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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 209



No. 172 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Relieving members of the United States Armed Forces or other
     2     civilians serving in the Persian Gulf area or in support of
     3     the armed forces from certain local tax filing deadlines; and
     4     making an inconsistent repeal.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Local Tax
     9  Filing Extension Act.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Combat zone."  An area designated by Presidential order as a
    15  combat zone as described in section 7508 of the Internal Revenue
    16  Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 7508).
    17  Section 3.  Extension of tax deadlines.

     1     (a)  General rule.--The following individuals shall be
     2  accorded an extension of the legal deadline for the filing of
     3  any tax return or the payment of any tax, as described in
     4  section 6 without being subject to any interest, penalty or
     5  other charges or forfeiture of eligibility for any discount
     6  provided by law:
     7         (1)  Any resident of this Commonwealth serving in the
     8     armed forces of the United States in a combat zone or who has
     9     been ordered to active duty with the armed forces of the
    10     United States prior to the legal deadline for the filing of
    11     any tax return or the payment of any tax, as described in
    12     section 6, shall have such deadline extended until the date
    13     180 days following the date of:
    14             (i)  the return of that resident to the United States
    15         or prior duty station;
    16             (ii)  release from active duty; or
    17             (iii)  release of the resident from a military or
    18         veterans hospital in the case of a service-connected
    19         injury.
    20         (2)  Any resident of this Commonwealth serving in a
    21     civilian capacity in support of the United States Armed
    22     Forces in a combat zone or serving outside the boundaries of
    23     this Commonwealth in support of the armed forces prior to the
    24     legal deadline for the filing of any tax return or the
    25     payment of any tax, as described in section 6, shall have
    26     such deadlines extended until the date 180 days following:
    27             (i)  the date of the return of that employee to this
    28         Commonwealth; or
    29             (ii)  the date designated by Presidential Executive
    30         order as the date of termination of combative activities
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     1         in the combat zone, whichever occurs first.
     2         (3)  Any spouse of an individual qualifying under
     3     paragraph (1) or (2) shall have the same rights and be
     4     subject to the same restrictions as provided in this
     5     subsection.
     6     (b)  Liability waived.--
     7         (1)  The estate of any individual covered under
     8     subsection (a)(1) or (2) who dies while serving in a combat
     9     zone or dies as a result of injuries received while in a
    10     combat zone shall not be liable for payment of any tax
    11     described in section 6 owed by the decedent for the year of
    12     death and for the year immediately preceding the year of
    13     death.
    14         (2)  The tax liability for any tax described in section 6
    15     of a spouse of any individual covered under subsection (a)(1)
    16     or (2) who dies while serving in a combat zone or dies as a
    17     result of injuries received while in a combat zone shall be
    18     waived by the political subdivision for both the year of
    19     death and the immediate prior year and all tax revenue
    20     received from the spouse by the political subdivision either
    21     through a previously filed return or employer withholding
    22     shall be refunded to the spouse.
    23  Section 4.  Time extension information.
    24     Any local taxing authority which issues any notice relating
    25  to a delinquent return or overdue tax payment shall include
    26  information relating to any time extension available under this
    27  act.
    28  Section 5.  Repeal.
    29     The act of March 26, 1991 (P.L.3, No.2), entitled "An act
    30  authorizing local taxing authorities the option of relieving
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     1  members of the United States Armed Forces or other civilians
     2  serving in the Persian Gulf area or in support of such armed
     3  forces from certain local tax filing deadlines," is repealed
     4  insofar as it is inconsistent with this act.
     5  Section 6.  Applicability.
     6     The provisions of this act shall apply to the following taxes
     7  imposed or collected under the act of August 5, 1932 (Sp.Sess.,
     8  P.L.45, No.45), referred to as the Sterling Act, the act of
     9  March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code
    10  of 1949, the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511), known
    11  as The Local Tax Enabling Act, any of the various county and
    12  municipal codes and any other applicable statute:
    13         (1)  Real property taxes.
    14         (2)  Earned income taxes.
    15         (3)  Intangible personal property taxes.
    16         (4)  Per capita taxes.
    17         (5)  Occupation taxes.
    18         (6)  Occupational privilege taxes.
    19         (7)  Emergency services and municipal tax.
    20  Section 7.  Retroactivity.
    21     This act shall be retroactive to March 19, 2003.
    22  Section 8.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect immediately.

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