session of 1977

           AND RENWICK, JULY 11, 1977


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, adding provisions relating to
     3     sentencing.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 907 of Title 18, act of November 25, 1970
     7  (P.L.707, No.230), known as the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     8  Statutes, is amended to read:
     9  § 907.  Possessing instruments of crime.
    10     * * *
    11     (d)  Possession of a weapon during the commission of certain
    12  offenses.--A person commits a felony of the second degree, for
    13  which the minimum sentence must be no less than one-half the
    14  maximum sentence provided by law for a felony of the second
    15  degree, if he possesses a weapon while engaged in or an
    16  accomplice to the commission of, an attempt to commit, or flight
    17  after committing murder, robbery, rape, or deviate sexual
    18  intercourse by force or threat of force, burglary, criminal

     1  trespass in a building or occupied structure, kidnapping, or
     2  riot.
     3     Section 2.  Title 18 is amended by adding a section to read:
     4  § 1107.  Sentence for persons who commit crimes when armed
     5           with weapons.
     6     (a)  Sentence upon first conviction.--A person who is
     7  convicted of any crime when armed with a weapon, shall in
     8  addition to the punishment provided for such crime be sentenced
     9  to a consecutive term of imprisonment which shall be not less
    10  than one year and not more than two years.
    11     (b)  Sentence upon second conviction.--Any person who after
    12  having been convicted within or without this Commonwealth of any
    13  crime when armed with a weapon shall, upon conviction of such
    14  crime for a second offense, in addition to the punishment
    15  provided for such crime, be sentenced to a consecutive term of
    16  imprisonment which shall be not less than three years and not
    17  more than 15 years.
    18     (c)  Sentence upon third conviction.--Any person who after
    19  having been convicted within or without this Commonwealth of any
    20  crime when armed with a weapon shall, upon conviction of such
    21  crime for a third offense, in addition to the punishment
    22  provided for such crime, be sentenced to a consecutive term of
    23  imprisonment which shall be not less than five years and not
    24  more than 20 years.
    25     (d)  Sentence upon fourth conviction.--Any person who after
    26  having been convicted within or without this Commonwealth of any
    27  crime when armed with a weapon shall, upon conviction of such
    28  crime for a fourth offense, in addition to the punishment
    29  provided for such crime, be sentenced to a consecutive term of
    30  imprisonment which shall be not less than ten years and not more
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     1  than his natural life.
     2     (e)  Accusation of previous convictions; procedure.--If at
     3  any time before trial or plea, it shall appear that the accused
     4  has previously been convicted of a crime under the circumstances
     5  set forth in subsection (b),(c) or (d), it shall be the duty of
     6  the district attorney of the county in which the trial or plea
     7  is to be held to notify the accused prior to trial or plea of
     8  the intention to file the petition accusing the said person of
     9  such previous conviction. Upon the conviction of the accused in
    10  the instant case and prior to sentencing, the district attorney
    11  shall proceed to file a petition with the court where the
    12  instant conviction took place accusing the said person of such
    13  previous conviction and serve a copy of the petition upon the
    14  defendant and his counsel. Thereupon, the court shall cause the
    15  person to be brought before it and shall inform him of the
    16  allegations contained in such petition and of his right to be
    17  tried as to the truth thereof according to law. Where conviction
    18  of the instant offense is by plea of guilty or trial by court,
    19  and the defendant does not waive a jury determination of the
    20  issue of previous conviction, a jury shall be empaneled for this
    21  purpose. Otherwise, the jury which heard the instant case shall
    22  also determine the issue of previous conviction, unless waived.
    23  If it is found, that he is the same person, or if he
    24  acknowledges or confesses in open court, after being duly
    25  cautioned as to his rights, that he is the same person, the
    26  court may sentence him in accordance with subsection (b),(c) or
    27  (d). Such sentence shall be reviewable on appeal, not only as to
    28  the alleged legal errors but also as to the justice thereof.
    29     (f)  Formal indictment and conviction unnecessary.--A person
    30  need not be formally indicted and convicted as a previous
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     1  offender in order to be sentenced under this section.
     2     (g)  Defendant to serve minimum.--A defendant sentenced under
     3  the provisions of this section shall not be eligible for parole,
     4  furlough, work, school or sports relief until the minimum
     5  sentence imposed under the provisions of this section has been
     6  served.
     7     (h)  Definition of weapon.--As used in section "weapon" means
     8  anything readily capable of lethal use and possessed under
     9  circumstances not manifestly appropriate for lawful uses which
    10  it may have; the term includes a firearm which is not loaded or
    11  lacks a clip or other component to render it immediately
    12  operable, and components which can readily be assembled into a
    13  weapon.
    14     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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