No. 2659 Session of 1976

           CIMINI AND GRIECO, SEPTEMBER 22, 1976


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, authorizing the
     3     establishment of housing court divisions in certain courts of
     4     common pleas; providing for their powers and duties and the
     5     procedure for enforcement of rights therein.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  The definition of "appointed judicial officers"
     9  in section 102 and sections 912, 931(d), 951(f) and 1515(a) of
    10  Title 42, act of November 25, 1970 (P.L.707, No.230), known as
    11  the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, amended July 9, 1976
    12  (No.142), are amended or added to read:
    13  § 102.  Definitions.
    14     Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent
    15  provisions of this title which are applicable to specific
    16  provisions of this title, the following words and phrases when
    17  used in this title shall have, unless the context clearly
    18  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
    19     * * *

     1     "Appointive judicial officers."  Arbitrators, auditors,
     2  commissioners to take oaths and depositions, custodians,
     3  examiners, guardians, housing court division hearing officers,
     4  masters, receivers, referees, trustees, viewers and other like
     5  officers.
     6     * * *
     7  § 912.  Powers of courts of common pleas.
     8     (a)  General rule.--Every court of common pleas shall have
     9  power to issue, under its judicial seal, every lawful writ and
    10  process to or to be served or enforced by system and related
    11  personnel as such courts have been heretofore authorized by law
    12  or usage to issue. Every judge of a court of common pleas shall
    13  have all the powers of a judge or district justice of the minor
    14  judiciary.
    15     (b)  Powers of housing court division.--Regardless of the
    16  relief originally sought by a party, the housing court division
    17  established under section 951 (relating to court divisions) may
    18  recommend or employ any remedy, program, procedure or sanction
    19  authorized by law for the enforcement of housing standards, if
    20  it believes they will be more effective to accomplish compliance
    21  or to protect and promote the public interest; provided in the
    22  event any such proposed remedy, program or procedure entails the
    23  expenditure of moneys appropriated by a municipality, other than
    24  for the utilization and deployment of personnel incidental
    25  thereto, the housing court division shall give notice of such
    26  proposed remedy, program or procedure to the municipal or county
    27  department charged with the enforcement of local laws relating
    28  to housing maintenance and shall not employ such proposed
    29  remedy, program or procedure, if such department shall advise
    30  the housing court division in writing within the time fixed by
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     1  the housing court division, which shall not be less than 15 days
     2  after such notice has been given, of the reasons such order
     3  should not be issued, which advice shall become part of the
     4  record. The housing court division may retain continuing
     5  jurisdiction of an action or proceeding relating to a building
     6  until all violations of law have been removed.
     7     (c)  Attendance at housing clinic courses.--Individuals over
     8  whom the housing court division has jurisdiction and who have
     9  been found responsible by the housing court division for the
    10  maintenance of a property in substantial violation of the laws
    11  and regulations within the jurisdiction of the housing court
    12  division may be ordered by it to attend the course offered by
    13  the housing clinic established under section 2161 (relating to
    14  establishment of housing clinics).
    15     (d)  Housing court division hearing officers.--The
    16  determination of a housing court division hearing officer
    17  appointed under section 3131 (relating to selection of judicial
    18  officers for regular terms) shall be final. It shall be entered
    19  and may be appealed from as a judgment of the court. A housing
    20  court division hearing officer shall preside over all cases
    21  within the jurisdiction of the housing court division which were
    22  formerly within the jurisdiction of district justices.
    23  § 931.  Original jurisdiction and venue.
    24     * * *
    25     (d)  Jurisdiction of housing court division.--In a court of
    26  common pleas which has established a housing court division
    27  pursuant to section 951 (relating to court divisions), the
    28  exclusive jurisdiction of the following matters shall be vested
    29  in the housing court division:
    30         (1)  Criminal and civil actions arising within the county
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     1     under the housing, building, safety, plumbing, electrical,
     2     health or fire ordinances and regulations of a municipal
     3     corporation within the county or of the county itself, or
     4     under any other general or special law, ordinance, rule or
     5     regulation concerned with the health, safety or welfare of an
     6     occupant of a place used, or intended for use, as a place of
     7     human habitation.
     8         (2)  Actions or proceedings arising under a municipal or
     9     county ordinance enacted under the act of July 31, 1968
    10     (P.L.805, No.247), known as the "Pennsylvania Municipalities
    11     Planning Code," or under the act of June 13, 1961 (P.L.282,
    12     No.167), relating to the establishment of historic districts.
    13         (3)  Appeals from government agencies under the act of
    14     December 2, 1968 (P.L.1133, No.353), known as the "Local
    15     Agency Law," or otherwise, relating to the housing, building,
    16     safety, plumbing, electrical, health or fire ordinances and
    17     regulations of a municipal corporation within the county, or
    18     of the county itself, or relating to a municipal or county
    19     ordinance enacted under the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805,
    20     No.247), known as the "Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning
    21     Code," or under the act of June 13, 1961 (P.L.282, No.167),
    22     relating to the establishment of historic districts.
    23         (4)  Matters arising under the act of April 6, 1951
    24     (P.L.69, No.20), known as "The Landlord and Tenant Act of
    25     1951."
    26         (5)  Matters arising under the act of April 27, 1927
    27     (P.L.465, No.299), referred as the Fire and Panic Act, which
    28     involve a place used, or intended for use, as a place of
    29     human habitation.
    30  § 951.  Court divisions.
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     1     * * *
     2     (f)  Separate housing court division.--The court of common
     3  pleas of each county other than Philadelphia County shall have a
     4  separate housing court division.
     5  § 1515.  Jurisdiction and venue.
     6     (a)  Jurisdiction.--Except as otherwise prescribed by general
     7  rule adopted pursuant to section 503 (relating to reassignment
     8  of matters) district justices shall, under procedures prescribed
     9  by general rule, have jurisdiction of all of the following
    10  matters:
    11         (1)  Summary offenses, except those within the
    12     jurisdiction of an established and open traffic court and
    13     those within the jurisdiction of a housing court division of
    14     a court of common pleas.
    15         (2)  Matters arising under the act of April 6, 1951
    16     (P.L.69, No.20), known as "The Landlord and Tenant Act of
    17     1951," which are stated therein to be within the jurisdiction
    18     of a justice of the peace except where a housing court
    19     division of the court of common pleas has been established
    20     pursuant to section 951 (relating to court divisions).
    21         (3)  [Civil] Except those within the jurisdiction of a
    22     housing court division of a court of common pleas; civil
    23     claims wherein the sum demanded does not exceed $1,000,
    24     exclusive of interest and costs, in the following classes of
    25     actions:
    26             (i)  In assumpsit, except cases of real contract
    27         where the title to real estate may be in question.
    28             (ii)  In trespass, including all forms of trespass
    29         and trespass on the case.
    30             (iii)  For fines and penalties by any government
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     1         agency.
     2     A plaintiff may waive a portion of his claim of more than
     3     $1,000 so as to bring the matter within the jurisdiction of a
     4     district justice. Such waiver shall remain effective except
     5     upon appeal by either party or when the judgment is set aside
     6     upon certiorari.
     7         (4)  As commissioners to preside at arraignments, fix and
     8     accept bail, issue warrants and perform duties of a similar
     9     nature, including the jurisdiction of a committing magistrate
    10     in all criminal proceedings.
    11         (5)  Matters jurisdiction of which is vested in district
    12     justices by any statute.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 2.  The heading of Chapter 21 of Title 42 is amended
    15  and subchapters are added to read:
    16                             CHAPTER 21
    18                               * * *
    19                            SUBCHAPTER F
    21  Sec.
    22  2151.  Housing court division advisory councils.
    23  2152.  Composition.
    24  2153.  Organization.
    25  2154.  Staff.
    26  2155.  Powers and duties.
    27  § 2151.  Housing court division advisory councils.
    28     The housing court division advisory council of a court of
    29  common pleas which has established a housing court division
    30  under section 951 (relating to court divisions) shall consist of
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     1  14 members selected as provided in this subchapter.
     2  § 2152.  Composition.
     3     (a)  General rule.--The advisory council of each housing
     4  court division shall consist of two members representative of
     5  each of the following: the real estate industry, tenants'
     6  organizations, civic groups, bar associations and four members
     7  from the public at large. Such members shall be appointed by the
     8  administrative judge of the housing court division with the
     9  approval of the president judge of the court of common pleas.
    10  The remaining two members shall be representative of the most
    11  populous municipal corporation in the county. One such member
    12  shall be the director of the department having jurisdiction over
    13  the code enforcement activities of that municipal corporation.
    14  The other such member shall be appointed by the chief executive
    15  officer of that municipal corporation with the approval of the
    16  governing body thereof.
    17     (b)  Terms of office.--The members appointed by the
    18  administrative judge may be appointed for renewable terms of
    19  three years. One of the initial members of each classification
    20  of membership shall serve for two years. The director of the
    21  department having jurisdiction over the code enforcement
    22  activities of the most populous municipal corporation of the
    23  county shall serve as long as he holds that office. The member
    24  appointed by the chief executive officer of the most populous
    25  municipal corporation of the county shall serve at the pleasure
    26  of that officer.
    27     (c)  Compensation.--Members of housing court division
    28  advisory councils shall receive no compensation.
    29  § 2153.  Organization.
    30     (a)  General rule.--The advisory councils of the housing
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     1  court divisions shall annually elect their chairpersons and
     2  other officers. They shall hold office at the pleasure of the
     3  councils. They shall act only with the concurrence of a majority
     4  of their members.
     5     (b)  Meetings.--The advisory councils of the housing court
     6  divisions shall meet at least four times a year and on such
     7  other occasions as they may require or as the administrative
     8  judge may require.
     9  § 2154.  Staff.
    10     Each housing court division shall provide such clerical staff
    11  as its advisory council shall require.
    12  § 2155.  Powers and duties.
    13     (a)  Participation in selection of hearing officers.--Each
    14  housing court division advisory council shall participate in the
    15  selection of housing court division hearing officers as provided
    16  in section 3131(e) (relating to selection of judicial officers
    17  for regular terms).
    18     (b)  Court observations and recommendations.--Each housing
    19  court division advisory council shall visit its housing court
    20  division from time to time to review the manner in which the
    21  division is functioning. It shall submit a report of its
    22  observations and recommendations to the administrative judge.
    23  The report shall be a public record.
    24     (c)  Housing clinic curriculum.--Each housing court division
    25  advisory council shall prepare a list of topics to be included
    26  in the course offered by the housing clinic established under
    27  section 2161 (relating to establishment of housing clinics). It
    28  shall submit the list to the administrative judge of the housing
    29  court division for review and approval.
    30                            SUBCHAPTER G
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     1                          HOUSING CLINICS
     2  2161.  Establishment of housing clinics.
     3  2162.  Staff.
     4  2163.  Powers and duties.
     5  § 2161.  Establishment of housing clinics.
     6     A housing clinic shall be established for each housing court
     7  division established under section 951 (relating to court
     8  divisions).
     9  § 2162.  Staff.
    10     The housing clinic shall utilize the housing specialists
    11  assigned to the housing court division pursuant to section
    12  2301(d) (relating to appointment of personnel).
    13  § 2163.  Powers and duties.
    14     (a)  Course on housing laws.--The housing clinic shall
    15  provide a course of study of the various Federal, State and
    16  municipal laws relating to housing. It shall include instruction
    17  on topics related to compliance with those laws, proper building
    18  and property maintenance and repair and other topics on law to
    19  assist property owners and tenants to comply with such laws.
    20     (b)  Housing specialists.--
    21         (1)  A housing specialist, identified as an officer of
    22     the housing court division, shall visit the properties
    23     maintained by individuals to determine the compliance thereof
    24     with the laws within the jurisdiction of the housing court
    25     division. A report shall be prepared for the housing court
    26     division concerning those individuals who have not complied
    27     therewith for further action by it.
    28         (2)  The term "housing specialist" means an individual
    29  assigned by a municipality under section 2301(d) (relating to
    30  appointment of personnel) to a housing court division
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     1  established under section 951 (relating to court divisions).
     2     Section 3.  Section 2301 of Title 42 is amended by adding a
     3  subsection to read:
     4  § 2301.  Appointment of personnel.
     5     * * *
     6     (d)  Utilization of municipal personnel.--The housing court
     7  division of a court of common pleas shall utilize as housing
     8  specialists personnel of the various municipal corporations or
     9  of the county assigned to temporary duty with the housing court
    10  division for a period of one year or more with the consent of
    11  the chief executive officer and the governing body of the
    12  municipality providing such personnel. Such housing specialists
    13  shall be knowledgeable in the maintenance, repair and
    14  rehabilitation of dwelling units, the problems of landlords and
    15  tenants as they pertain to dwelling units, the types of funds
    16  and services available to assist landlords and tenants in the
    17  financing and solution of such problems, the Federal, State and
    18  local laws, rules and regulations pertaining thereto, and the
    19  financing and solution of such problems.
    20     Section 4.  Title 42 is amended by adding a section to read:
    21  § 2303.  Powers of housing specialists and related personnel.
    22     (a)  Housing specialists.--The housing specialists assigned
    23  to a housing court division under section 2301 (relating to
    24  appointment of personnel) shall operate the housing clinic
    25  established under section 2161 (relating to establishment of
    26  housing clinics) and have such powers and perform such duties as
    27  the administrative judge of the housing court division shall
    28  from time to time prescribe.
    29     (b)  Related personnel.--Related personnel shall have such
    30  powers, including the power to issue subpoenas, as may be
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     1  provided or prescribed by law or order of court.
     2     Section 5.  Sections 3101, 3131(f), 3152(d), 3154(c) and 3302
     3  of Title 42 are amended or added to read:
     4  § 3101.  Qualifications of judicial officers generally.
     5     (a) Judges and district justices.--Judges and district
     6  justices shall be citizens of this Commonwealth. Judges, except
     7  judges of the Pittsburgh Magistrates Court and the Traffic Court
     8  of Philadelphia, shall be members of the bar of the Supreme
     9  Court. Judges of the Supreme, Superior and Commonwealth Courts,
    10  for a period of one year preceding their election or appointment
    11  and during their continuance in office, shall reside within this
    12  Commonwealth. Other judges and district justices, for a period
    13  of one year preceding their election or appointment and during
    14  their continuance in office, shall reside within their
    15  respective districts, except when temporarily assigned to
    16  another district pursuant to law.
    17     (b)  Housing court division hearing officers.--Housing court
    18  division hearing officers shall be qualified by training,
    19  interest, experience, judicial temperament and knowledge of
    20  Federal, State and local housing laws and related laws, and
    21  housing programs. They shall be members of the bar of the
    22  Supreme Court of Pennsylvania for a period of at least three
    23  years prior to their appointment. They shall have practiced law
    24  at least one year prior to their appointment.
    25     (c)  Other appointive judicial officers.--Other appointive
    26  judicial officers shall have such qualifications as may be
    27  provided or prescribed by law.
    28  § 3131.  Selection of judicial officers for regular terms.
    29     * * *
    30     (f)  Housing court division hearing officers.--Hearing
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     1  officers shall be appointed by the administrative judge of the
     2  housing court division established under section 951 (relating
     3  to court divisions) with the approval of the president judge of
     4  the court of common pleas of the county from a list of persons
     5  selected by the advisory council for the housing court divisions
     6  appointed under section 2151 (relating to housing court division
     7  advisory councils).
     8  § 3152.  Tenure of judicial officers.
     9     * * *
    10     (d)  Housing court division hearing officers.--Housing court
    11  division hearing officers shall be appointed for a term of three
    12  years. Reappointment for a like term shall be at the discretion
    13  of the administrative judge of the housing court division with
    14  the approval of the president judge of the court of common
    15  pleas.
    16  § 3154.  Compensation of judicial officers.
    17     * * *
    18     (c)  Housing court division hearing officers.--Housing court
    19  division hearing officers shall be compensated in the amount
    20  fixed by the governing authority out of funds appropriated to
    21  the unified judicial system. Their compensation shall not be
    22  diminished during their terms of office, unless by law applying
    23  generally to all salaried officers of the Commonwealth.
    24  § 3302.  Additional restrictions.
    25     (a) General rule.--Judges shall not engage in any activity
    26  prohibited by this subchapter or any other provision of law and
    27  shall not violate any canon of ethics prescribed by general
    28  rule. District justices and appointive judicial officers shall
    29  be governed by rules or canons prescribed by general rule.
    30     (b)  Housing court division hearing officers.--Housing court
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     1  division hearing officers shall devote full time to their
     2  judicial duties. They shall not engage in the practice of law,
     3  hold office in a political party or political organization or
     4  hold an office or position of profit in the Government of the
     5  United States, this Commonwealth or any political subdivision
     6  thereof, except in the armed forces of the United States or the
     7  Commonwealth.
     8     Section 6.  Section 4301 of Title 42 is amended by adding a
     9  subsection to read:
    10  § 4301.  Establishment and maintenance of judicial records.
    11     * * *
    12     (c)  Cross index system.--All system and related personnel
    13  engaged in clerical functions in a county with an established
    14  housing court division shall maintain a cross index number
    15  system indicating by building or property address and county tax
    16  parcel number all actions and proceedings which have been
    17  brought in connection with a particular building or property.
    18     Section 7.  Section 5104 of Title 42 is amended by adding a
    19  subsection to read:
    20  § 5104.  Trial by jury.
    21     * * *
    22     (c)  Housing court division.--All cases in a housing court
    23  division established under section 951 (relating to court
    24  divisions), including all demurrers, pleas, motions and the
    25  like, whether interlocutory or final, shall be heard and
    26  determined by the housing court division judge or hearing
    27  officer sitting without a jury, except in cases where a jury
    28  trial is required by the Constitution of Pennsylvania or of the
    29  United States and the department has not waived his rights to
    30  trial by jury.
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     1     Section 8.  Title 42 is amended by adding a section to read:
     2  § 5107.  General rules of procedure applicable in housing court
     3           division cases.
     4     (a)  Civil proceedings.--Proceedings commenced in a housing
     5  court division to enforce a general or special law, ordinance,
     6  rule or regulation concerned with the health, safety or welfare
     7  of any occupant of a place used, or intended for use, as a place
     8  of human habitation shall be in the nature of an action to
     9  recover a penalty or in equity. General rules applicable to
    10  civil and equity actions shall govern such proceedings.
    11     (b)  Criminal proceedings.--Notwithstanding subsection (a),
    12  whenever the offense charged is alleged to be willful,
    13  intentional, reckless or repeated, the proceedings shall be
    14  deemed criminal and the general rules applicable to criminal
    15  prosecutions shall govern such proceedings. If the housing court
    16  division subsequently finds the offense charged was not willful,
    17  intentional, reckless or repeated, the proceedings shall not be
    18  deemed criminal and no record thereof shall be made.
    19     Section 9.  Section 6104 of Title 42 is amended by adding a
    20  subsection to read:
    21  § 6104.  Effect of official records generally.
    22     * * *
    23     (c)  Housing inspection reports.--The report of an inspection
    24  serving in the code enforcement department or agency of a
    25  municipal corporation within the county or of the county itself
    26  shall be prima facie evidence of the facts recited therein in
    27  the trial of a matter in a housing court division.
    28     Section 10.  This act shall take effect upon the effective
    29  date of the repeal of paragraph (4) of section 29 of the act of
    30  July 9, 1976 (No.142), known as the "Judiciary Act of 1976," or
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     1  60 days after final enactment, whichever is later.

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