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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1163



No. 186 Session of 2005



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Recognizing Thursday, October 6, 2005, as "National Depression
     2     Screening Day" in Pennsylvania.

     3     WHEREAS, "National Depression Screening Day" (NDSD) began 15
     4  years ago as the first nationwide community-based health
     5  screening program; and
     6     WHEREAS, NDSD is currently the largest provider of mental
     7  health screening services in the United States; and
     8     WHEREAS, NDSD has expanded in recent years to offer in-person
     9  and online screening for the four most common mental disorders:
    10  depression, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and
    11  posttraumatic stress disorder; and
    12     WHEREAS, NDSD mental health screening is designed to call
    13  public attention to mood and anxiety disorders on a national
    14  level; and
    15     WHEREAS, NDSD mental health screening educates the public and
    16  clinicians about symptoms and effective treatments; and
    17     WHEREAS, NDSD mental health screening gives individuals the

     1  opportunity to be screened for disorders; and
     2     WHEREAS, NDSD connects individuals in need of treatment with
     3  the mental health care system; and
     4     WHEREAS, According to the Journal of the American Medical
     5  Association (JAMA), about 16% of surveyed adults experience
     6  depression during their lifetime; and
     7     WHEREAS, According to JAMA, 7% of surveyed adults said they
     8  suffered from depression within the past year; and
     9     WHEREAS, According to JAMA, only one-fifth of adults who
    10  suffer from depression receive adequate treatment; and
    11     WHEREAS, According to the National Health Policy Forum Issue
    12  Brief No. 786 dated November 22, 2002, people with depression
    13  use two to four times more health care than people without
    14  mental illness; and
    15     WHEREAS, It was reported in Issue Brief No. 786 that total
    16  medical expenditures for people with common mental disorders,
    17  including depression, were four-and-a-half times greater than
    18  expenditures for people without mental illness; and
    19     WHEREAS, It was reported that depression increases the risk
    20  for common chronic conditions such as heart disease; therefore
    21  be it
    22     RESOLVED, That the Senate recognize Thursday, October 6,
    23  2005, as "National Depression Screening Day" in Pennsylvania;
    24  and be it further
    25     RESOLVED, That the Senate urge all residents of this
    26  Commonwealth to take advantage of this opportunity to
    27  participate in the NDSD mental health screening.

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