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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3801



No. 2754 Session of 1998

           AUGUST 18, 1998


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for enforcement of the Fish and
     3     Boat Code.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Sections 925 and 930 of Title 30 of the
     7  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
     8  § 925.  Acknowledgment of guilt and receipts for payment.
     9     (a)  General rule.--[A] Subject to subsection (d), a person
    10  charged with violating any provision of this title which is a
    11  summary offense may sign, within [five] ten days of the
    12  commission of the offense, an acknowledgment of the offense
    13  committed and pay to any [waterways patrolman] authorized
    14  officer of the commission the penalty in full as fixed by this
    15  title. The printed receipt for this payment shall only prove
    16  full satisfaction of the monetary fine for the offense committed
    17  and in no way shall limit the commission from further revoking
    18  fishing or boating privileges.

     1     (b)  Notice of right to hearing.--Before any person signs an
     2  acknowledgment pursuant to this section, he will be advised of
     3  his right to a hearing in a judicial proceeding. The printed
     4  receipt shall have prominently printed thereon a statement that
     5  the person charged has a right to a hearing and that if he
     6  elects to sign the acknowledgment he is forfeiting that right.
     7     (c)  Stopping payment of check.--Any person who makes payment
     8  to the commission by personal check for an acknowledgment
     9  pursuant to this section and who stops payment on the check
    10  commits a summary offense of the second degree. The official
    11  receipt for payment of the penalty, issued by a waterways
    12  patrolman, shall become void and the prosecution of the person
    13  or persons named on the receipt shall be allowed to continue.
    14     (d)  Limitations on acknowledgments of guilt.--On and after
    15  December 31, 2000, acknowledgments of guilt pursuant to this
    16  section shall be used only in such counties as the commission
    17  may designate by regulation for such use. The commission shall
    18  only designate such counties for continued use of field
    19  acknowledgment as it finds to have summary offense procedures
    20  that differ from Statewide summary offense procedures.
    21  § 930.  [Arrest] Disposition of nonresident offenders.
    22     Subject to any inconsistent regulations prescribed pursuant
    23  to 42 Pa.C.S. § 3502 (relating to financial regulations):
    24         (1)  General rule.--[Upon] Except as otherwise provided
    25     in paragraph (2), upon the [arrest,] apprehension [or
    26     citation] of a nonresident of this Commonwealth for any
    27     violation of this title that is a summary offense, the
    28     waterways [patrolman] conservation officer or deputy
    29     waterways [patrolman] conservation officer shall[, unless the
    30     defendant elects to acknowledge guilt in accordance with
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     1     section 925 (relating to acknowledgment of guilt and receipts
     2     for payment), escort the defendant to the appropriate issuing
     3     authority for a hearing, posting of bond or payment of the
     4     applicable fine and costs, unless the defendant chooses to
     5     place the amount of the applicable fine and costs in a
     6     stamped envelope addressed to the appropriate issuing
     7     authority and mails the envelope in the presence of the
     8     waterways patrolman or deputy waterways patrolman] issue a
     9     citation as provided by the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal
    10     Procedure unless the nonresident offender elects to proceed
    11     under section 925 (related to acknowledgment of guilt and
    12     receipts for payment).
    13         [(2)  Procedure upon payment by mail.--If the defendant
    14     mails the amount of fine and costs prescribed in paragraph
    15     (1), he shall indicate on an accompanying form whether the
    16     payment constitutes a bond for a hearing based on a plea of
    17     not guilty or a fine based upon a plea of guilty in lieu of
    18     acknowledging guilt under section 925. If the plea is not
    19     guilty, the waterways patrolman or deputy waterways patrolman
    20     shall notify the issuing authority by telephone and the
    21     issuing authority shall schedule a hearing for the following
    22     day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays), unless
    23     the defendant requests a continuance, in which case a hearing
    24     shall be scheduled to accommodate the defendant, the
    25     waterways patrolman or deputy waterways patrolman and the
    26     issuing authority.]
    27         (2)  Arrest of nonresident.--A waterways conservation
    28     officer or deputy waterways conservation officer shall be
    29     authorized to arrest a nonresident for a summary offense
    30     violation of this title and escort him to the appropriate
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     1     issuing authority for a hearing, posting of bond or payment
     2     of the applicable fine and costs only when one or more of the
     3     following circumstances exist:
     4             (i)  The nonresident offender does not elect to
     5         proceed under section 925 (relating to acknowledgment of
     6         guilt and receipts for payment) and refuses to accept a
     7         citation from the waterways conservation officer.
     8             (ii)  The nonresident offender fails to provide
     9         positive identification showing his mailing address.
    10             (iii)  The officer has reasonable grounds to believe
    11         the nonresident offender is a repeat offender under this
    12         title.
    13             (iv)  The officer has reasonable grounds to believe
    14         the nonresident offender is fishing while his fishing
    15         privileges are suspended or boating while his boating
    16         privileges are suspended.
    17             (v)  The officer has reasonable grounds to believe
    18         the nonresident offender has failed to respond to a
    19         citation issued under this title or to pay assessed fines
    20         or penalties for a prior offense under this title.
    21             (vi)  The officer has reasonable grounds to believe
    22         the nonresident offender may pose a threat of harm to
    23         persons or property or to himself or herself.
    24             (vii)  The officer has reasonable grounds to believe
    25         the nonresident offender will not appear as required if
    26         issued a citation.
    27     The officer shall not exercise his authority to arrest a
    28     nonresident under this paragraph if the nonresident offender
    29     chooses to place the amount of the applicable fine and costs
    30     in a stamped envelope addressed to the appropriate issuing
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     1     authority and mails the envelope in the presence of the
     2     officer.
     3         (3)  Form of payment.--The amount of fine and costs to be
     4     mailed to the issuing authority under paragraph (2) may be
     5     paid in cash, personal or other check, credit card or
     6     guaranteed arrest bond.
     7         (4)  Receipt for payment.--The waterways [patrolman]
     8     conservation officer or deputy waterways [patrolman]
     9     conservation officer shall give the [defendant] nonresident
    10     offender a receipt for payment, a copy of which shall be
    11     mailed with the payment and a copy retained by the officer.
    12     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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