See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2618



No. 1896 Session of 2007

           OCTOBER 15, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 17, 2007 (P.L.   , No.8A), entitled,
     2     "An act to provide from the General Fund for the expenses of
     3     the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the
     4     Commonwealth, the public debt and the public schools for the
     5     fiscal year July 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008, for certain
     6     institutions and organizations, and for the payment of bills
     7     incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year
     8     ending June 30, 2007; to provide appropriations from the
     9     State Lottery Fund, the Energy Conservation and Assistance
    10     Fund, the Hazardous Material Response Fund, The State Stores
    11     Fund, the Milk Marketing Fund, the Home Investment Trust
    12     Fund, the Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund, the
    13     Tuition Payment Fund, the Banking Department Fund, the
    14     Firearm Records Check Fund, the Ben Franklin Technology
    15     Development Authority Fund and the Tobacco Settlement Fund to
    16     the Executive Department; to provide appropriations from the
    17     Judicial Computer System Augmentation Account to the Judicial
    18     Department for the fiscal year July 1, 2007, to June 30,
    19     2008; to provide appropriations from the Motor License Fund
    20     for the fiscal year July 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008, for the
    21     proper operation of the several departments of the
    22     Commonwealth and the Pennsylvania State Police authorized to
    23     spend Motor License Fund moneys; to provide for the
    24     appropriation of Federal funds to the Executive Department of
    25     the Commonwealth and for the payment of bills remaining
    26     unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007;
    27     to provide for the additional appropriation of Federal and
    28     State funds from the General Fund, the State Lottery Fund and
    29     the Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly Fund
    30     for the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of
    31     the Commonwealth for the fiscal year July 1, 2006, to June
    32     30, 2007, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining

     1     unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006,"
     2     providing for a transfer to the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund
     3     and reducing certain State appropriations to the Senate and
     4     the House of Representatives.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 213 of the act of July 17, 2007 (P.L.   ,
     8  No.8A), known as the General Appropriation Act of 2007, is
     9  amended by adding a State appropriation to read:
    10     Section 213.  Department of
    11  Environmental Protection.--The
    12  following amounts are appropriated to
    13  the Department of Environmental
    14  Protection:                                Federal       State
    15     * * *
    16     For transfer to the Hazardous Sites
    17  Cleanup Fund.
    18             State appropriation........                40,000,000
    19     * * *
    20     Section 2.  As much of section 251 of the act as relates to
    21  the State appropriation for legislative printing and the
    22  Committee on Appropriations is amended to read:
    23     Section 251.  Senate.--The
    24  following amounts are appropriated to
    25  the Senate:                                Federal       State
    26     * * *
    27     Legislative printing and expenses,
    28  furniture, technology improvements,
    29  restorations, security enhancements,
    30  North Office Building modernization,
    31  equipment, renovations and other

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     1  expenses.
     2             [State appropriation.......               16,400,000]
     3             State appropriation........                 0,000,000
     4     * * *
     5     For the payment of the expenses of
     6  the Committee on Appropriations (R)
     7  and the Committee on Appropriations
     8  (D) for investigating schools,
     9  colleges, universities, correctional
    10  institutions, mental hospitals,
    11  medical and surgical hospitals, homes
    12  and other institutions and agencies
    13  supported, in whole or in part, by
    14  appropriations from the State Treasury
    15  in analyzing reports, expenditures and
    16  the general operation and
    17  administration of the institutions and
    18  agencies, in examining and analyzing
    19  requests of the same and of the
    20  various departments, boards and
    21  commissions of the Commonwealth, and
    22  for the collection of data from other
    23  states, attending seminars and
    24  conferences and in cooperating and
    25  exchanging information with
    26  legislative budget and financial
    27  committees of other states, and for
    28  the necessary clerical assistance and
    29  other assistance, travel expenses,
    30  member lodging rental and all other
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     1  expenses deemed necessary by the
     2  chairman (R) or the chairman (D), as
     3  appropriate, in compiling data and
     4  information connected with the work of
     5  the Senate in compiling comparative
     6  costs and other fiscal data and
     7  information for the use of the
     8  committee and the Senate during
     9  legislative sessions and during the
    10  interim between legislative sessions
    11  to the discharge of such duties. The
    12  committee, upon authorization of the
    13  chairman (R), shall have the authority
    14  to examine and inspect all properties,
    15  equipment, facilities, files, records
    16  and accounts of any State office,
    17  department, institution, board,
    18  committee, commission or agency or any
    19  institution or agency supported, in
    20  whole or in part, by appropriation
    21  from the State Treasury and to
    22  administer oaths. The Committee on
    23  Appropriations may issue subpoenas
    24  under the hand and seal of the
    25  chairman (R) to compel the attendance
    26  of witnesses and the production of any
    27  papers, books, accounts, documents and
    28  testimony touching matters properly
    29  being inquired into by the committee
    30  and to cause the deposition of
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     1  witnesses either residing within or
     2  without the State to be taken in the
     3  manner prescribed by law for taking
     4  depositions in civil actions. Upon
     5  presentation of requisitions by the
     6  Chief Clerk for such compensation or
     7  expenses, such shall be paid on
     8  warrant of the State Treasurer
     9  directly to and in favor of the
    10  persons designated in such requisition
    11  as entitled to receive such
    12  compensation or expenses. The sum
    13  appropriated shall be divided equally
    14  by the State Treasurer and shall be
    15  deposited in separate accounts for the
    16  Committee on Appropriations (R) and
    17  the Committee on Appropriations (D).
    18             [State appropriation.......                9,800,000]
    19             State appropriation........                 6,200,000
    20     * * *
    21     Section 3.  As much of section 252 of the act as relates to
    22  the Special Leadership Accounts of the House of Representatives
    23  is amended to read:
    24     Section 252.  House of
    25  Representatives.--The following
    26  amounts are appropriated to the House
    27  of Representatives:                        Federal       State
    28     * * *
    29     For the payment to the Special
    30  Leadership Account (R) and the Special
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     1  Leadership Account (D) for payment of
     2  salaries, wages and all other
     3  incidental expenses incurred in hiring
     4  personnel and staff or for services,
     5  which, in the opinion of the Majority
     6  Leader or Minority Leader
     7  respectively, may be required or arise
     8  during legislative sessions and during
     9  the interim between legislative
    10  sessions and for the payment of all
    11  other expenses related to the
    12  performance of his duties and
    13  responsibilities. The portion
    14  designated below of the sum
    15  appropriated shall be paid on warrant
    16  of the State Treasurer in favor of the
    17  Majority Leader and the Minority
    18  Leader, respectively, on the
    19  presentation of his requisition for
    20  the same. The Majority Leader and the
    21  Minority Leader, respectively, shall,
    22  not later than 30 days after the
    23  termination of his term of office or
    24  until his successor is elected and
    25  also within 30 days after the
    26  adjournment of any regular or special
    27  session, file an account, together
    28  with supporting documents whenever
    29  possible, in the office of the
    30  Majority Leader or the Minority
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     1  Leader, respectively, of such expenses
     2  since the filing of the prior account.
     3  The sum appropriated shall be
     4  allocated by the State Treasurer and
     5  shall be deposited as follows: (i)
     6  the Special Leadership Account (R) in
     7  the amount of [$9,082,000] $44,000 and
     8  (ii) the Special Leadership Account
     9  (D) in the amount of [$11,015,000]
    10  $53,000.
    11             [State appropriation.......               20,097,000]
    12             State appropriation........                    97,000
    13     * * *
    14     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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