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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 391



No. 408 Session of 2005

           KITCHEN AND WOZNIAK, MARCH 14, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for surrogate parenting
     3     agreements.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Title 23 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     7  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
     8                             CHAPTER 59
    10  Sec.
    11  5901.  Legislative intent.
    12  5902.  Definitions.
    13  5903.  Enforceability.
    14  5904.  Jurisdiction and venue.
    15  5905.  Surrogate parenting agreements.
    16  5906.  Petition and required filings.
    17  5907.  Initial appearance of parties.
    18  5908.  Subsequent court appearances.

     1  5909.  Effect of court approval.
     2  5910.  Hospital protocols.
     3  5911.  Birth certificates.
     4  5912.  Violations.
     5  § 5901.  Legislative intent.
     6     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds that:
     7         (1)  Due to the increased incidence of female
     8     infertility, many couples are turning to surrogate mothers to
     9     help them create families.
    10         (2)  The legal status of children born under surrogate
    11     parenting agreements is currently uncertain. Consequently,
    12     when the courts of this Commonwealth are called upon to
    13     interpret or enforce surrogate parenting agreements, they
    14     must decide issues, such as the status of the child, without
    15     the guidance of statute.
    16         (3)  The General Assembly must act to protect the best
    17     interests of children who will result from the practice of
    18     surrogate parenting.
    19     (b)  Purposes.--The purposes of this chapter are:
    20         (1)  To ensure that the child born in fulfillment of a
    21     surrogate parenting agreement has a permanent home and
    22     settled rights to inheritance.
    23         (2)  To define and delineate the rights and
    24     responsibilities of the intended parents, the surrogate
    25     mother and her husband, if any.
    26         (3)  To facilitate private reproductive choices by
    27     effectuating the parties' intentions.
    28         (4)  To minimize the risk to the parties.
    29         (5)  To ensure informed and voluntary decision making.
    30  § 5902.  Definitions.
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     1     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     2  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     3  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     4     "Child."  A child conceived by and born to a surrogate mother
     5  following artificial insemination pursuant to the provisions of
     6  a surrogate parenting agreement or a child conceived through in
     7  vitro fertilization and born to a surrogate mother pursuant to
     8  the provisions of a surrogate parenting agreement.
     9     "Independent mental health care professional."  A person who
    10  is licensed to practice psychiatry, psychology or clinical
    11  social work by the Commonwealth and who has no compensated
    12  business relationship with any person, firm or entity required
    13  by this chapter to provide an affidavit of fees received or
    14  given pursuant to a surrogate parenting agreement.
    15     "Infertile person."  Either of the following:
    16         (1)  A woman who, as determined by a physician licensed
    17     to practice in this Commonwealth, has been unable to conceive
    18     for a period of one year while not practicing birth control,
    19     or is incapable of conceiving a child or of carrying a child
    20     to term without significant risks to her life or health or to
    21     her child's life or health, or is sterile.
    22         (2)  A man who, as determined by a physician licensed to
    23     practice in this Commonwealth, is sterile.
    24     "Intended parents."  An infertile person and that person's
    25  spouse who enter into a surrogate parenting agreement.
    26     "Mental health care professional."  A person licensed in this
    27  Commonwealth to practice psychiatry, psychology, clinical social
    28  work or family counseling.
    29     "Party."  The surrogate mother, her husband, if any, and the
    30  intended parents.
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     1     "Surrogate mother."  A woman 21 years of age or older who
     2  enters into a surrogate parenting agreement in which she agrees
     3  to assume the condition of pregnancy and experience childbirth
     4  in order to provide the child of that pregnancy to a couple that
     5  presumably would otherwise remain childless, regardless of
     6  whether the woman will or will not have a genetic relationship
     7  to the child.
     8     "Surrogate parenting agreement."  A written contract entered
     9  into by the intended parents and a surrogate mother, which
    10  conforms to the requirements of section 5905 (relating to
    11  surrogate parenting agreements).
    12  § 5903.  Enforceability.
    13     An agreement to accomplish the purposes of a surrogate
    14  parenting agreement under this chapter which does not receive
    15  judicial approval as described in this chapter shall be deemed
    16  null and void and shall not have any force or effect in this
    17  Commonwealth.
    18  § 5904.  Jurisdiction and venue.
    19     (a)  Jurisdiction.--The domestic relations division of the
    20  court of common pleas shall have jurisdiction over petitions for
    21  judicial review and approval of surrogate parenting agreements
    22  under the provisions of this chapter.
    23     (b)  Venue.--A petition for judicial review and approval of a
    24  surrogate parenting agreement shall be brought in the county
    25  where the surrogate mother resides. When the surrogate mother is
    26  not a resident of this Commonwealth, the petition shall be filed
    27  in the county where the intended parents reside.
    28  § 5905.  Surrogate parenting agreements.
    29     A surrogate parenting agreement shall include, but not be
    30  limited to, the following provisions:
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     1         (1)  The agreement is not binding and enforceable until
     2     approved by a court of appropriate jurisdiction.
     3         (2)  The surrogate mother agrees to be inseminated with
     4     the sperm of the spouse of an infertile person or be
     5     implanted with an embryo/zygote which has been conceived
     6     through the process of in vitro fertilization and, in either
     7     case, to carry the child to term and then relinquish the
     8     custody of the child conceived in either manner to the
     9     intended parents immediately after birth or as soon
    10     thereafter as is medically feasible.
    11         (3)  The intended parents agree that, upon the birth of
    12     the child, they will accept and take custody of the child.
    13         (4)  The surrogate mother shall have control of all
    14     medical decisions relating to her pregnancy consistent with
    15     the laws of this Commonwealth, provided that the parties may
    16     contract that the surrogate mother refrain from certain
    17     activities that could be considered harmful to the child or
    18     children of the pregnancy, including, but not limited to,
    19     smoking, drinking and physical labor.
    20         (5)  All reasonable and necessary medical expenses
    21     incurred by the surrogate mother in the performance of a
    22     surrogate parenting agreement shall be the responsibility of
    23     the intended parents.
    24         (6)  Provisions for term life and health insurance for
    25     the surrogate mother with the beneficiary of her choice, and
    26     term life insurance for the intended parents with the child
    27     named as beneficiary, for a term and amount as shall be
    28     determined by the parties. The cost of any such life or
    29     health insurance shall be the obligation of the intended
    30     parents.
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     1         (7)  Just and reasonable monetary compensation for the
     2     surrogate mother shall be deposited in an escrow account or
     3     attorney trust account prior to the first artificial
     4     insemination of the surrogate mother, together with a
     5     schedule of payments to be made from the escrow account to
     6     the surrogate mother.
     7         (8)  The surrogate mother agrees to undergo medical
     8     examinations, to be paid for by the intended parents, for the
     9     following:
    10             (i)  Sexually and genetically transmitted diseases.
    11             (ii)  Pregnancy.
    12             (iii)  Fertility.
    13         (9)  The spouse of the infertile person who donates sperm
    14     agrees to undergo medical examinations for sexually and
    15     genetically transmitted diseases immediately prior to the
    16     donation of the sperm.
    17         (10)  The information obtained from the examinations
    18     required in paragraphs (8) and (9) shall be made available to
    19     all parties.
    20         (11)  Any cause of action arising from a surrogate
    21     parenting agreement shall be limited to an action for breach
    22     of contract and an action for enforcement of the terms of the
    23     agreement. Remedies for breach of contract shall be limited
    24     to monetary damages in the amounts described in the
    25     agreements.
    26         (12)  The surrogate mother shall have the right to be
    27     represented by an attorney of her choosing during negotiation
    28     of the surrogate parenting agreement, the cost of which shall
    29     be the responsibility of the intended parents, or during any
    30     other time, the cost of which shall be the responsibility of
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     1     the surrogate mother. The surrogate mother may waive the
     2     right to counsel, in writing, with such writing to be annexed
     3     to the petition. Under no circumstances, however, shall both
     4     the surrogate mother and the intended parents be represented
     5     by the same attorney or an attorney from the same
     6     partnership, corporation or association at any stage of these
     7     proceedings.
     8  § 5906.  Petition and required filings.
     9     (a)  Verification and contents.--A petition for judicial
    10  approval and review of a surrogate parenting agreement shall be
    11  verified by the intended parents. A petition shall set forth:
    12         (1)  The intended parents' names and address.
    13         (2)  The name and address of the proposed surrogate
    14     mother, or, if such is not known to petitioners, that of her
    15     legal representative.
    16         (3)  A statement that each of the intended parents
    17     understands that, upon the birth of the child, each such
    18     parent shall have full legal and parental responsibilities
    19     toward the child.
    20         (4)  A statement of any and all fees paid or to be paid
    21     by or on behalf of the intended parents in connection with
    22     the surrogate parenting agreement.
    23     (b)  Attachments.--The petition shall have annexed thereto
    24  the following documents:
    25         (1)  The proposed surrogate parenting agreement.
    26         (2)  A physician's affidavit setting forth the grounds
    27     for the physician's determination that one of the intended
    28     parents is an infertile person.
    29         (3)  A physician's affidavit stating that the surrogate
    30     mother is fertile and is not pregnant and stating further the
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     1     presence or absence of sexually or genetically transmitted
     2     diseases.
     3         (4)  A physician's affidavit stating that the spouse of
     4     an infertile person who will donate sperm has been tested for
     5     sexually and genetically transmitted diseases, and the
     6     results of such tests.
     7         (5)  If the surrogate mother is married, a duly
     8     acknowledged consent by the surrogate mother's spouse to the
     9     surrogate mother's execution of the surrogate parenting
    10     agreement. If the surrogate mother or egg donor marries after
    11     entering into the surrogate parenting agreement, the spouse
    12     of the surrogate mother or the egg donor shall be bound by
    13     this chapter.
    14         (6)  An affidavit from any person, firm, corporation or
    15     other entity which has received, or will receive, fees or
    16     other consideration for services rendered in connection with
    17     the surrogate parenting agreement. Fees and charges for
    18     medical and other health-related services need not be set
    19     forth by affidavit.
    20  § 5907.  Initial appearance of parties.
    21     (a)  Hearing scheduled.--The court shall schedule, as soon as
    22  it may reasonably do so, a hearing at which the parties shall be
    23  examined as set forth in this subsection. In the event the
    24  identity of the surrogate mother is unknown to the intended
    25  parents, the court shall provide for a separate hearing for the
    26  surrogate mother and her attorney. In the presence of counsel,
    27  the court shall examine the parties under oath, as to the
    28  surrogate parenting agreement, to determine the following:
    29         (1)  Each party has freely and knowingly entered into the
    30     agreement.
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     1         (2)  Each party is fully informed as to all aspects of
     2     the agreement and the proceeding and of that party's rights
     3     and obligations under the agreement and the proceeding.
     4         (3)  The intended parents understand that, as of the date
     5     of the child's birth, they will have full parental
     6     responsibilities, including the duty of support of the child.
     7         (4)  The surrogate mother understands that, upon the
     8     birth of the child, she will have no parental rights in and
     9     to the child.
    10         (5)  Any other information the court, in its discretion,
    11     deems necessary to ascertain the validity of the surrogate
    12     parenting agreement.
    13     (b)  Counseling.--
    14         (1)  The court shall order each party to attend
    15     counseling sessions with a licensed independent mental health
    16     care professional from the date of the order until at least
    17     one month after the child's birth.
    18         (2)  The professional shall file a report with the court
    19     attesting to the parties' mental capacity to enter the
    20     agreement and a final report after conclusion of the
    21     counseling.
    22         (3)  The counseling provided to the surrogate mother and
    23     the surrogate mother's spouse, if any, shall encompass the
    24     potential psychological consequences of acting as a surrogate
    25     mother and consenting to the adoption of a child conceived
    26     pursuant to the surrogate parenting agreement.
    27         (4)  The counseling provided to the intended parents
    28     shall encompass the psychological dynamics of infertility,
    29     adoption and acting as the parent of a child conceived
    30     pursuant to a surrogate parenting agreement.
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     1     (c)  Home study.--The court shall order the children and
     2  youth services agency of the county to conduct a home study of
     3  the intended parents and of the surrogate mother and to file
     4  with the court a copy of the report of the home study. The costs
     5  of this study shall be paid by the intended parents.
     6     (d)  Criminal background check.--The court shall order the
     7  sheriff of the county to conduct a criminal background check of
     8  the intended parents, the surrogate mother, the surrogate
     9  mother's spouse, if any, and any members of the surrogate
    10  mother's household that may have prolonged contact with the
    11  surrogate mother or the surrogate mother's child and to file a
    12  copy of the results with the court. The intended parents shall
    13  pay the costs of this check.
    14     (e)  Review of affidavits.--After receiving the affidavits
    15  listing the fees to be paid in connection with the surrogate
    16  parenting agreement, the court shall review those affidavits in
    17  order to determine that the fees are just and reasonable.
    18     (f)  Petitions and records to be sealed.--The petition and
    19  the records of all hearings held in a proceeding under this
    20  chapter shall be sealed by the court.
    21  § 5908.  Subsequent court appearances.
    22     (a)  Basis for final approval.--After receipt of the reports
    23  required under section 5907(b), (c) and (d) (relating to initial
    24  appearance of parties), the court shall cause the parties and
    25  their counsel to appear.
    26     (b)  Competency.--If the court finds that:
    27         (1)  a mental health professional has counseled the
    28     parties as to the emotional and psychological consequences of
    29     surrogate parenting;
    30         (2)  they are entering into the surrogate parenting
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     1     agreement fully informed; and
     2         (3)  the home study report and criminal background check
     3     are satisfactory,
     4  the court shall approve the surrogate parenting agreement. Upon
     5  approval of the agreement, the court shall require the parties
     6  to execute consents.
     7     (c)  Disapproval.--In the event that the court is not
     8  satisfied that the surrogate parenting agreement protects the
     9  health and welfare of the child or that the parties to the
    10  surrogate parenting agreement are presently capable of giving
    11  informed consent, that the home study report is unsatisfactory
    12  or that the criminal background check is unsatisfactory, the
    13  court shall make such other order or disposition as it may deem
    14  just and proper.
    15  § 5909.  Effect of court approval.
    16     (a)  General rule.--Upon approval of a surrogate parenting
    17  agreement by the court, the surrogate parenting agreement shall
    18  be deemed enforceable for all purposes and the child shall be
    19  deemed at birth the legitimate, natural child of the intended
    20  parents for all purposes.
    21     (b)  Exception.--In the case where the spouse of an infertile
    22  person donates sperm, if a paternity test demonstrates that the
    23  spouse is not biologically related to the child the surrogate
    24  parenting agreement shall not be enforceable, and the fact of
    25  nonpaternity shall relieve the intended parents of any financial
    26  duty to the surrogate mother.
    27     (c)  Termination of agreement.--
    28         (1)  After a court approves a surrogate parenting
    29     agreement but before the surrogate mother becomes pregnant
    30     with the child for the intended parents, the court for cause
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     1     or the surrogate mother, the surrogate mother's spouse or the
     2     intended parents may terminate the surrogate parenting
     3     agreement by giving written notice of termination to all
     4     other parties and filing notice of the termination with the
     5     court. Thereupon, the court shall vacate its order of
     6     approval.
     7         (2)  A surrogate mother may terminate a surrogate
     8     parenting agreement by filing written notice with the court.
     9     Upon finding, after notice to the parties to the surrogate
    10     parenting agreement and hearing, that the surrogate mother
    11     has voluntarily terminated the surrogate parenting agreement
    12     and understands the nature, meaning and effect of the
    13     termination, the court shall vacate its order of approval.
    14         (3)  A surrogate mother shall not be liable to the
    15     intended parents for terminating a surrogate parenting
    16     agreement under this subsection.
    17     (d)  Custody of child after termination of agreement.--If,
    18  after notice of termination by a surrogate mother, the court
    19  vacates the order, the surrogate mother and the surrogate
    20  mother's spouse, if any, shall have legal status as parents of
    21  the child. If the surrogate mother is not married, the person
    22  who donated the sperm shall retain all rights and duties
    23  regarding the child as if the person and the surrogate mother
    24  were at one time married and are now divorced.
    25  § 5910.  Hospital protocols.
    26     A hospital that provides medical care or maternity services
    27  for a surrogate mother and child of the pregnancy shall adopt
    28  and comply with a protocol for surrogacy agreements and custody
    29  arrangements involving a child. The hospital shall receive a
    30  copy of the surrogate parenting agreement before providing
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     1  services.
     2  § 5911.  Birth certificates.
     3     In addition to the requirements of the act of June 29, 1953
     4  (P.L.304, No.66), known as the Vital Statistics Law of 1953,
     5  relating to birth registration, a certificate of each birth
     6  occurring in this Commonwealth and involving a surrogate mother
     7  shall include the name of the sperm donor and, if any, egg
     8  donor.
     9  § 5912.  Violations.
    10     (a)  General rule.--Except as otherwise provided for under
    11  subsection (b), a person, agency, association, corporation,
    12  institution, society or organization which, without court
    13  approval, enters into or pays fees under any surrogate parenting
    14  arrangement, agreement or contract commits a misdemeanor of the
    15  first degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a
    16  fine of not more than $10,000.
    17     (b)  Surrogate mothers.--A surrogate mother who violates a
    18  provision of this chapter commits a misdemeanor of the third
    19  degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of
    20  not more than $2,500.
    21     Section 2.  This act shall apply to all surrogate parenting
    22  agreements entered into on or after the effective date of this
    23  section.
    24     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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