No. 1086 Session of 1977

           MEBUS, ANDERSON AND DORR, MAY 2, 1977


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 16, 1970 (P.L.180, No.69), entitled
     2     "An act relating to State taxation; changing the manner in
     3     which tentative and annual taxes are to be paid; providing a
     4     penalty in certain cases; and making a repealer," further
     5     providing for a revision in the method of reporting, for
     6     additional tax and interest, for the underpayment of annual
     7     and quarterly taxes, for removing additional tax for
     8     understatement, and for the reporting and payment of the
     9     tentative corporate net income tax and corporation income tax
    10     in installments.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 1, act of March 16, 1970 (P.L.180,
    14  No.69), entitled "An act relating to State taxation; changing
    15  the manner in which tentative and annual taxes are to be paid;
    16  providing a penalty in certain cases; and making a repealer,"
    17  amended November 12, 1971 (P.L.541, No.142), is amended to read:
    18     Section 1.  (a)  Notwithstanding the provisions of any State
    19  tax law to the contrary which requires taxpayers to make payment
    20  of tentative tax, including but not limited to the capital stock
    21  and franchise tax, corporate net income and corporation income
    22  tax, gross receipts tax on public service companies,

     1  transportation by motor vehicles and trackless trolleys, other
     2  than motor vehicles for hire, insurance premiums tax, mutual
     3  thrift institutions tax, net earnings tax, or other similar tax
     4  law requiring payment of tentative tax, such taxpayers,
     5  commencing with the calendar year 1970 and fiscal years
     6  beginning during the calendar year 1970 and each taxable year
     7  thereafter, on or before the [thirtieth] fifteenth day of April
     8  for calendar year taxpayers, and on or before the [end]
     9  fifteenth day of the fourth month after the close of its
    10  previous fiscal year for fiscal year taxpayers, shall report
    11  annually and pay on account of the tax due for the current year
    12  not less than [ninety per cent of the amount of said tax; the
    13  said] an amount to be computed by applying the current tax rate
    14  to ninety per cent of such tax base from the [immediate prior
    15  year] last filed annual tax report as may be applicable with
    16  respect to the tax being reported: Provided, however, That with
    17  respect to the taxes imposed by Articles, IV, V, IX, and XI of
    18  the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the "Tax Reform
    19  Code of 1971" and "The Mutual Thrift Institutions Tax Act," of
    20  June 22, 1964 (P.L.16, No.2), said payment may at the taxpayer's
    21  election be [computed by applying the current tax rate to ninety
    22  per cent of the taxable income, taxable gross premiums, taxable
    23  gross receipts, or taxable net earnings, as the case may be,
    24  received or accrued by the taxpayer during the first three
    25  months of the current calendar or fiscal year period annualized,
    26  which amount resulting from said annualization] an amount
    27  estimated by the taxpayer which estimated amount shall not be
    28  less than ninety per cent of the tax [basis] as is [actually]
    29  finally reported in the annual tax report for the current
    30  calendar or fiscal year: And, provided further, That with
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     1  respect to the corporate net income tax imposed by Article IV
     2  and the corporation income tax imposed by Article V, act of
     3  March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), a corporation may, at its election,
     4  report and pay in installments on account of the tax due for the
     5  current taxable year an amount computed either by applying the
     6  current tax rate to ninety per cent of the tax base as reported
     7  in the last filed annual tax report or as computed on the basis
     8  estimated by the taxpayer to be due for the current year which
     9  estimated amount shall not be less than ninety per cent of the
    10  tax as is finally reported in the annual tax report for the
    11  current year. The installments shall be paid in accordance with
    12  the following schedule:
    13                 First         Second        Third       Fourth
    14    Year In     Due on the 15th day of the following months after
    15   Which Tax             close of previous tax year:
    16  Year Begins   4th month    6th month     9th month   12th month
    17     1978        50%            50%          0%          0%
    18     1979        40%            50%         10%          0%
    19     1980        40%            40%         20%          0%
    20     1981        40%            30%         25%          5%
    21     1982        30%            30%         25%         15%
    22     1983 and
    23   thereafter    25%            25%         25%         25%
    24     The remaining portion of the tax due, if any, shall be paid
    25  upon the date the taxpayer's annual report is required to be
    26  [made] filed under the applicable tax statute, determined
    27  without reference to any extension of time for filing such
    28  report.
    29     (b)  Should it subsequently be determined that the amount of
    30  the annual or any installment payment of tentative tax due was
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     1  [understated by more than five per cent] underpaid, there shall
     2  be [added to the tax determined to be due] imposed an additional
     3  tax of ten per cent of the [understatement] underpayment and
     4  said [percentage addition to the understatement shall be deemed
     5  an additional tax and] tax shall bear interest from the date the
     6  annual or any installment payment of tentative tax was due.
     7  Failure to remit the annual or any installment of tentative tax
     8  payments on or before the due dates prescribed in this act shall
     9  result in the assessment of interest and additions, if any, in
    10  the same manner as prescribed by law.
    11     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately and shall
    12  apply to tentative tax reports and payments for the calendar
    13  year 1978 and fiscal years beginning in 1978 and thereafter.

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