1Recognizing April 16, 2013, as "Men's Health Awareness Day" in

3WHEREAS, Despite advances in medical technology and research,
4men continue to live an average of five years less than women;

6WHEREAS, The ten leading causes of death in men are heart
7disease, cancer, stroke, accidents and unintentional injuries,
8lung disease, diabetes, pneumonia and influenza, suicide,
9chronic liver disease and cirrhosis and kidney disease; and

10WHEREAS, According to the American Cancer Society, one in two
11men are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime; and

12WHEREAS, According to the United States Census Bureau, 17% of
13women in Pennsylvania will be widows by age 69 due to the
14premature death of their husbands; and

15WHEREAS, The health concerns of men affect all Pennsylvanians
16as nearly every Pennsylvanian has had a father, husband, son,
17brother or male friend die from disease or illness at a

1premature age; and

2WHEREAS, Many of the premature causes of death of men are
3preventable with early detection and treatment; and

4WHEREAS, Educating the public about the importance of a
5healthy lifestyle and early detection of male health problems
6will likely result in reducing rates of premature death from
7disease or illness; and

8WHEREAS, All Pennsylvanians are encouraged to recognize the
9importance of a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and medical
10checkups; and

11WHEREAS, The General Assembly joins with Men's Health Network
12and Endo Health Solutions in educating the public about the
13importance of healthy lifestyles and preventative treatment;
14therefore be it

15RESOLVED, That the Senate recognize April 16, 2013, as "Men's
16Health Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania.