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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4317



No. 1906 Session of 2008



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," further providing for definition of political
    12     parties and political bodies, for nominations by minor
    13     political parties and for nominations by political bodies.

    14     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    15         (1)  That the Commonwealth's election laws hinder the
    16     entry into the electoral process of independent candidates,
    17     thereby limiting the electoral choices available to voters of
    18     this Commonwealth.
    19         (2)  That the political system of the Commonwealth should
    20     be electorally inclusive in order to promote the broadest
    21     range of issue discussion and candidate selection.
    22         (3)  That enhanced ballot access for all candidates will
    23     ensure a more democratic election process.

     1     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     2  hereby enacts as follows:
     3     Section 1.  Section 801(a) of the act of June 3, 1937
     4  (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code,
     5  amended December 22, 1971 (P.L.613, No.165), is amended to read:
     6     Section 801.  Definition of Political Parties and Political
     7  Bodies.--
     8     (a)  Any party or political body, one of whose candidates at
     9  the general election next preceding the primary polled in each
    10  of at least ten counties of the State not less than two per
    11  centum of the largest entire vote cast in each of said counties
    12  for any elected candidate, and polled a total vote in the State
    13  equal to at least two per centum of the largest entire vote cast
    14  in the State for any elected candidate or that has twenty-one
    15  days prior to the date of the primary election registered in the
    16  name of that party a number of voters equal to at least five
    17  one-hundredths of one per centum of the total number of voters
    18  registered in the entire State as of December 31 of the year
    19  immediately preceding the primary election, is hereby declared
    20  to be a political party within the State, and shall nominate all
    21  its candidates for any of the offices provided for in this act,
    22  and shall elect its delegates and alternate delegates to the
    23  National convention as party rules provide. State committee
    24  members, and also such party officers, including members of the
    25  National committee, as its rules provide, shall be elected by a
    26  vote of the party electors, in accordance with the provisions of
    27  this act and party rules.
    28     * * *
    29     Section 2.  Section 912.2 of the act, added February 19, 1986
    30  (P.L.29, No.11), is amended to read:
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     1     Section 912.2.  Nominations by Minor Political Parties.--(a)
     2  Notwithstanding any other provision in this act to the contrary,
     3  minor political parties shall nominate all of their candidates
     4  for the offices to be filled at the ensuing November election
     5  pursuant to section 903 in accordance with [the requirements of
     6  section 951, other than subsection (e)(6) and (7) thereof, and]
     7  section 954 and any other provision of this act and the minor
     8  political party's rules, and shall [obtain the required
     9  signatures during the same time frame available to political
    10  bodies] notify the Commonwealth in writing of the candidates at
    11  least eight weeks in advance of the municipal or general
    12  election. Minor political parties shall be subject to the
    13  provisions of this act applicable to political parties with
    14  respect to special elections, voter registration forms,
    15  substituted nominations and all other purposes except as
    16  otherwise expressly provided in this section. "Minor political
    17  party" shall mean a political party as defined in section 801(a)
    18  or (b) whose State-wide registration is less than fifteen per
    19  centum of the combined State-wide registration for all State-
    20  wide political parties as of the close of the registration
    21  period immediately preceding the most recent November election.
    22  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall prescribe forms or, if
    23  there is insufficient time, make appropriate conforming changes
    24  in existing forms to carry out the purposes of this section.
    25     (b)  [All nomination papers circulated and filed pursuant to
    26  this section shall specify--(1) the name or appellation of the
    27  minor political party which the candidates nominated thereby
    28  represent and, in the case of electors for President and Vice
    29  President of the United States, the names of the candidates for
    30  President and Vice President of such minor political party; (2)
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     1  the name of each candidate nominated therein, his profession,
     2  business or occupation, if any, and his place of residence with
     3  street and number, if any; and (3) the office for which such
     4  candidate is nominated. No words shall be used in any nomination
     5  paper to designate the name or appellation of the minor
     6  political party represented by the candidate's name in such
     7  nomination paper which are identical with or deceptively similar
     8  to the words used for a like purpose by any minor political
     9  party which has already filed nomination papers for the same
    10  office. Any petition to set aside a nomination paper on account
    11  of the name or appellation used therein, or involving the right
    12  of the signers thereof to use such name or appellation, or on
    13  any other account, shall be decided as in the case of other
    14  petitions to set aside nomination papers, in the manner provided
    15  by this article.] (Reserved).
    16     (c)  Each person filing any nomination paper for public
    17  office shall be given a statement composed by the Secretary of
    18  the Commonwealth setting forth his duties under law to file pre-
    19  election and post-election campaign finance reports and the
    20  penalties for nonfiling. Each person filing any nomination paper
    21  for public office shall be given a form to file expenses if the
    22  amount received or expended or liabilities incurred shall exceed
    23  the sum of two hundred fifty dollars ($250), and a form
    24  containing a sworn statement that the amount received or
    25  expended or liabilities incurred do not exceed the sum of two
    26  hundred fifty dollars ($250), with written instructions prepared
    27  by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Within three weeks after
    28  such candidate has filed, the appropriate supervisor shall mail
    29  the same forms and instructions to such candidate by first class
    30  mail.
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     1     Section 3.  Section 951(b) of the act, amended December 22,
     2  1971 (P.L.613, No.165), is amended to read:
     3     Section 951.  Nominations by Political Bodies.--* * *
     4     (b)  Where the nomination is for any office to be filled by
     5  the electors of the State at large, the number of qualified
     6  electors of the State signing such nomination paper shall be at
     7  least equal to [two per centum of the largest entire vote cast
     8  for any elected candidate in the State at large at the last
     9  preceding election at which State-wide candidates were voted
    10  for.] the number of signers required for that office under
    11  section 912.1. In the case of all other nominations, the number
    12  of qualified electors of the electoral district signing such
    13  nomination papers shall be at least equal to [two per centum of
    14  the largest entire vote cast for any officer, except a judge of
    15  a court of record, elected at the last preceding election in
    16  said electoral district for which said nomination papers are to
    17  be filed, and shall be not less than the number of signers
    18  required for nomination petitions for party candidates for the
    19  same office. In cases where a new electoral district shall have
    20  been created, the number of qualified electors signing such
    21  nomination papers, for candidates to be elected at the first
    22  election held after the creation of such district, shall be at
    23  least equal to two per centum of the largest vote cast in the
    24  several election districts, which are included in the district
    25  newly created, for any officer elected in the last preceding
    26  election] the number of signers required for that office under
    27  section 912.1.
    28     * * *
    29     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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