See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2378



No. 1884 Session of 1997

           OCTOBER 7, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating libraries; providing for the State Librarian, for the
     2     State Library and for the State Library Commission;
     3     establishing the State Library Fund; providing for library
     4     financing; establishing the State Library System; making tax
     5     exemptions and authorizing and requiring local taxation;
     6     entering into an interstate compact; and making repeals.

     7                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     8  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     9  Section 101.  Short title.
    10  Section 102.  Declaration of policy.
    11  Section 103.  Definitions.
    12  Section 104.  Free access to libraries.
    13  Section 105.  Confidentiality of circulation records.
    14  Chapter 3.  Agencies and Officers
    15     Subchapter A.  State Library
    16  Section 301.  Reestablishment.

     1  Section 302.  Main branch; branches within Capitol Complex.
     2  Section 303.  Staff.
     3  Section 304.  Public documents.
     4  Section 305.  Deposits and copies of public records.
     5  Section 306.  Operation.
     6  Section 307.  Advanced payments.
     7  Section 308.  Disbursements.
     8     Subchapter B.  State Library Commission
     9  Section 321.  State Library Commission.
    10  Section 322.  Commission powers and duties.
    11  Section 323.  Inspector general.
    12  Section 324.  Decennial census capital requirements.
    13  Section 325.  Special financing report to General Assembly.
    14  Section 326.  Cooperation of other agencies.
    15     Subchapter C.  State Librarian
    16  Section 341.  State Librarian, deputy and assistant.
    17  Section 342.  Staff.
    18  Section 343.  Powers and duties.
    19  Section 344.  Historical materials preservation.
    20  Section 345.  Report of State Librarian.
    21     Subchapter D.  System.
    22  Section 361.  Establishment.
    23  Section 362.  Library precincts.
    24  Section 363.  County of municipal library districts.
    25  Section 364.  Regional library districts.
    26  Section 365.  State Library System Conference.
    27  Section 366.  Academic, historical, law, school and
    28                 specialized libraries.
    29  Section 367.  System operations.
    30  Section 368.  Noncompliance with system requirements.
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     1  Section 369.  Organic law and additional materials.
     2  Section 370.  Regional libraries.
     3  Section 371.  County library districts.
     4  Chapter 5.  Fund
     5  Section 501.  Establishment.
     6  Section 502.  Source.
     7  Section 503.  Administration.
     8  Chapter 7.  Financing
     9     Subchapter A.  Funding
    10  Section 701.  Library governing board to control all funds.
    11  Section 702.  Professional dues.
    12  Section 703.  Donations.
    13  Section 704.  Base funding for library expenditures.
    14                 (Reserved)
    15  Section 705.  Base funding for capital expenditures.
    16                 (Reserved)
    17     Subchapter B.  Supplemental State Aid
    18  Section 721.  Authorization. (Reserved)
    19  Section 722.  Exception. (Reserved)
    20  Section 723.  Procedure. (Reserved)
    21  Section 724.  School library. (Reserved)
    22  Section 725.  Regulations.
    23  Section 726.  Nonprofits.
    24  Chapter 9.  Licensing of Libraries
    25  Section 901.  Licensing of professional librarians.
    26  Section 902.  Employment hiring and removal of professional
    27                 librarians.
    28  Chapter 11.  Information and Fees
    29  Section 1101.  Computer library services, digital storage and
    30                 dissemination.
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     1  Section 1102.  Commercial computerized information retrieval
     2                 services.
     3  Section 1103.  Bid examination.
     4  Section 1104.  User fees.
     5  Section 1105.  Telephone service.
     6  Chapter 13.  Tax
     7  Section 1301.  Property, inheritance and income.
     8  Section 1302.  Local.
     9  Chapter 15.  Local
    10  Section 1501.  Referendum.
    11  Section 1502.  Organization.
    12  Section 1503.  Local library operation.
    13  Section 1504.  Staff.
    14  Section 1505.  Duplication.
    15  Chapter 17.  Law Libraries
    16  Section 1701.  Maintenance of principal State Law Library
    17                 and county law libraries.
    18  Section 1702.  Access.
    19  Section 1703.  Free copies.
    20  Section 1704.  Sharing.
    21  Section 1705.  Subscription.
    22  Section 1706.  Law library fees.
    23  Chapter 19.  Interstate Library Compact
    24  Section 1901.  Compact.
    25  Chapter 51.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    26  Section 5101.  Repeals.
    27  Section 5102.  Effective date.
    28     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    29  hereby enacts as follows:
    30                             CHAPTER 1
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     1                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     2  Section 101.  Short title.
     3     This act shall be known and may be cited as the State Library
     4  Code.
     5  Section 102.  Declaration of policy.
     6     (a)  General.--
     7         (1)  The State Library is an indispensable resource for
     8     the General Assembly and the executive and judicial branches
     9     of the Commonwealth and provides to all citizens of this
    10     Commonwealth the wealth of knowledge essential for a
    11     democratic people.
    12         (2)  Libraries are general information and referral
    13     service agencies serving all constituencies of this
    14     Commonwealth.
    15         (3)  Communications and computer technology have resulted
    16     in a third level of library service enabling libraries to
    17     offer information and reference, education and recreation,
    18     not only by books and audiovisual materials, but by computer
    19     services.
    20         (4)  To better serve the citizens of this Commonwealth
    21     and to assure that this Commonwealth is both economically
    22     attractive to business and socially amenable to its citizens,
    23     it is of the highest priority that the State Library and all
    24     libraries throughout this Commonwealth be properly
    25     administered so as to provide the citizens of this
    26     Commonwealth with the most advanced information and referral
    27     library services possible.
    28         (5)  The current physical plant and facilities of the
    29     main branch of the State Library impose restraint and
    30     limitation on the effective and efficient service of the
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     1     State Library to the General Assembly and to the executive
     2     and judicial branches of the Commonwealth and to its patrons
     3     generally, by reason of limitation of space for proper
     4     storage of material; inefficient usage of public utilization
     5     of the State Library; and antiquated heating, air
     6     conditioning and ventilation.
     7     (b)  Library bill of rights.--Because the library and its
     8  information are indispensable to a free and democratic people to
     9  rule their governors and because a fully informed electorate is
    10  the best government, the General Assembly declares as follows:
    11         (1)  The citizens of this Commonwealth are guaranteed
    12     that their rights of free speech and to petition the
    13     government for redress of grievances are not abridged,
    14     diminished or derogated by the denial of the free and public
    15     dissemination of information provided by libraries through
    16     budgetary restraints or imposition of local majoritarian
    17     influences.
    18         (2)  The services of a local library shall be available
    19     to all citizens of this Commonwealth regardless of race,
    20     color, ethnic background, physical disabilities or religious
    21     or political beliefs to the maximum extent possible and free
    22     of local economic resources or restraints.
    23         (3)  The services of a local library shall be available
    24     to serve all political, educational, informational and social
    25     needs of the citizens of this Commonwealth. No particular
    26     service shall be abridged at the expense of providing any
    27     other service of the library to the citizens of this
    28     Commonwealth.
    29         (4)  The librarian of any library within this
    30     Commonwealth shall be free to exercise the best professional
    19970H1884B2378                  - 6 -

     1     judgment in providing the widest possible dissemination of
     2     information to the citizens of this Commonwealth. Whatever
     3     information is not locally available shall be, to the maximum
     4     extent possible, readily available from any other library
     5     within this Commonwealth. The State Library shall serve as
     6     the library of last resort.
     7         (5)  The citizens of this Commonwealth have the right to
     8     require the General Assembly and the governing body of each
     9     county and municipality, by judicious expenditure of the
    10     taxes levied upon the citizens, to assure the fullest, freest
    11     and uninterrupted flow of information from the libraries of
    12     this Commonwealth.
    13  Section 103. Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Academic library."  A library, whether established and
    18  maintained by a public or private institution, which serves the
    19  informational, educational and recreational needs of the student
    20  body of a college or university or school of a college or
    21  university for which the library's governing body is responsible
    22  by providing a free access, including free lending and reference
    23  services, to an organized and currently useful collection of
    24  printed items and other materials and to the services of a staff
    25  trained to recognize and provide for these needs. The term does
    26  not include school libraries or regional libraries.
    27     "Commission."  The State Library Commission established in
    28  section 341.
    29     "Computer library network."  The State Library's medium for
    30  dissemination and distribution of digital material to qualified
    19970H1884B2378                  - 7 -

     1  libraries within this Commonwealth established in section 1101.
     2     "County library district."  Any agency, authority, board,
     3  commission or department of a county organized by the governing
     4  body of the county for the purpose of operating a system of
     5  libraries in the county.
     6     "Digital material."  Materials exclusively, in form or
     7  character, for transmission via computerized or technological
     8  services.
     9     "District board."  A library district board of trustees.
    10     "Fund."  The Library Fund established in section 501.
    11     "Historical library."  Any library or organized collection of
    12  books, volumes and related materials, established and maintained
    13  by a municipality, established and maintained by a private
    14  historical association or society, house of worship, religious
    15  denomination or other similar private association or established
    16  and maintained by a corporation or group, which serves the
    17  informational, educational and historical needs of the
    18  organization with which the library is affiliated and which
    19  provides a free access to historians and scholars.
    20     "Information retrieval service."  A service, public or
    21  commercial, which provides computerized information retrieval
    22  services over a communications network.
    23     "Joint county library district."  Any agency, authority,
    24  board, commission or department of contiguous counties organized
    25  by the governing bodies of the counties for the purpose of
    26  operating a system of libraries in the counties.
    27     "Joint municipality library district."  Any agency,
    28  authority, board, commission or department of contiguous
    29  municipalities organized by the governing bodies of the
    30  municipalities for the purpose of operating a system of
    19970H1884B2378                  - 8 -

     1  libraries in the municipalities.
     2     "Law library."  A public library, established and maintained
     3  by a court, Commonwealth agency, municipality or bar
     4  association, which serves the informational and reference needs
     5  of attorneys, judges and litigants, including prisoners and
     6  inmates, by providing access to an organized and currently
     7  useful collection of printed items and other materials and to
     8  the services of a staff trained to recognize and provide for
     9  these needs.
    10     "Library."  The State Library and any academic library,
    11  county library, historical library, local library, regional
    12  library or school library.
    13     "Local library."  A free, public, nonsectarian library
    14  established and maintained by a municipality, by a branch of a
    15  county library district or by a private association, corporation
    16  or group, which serves the informational, educational and
    17  recreational needs of all the residents of either the
    18  municipality in which the library is located or the municipality
    19  in which the library is located and its contiguous
    20  municipalities for which its district board is responsible, by
    21  providing free access, including free lending and reference
    22  services, to an organized and currently useful collection of
    23  printed items and other materials and to the services of a staff
    24  trained to recognize and provide for these needs.
    25     "Local library district."  The service area of any local
    26  library or number of libraries within a joint municipal library
    27  district.
    28     "Master license contract."  The contractual agreement between
    29  the State Library and any computerized informational retrieval
    30  service vendor for the uninterrupted access to and usage of
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     1  computerized informational retrieval service with all generally
     2  available reproduction and copyright clearance rights,
     3  privileges and prerogatives for a specified period of time.
     4     "Master purchase contract."  The contractual agreement
     5  between the State Library and a vendor of physical material for
     6  the acquisition of multiple volumes of physical material by the
     7  State Library for distribution among the branches of the State
     8  Library and the system.
     9     "Material."  Any book, plate, picture, photograph, engraving,
    10  painting, drawing, map, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet,
    11  broadside, manuscript, document, letter, public record,
    12  microfilm, sound recording, audiovisual master in any format,
    13  magnetic or other tape, electronic data medium, computer
    14  program, electronic data processing record, display, object,
    15  work of art, artifact or other documentary or printed material,
    16  regardless of physical form or character, belonging to or
    17  otherwise in the custody of a library.
    18     "Municipal library district."  Any agency, authority, board,
    19  commission or department of a municipality organized by the
    20  governing bodies of the municipality for the purpose of
    21  operating a system of libraries in the municipality.
    22     "Municipality."  A city, borough, incorporated town or
    23  township.
    24     "Pennsylvania information network."  The computer library
    25  network.
    26     "Physically disadvantaged."  Unable by reason of physical
    27  age, disability, handicap or infirmity to use material in the
    28  normal manner.
    29     "Prevailing state-of-the-art technology."  The prevailing
    30  technological standards generally accepted by the United States
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     1  computer allied industry for hardware and software attributes
     2  and factors for operation of personal station and mainframe
     3  station computers.
     4     "Qualified library."  A library, regardless of organization
     5  or ownership, entitled by this act to access at no charge or fee
     6  the computer library services of the computer library network.
     7     "Qualified library employee."  An employee of a system member
     8  who, by virtue of being licensed as a professional librarian by
     9  the commission, is qualified to provide expertise in the
    10  administration of library services and materials.
    11     "Regional library."  A free, public, nonsectarian library
    12  whether established and maintained by a municipality or by a
    13  private association, corporation or group, which serves the
    14  informational, educational and recreational needs of all the
    15  residents of the metropolitan or regional area for which its
    16  district board is responsible by providing free access,
    17  including free lending and reference services, to an organized
    18  and currently useful collection of printed items and other
    19  materials and to the services of a staff trained to recognize
    20  and provide for these needs. The term includes any college or
    21  university library designated by the commission as a regional
    22  library.
    23     "Regional library district."  The Eastern, Middle and Western
    24  Districts of this Commonwealth, consisting of the county library
    25  districts within each district.
    26     "School library."  A library, whether established and
    27  maintained by a public school district or a private school,
    28  which serves the informational, educational and recreational
    29  needs of the student body of the school by providing free
    30  access, including free lending and reference services, to an
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     1  organized and currently useful collection of printed items and
     2  other materials and to the services of a staff trained to
     3  recognize and provide for these needs. The term does not include
     4  an academic library.
     5     "Specialized library."  Any library or organized collection
     6  of materials which:
     7         (1)  is established and maintained by any Commonwealth
     8     agency, municipality, business, nonprofit organization or
     9     school for persons who are blind, deaf or physically
    10     disabled;
    11         (2)  serves the informational, educational and
    12     professional needs of the entity with which the library is
    13     affiliated; and
    14         (3)  provides free and reasonable access to or has
    15     possession of unique material of interest to educators,
    16     professionals and scholars and students. For purposes of this
    17     act, reasonable access shall mean access during regular
    18     business hours without disruption of ongoing functions or
    19     services of the business, institution or organization.
    20     "State aid."  Designation of financial assistance under
    21  Subchapter B of Chapter 7.
    22     "State Librarian."  The chief administrative officer of the
    23  State Library.
    24     "State Library."  The State Library of Pennsylvania. The term
    25  includes its main branch and other branches within the
    26  legislative, executive and judicial branches of the
    27  Commonwealth.
    28     "Subjects of transfer."  Personnel, appropriations,
    29  allocations, documents, records, equipment, materials, rights
    30  and obligations utilized or accruing in connection with
    19970H1884B2378                 - 12 -

     1  transferred functions.
     2     "System."  The State Library System established in section
     3  361.
     4     "System member."  A library which elects to become a member
     5  of the State Library System.
     6     "Volume discount rate."  The financial discount provided to
     7  the State Library for:
     8         (1)  acquisition of materials; or
     9         (2)  provision of computerized information retrieval
    10     services or other services through vendors.
    11  Section 104.  Free access to libraries.
    12     Libraries which are members of the State Library System or
    13  which otherwise obtain and receive assistance under this act
    14  shall provide their library services at all times free, except
    15  as provided in this act, to all persons without regard to race,
    16  color, creed, national origin, political or religious beliefs or
    17  affiliation or physical disability as long as the persons
    18  generally comport themselves with good behavior and do not
    19  willfully violate the rules promulgated by the commission or
    20  library.
    21  Section 105.  Confidentiality of circulation records.
    22     Records related to the circulation of library materials which
    23  contain the names or other personally identifying details
    24  regarding the users of a library shall be confidential and shall
    25  not be made available to anyone except by a court order.
    26                             CHAPTER 3
    27                       AGENCIES AND OFFICERS
    28                            SUBCHAPTER A
    29                           STATE LIBRARY
    30  Section 301.  Reestablishment.
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     1     The State Library is reestablished within the commission as
     2  the principal information and referral reference agency for the
     3  legislative, executive and judicial branches.
     4  Section 302.  Main branch; branches within Capitol Complex.
     5     (a)  Main State Library.--Materials in possession of the
     6  State Library shall be preserved in the main branch, located in
     7  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
     8     (b)  Branches in Capitol Complex.--Each existing library
     9  throughout the Capitol Complex is incorporated as part of the
    10  State Library as a branch unless the entity maintaining the
    11  library elects to be exempt from this subsection. Upon election,
    12  the library shall not be entitled to services, benefits,
    13  privileges or use of the State Library, except that which is
    14  accorded the general public.
    15     (c)  Sections in main branch.--The main branch of the State
    16  Library shall maintain the following sections:
    17         (1)  A general library consisting of reference,
    18     nonfiction and fiction material, which would not be included
    19     in any other section of the State Library.
    20         (2)  A newspaper and periodical library consisting of
    21     daily and weekly newspapers published within principal cities
    22     of the world, the United States and this Commonwealth,
    23     magazines and periodicals. This paragraph does not include
    24     magazines and periodicals subscribed to by other libraries
    25     and sections of the State Library.
    26         (3)  A historical and genealogical library, consisting of
    27     volumes relating to the history of Pennsylvania and of the
    28     several counties and to American and international history.
    29         (4)  An agricultural library consisting of reference and
    30     nonfiction material relating to agriculture and farming and
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     1     allied fields.
     2         (5)  A business and mercantile library consisting of
     3     reference and nonfiction material relating to business,
     4     commerce, industry, labor and technology.
     5         (6)  A science and technology library consisting of
     6     reference and nonfiction material relating to natural and
     7     applied sciences and technology.
     8         (7)  A communications and media library consisting of
     9     reference and nonfiction material relating to communications
    10     and media.
    11         (8)  A government and political science library
    12     consisting of reference and nonfiction material relating to
    13     Federal, State and local government. This paragraph includes
    14     the following:
    15             (i)  Publications of the General Assembly.
    16             (ii)  Publications of Commonwealth agencies.
    17             (iii)  Verbatim transcripts of public proceedings of
    18         State and local government.
    19             (iv)  Political and campaign archives consisting of
    20         political and campaign memorabilia from campaigns in this
    21         Commonwealth.
    22         (9)  Radio and television archives consisting of selected
    23     radio and television broadcasts by radio and television
    24     stations or cable system providers within this Commonwealth
    25     of noteworthy broadcasts of programs or shows.
    26         (10)  A law library.
    27  Section 303.  Staff.
    28     The State Librarian shall appoint adequately qualified staff
    29  to provide technical assistance for the computer library
    30  services of the law library.
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     1  Section 304.  Public documents.
     2     The State Library shall maintain a complete collection of the
     3  public documents deposited under this act as a permanent
     4  reference file.
     5  Section 305.  Deposits and copies of public records.
     6     (a)  Maintenance.--The State Library shall maintain all of
     7  the following:
     8         (1)  Ten copies of the Laws of Pennsylvania for each
     9     justice of the Supreme Court during the terms of court.
    10         (2)  Printed hearings of testimony taken by each
    11     committee of the General Assembly at the preceding session.
    12         (3)  Copies of the journals of the Senate and of the
    13     House of Representatives.
    14         (4)  Paperbooks of the Supreme Court, Superior Court and
    15     Commonwealth Court and, upon request, paperbooks of the
    16     several courts of common pleas and of the United States Court
    17     of Appeals for the Third Circuit and District Courts within
    18     this Commonwealth.
    19     (b)  Depository.--The State Library shall serve as a
    20  depository for each public document issued by a public official,
    21  a Commonwealth agency or a local agency. Seventy-five copies of
    22  each document, or one copy in the proper digital format as
    23  determined by the State Librarian, which is not issued solely
    24  for the use of a public official, Commonwealth agency or local
    25  agency shall be furnished to the State Library within 48 hours
    26  of issuance.
    27     (c)  Schools.--Subsection (b) does not apply to State-related
    28  universities or to members of the State System of Higher
    29  Education. For publications by these entities or public
    30  officials of these entities which are not in volumes maintained
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     1  by the State Library, two copies shall be furnished to the State
     2  Library within 48 hours of issuance.
     3  Section 306.  Operation.
     4     The law library at the main branch of the State Library shall
     5  be kept open as long as either chamber of the General Assembly
     6  is in session. At all other times, the hours of the law library
     7  shall be from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays and from 9 a.m. to 5
     8  p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays other than New Year's
     9  Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, on
    10  which the law library shall be closed. The Capitol Police are
    11  authorized to admit to the law library at the main branch of the
    12  State Library any justice of the Supreme Court or a law clerk,
    13  any judge of the Superior Court or the Commonwealth Court or a
    14  law clerk, any judge of the United States District Court for the
    15  Middle District of Pennsylvania or a law clerk or any member of
    16  the General Assembly or staff for emergency research. The
    17  commission shall promulgate regulations governing the after-
    18  hours use consistent with this section.
    19  Section 307.  Advanced payments.
    20     Payments in advance for subscriptions or other charges for
    21  materials and services may be made by the State Librarian if the
    22  State Librarian determines it to be more prompt, efficient or
    23  economical to do so in the interests of carrying out required
    24  library programs.
    25  Section 308.  Disbursements.
    26     The disbursing officer of the State Library has the following
    27  powers and duties:
    28         (1)  Disburse money of the State Library only upon a
    29     voucher certified by the State Librarian or by an officer or
    30     employee of the State Library, authorized in writing by the
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     1     State Librarian to certify vouchers.
     2         (2)  Examine vouchers as necessary to ascertain whether
     3     they are in proper form.
     4                            SUBCHAPTER B
     5                      STATE LIBRARY COMMISSION
     6  Section 321.  State Library Commission.
     7     (a)  Establishment.--The State Library Commission is
     8  established as an independent commission. The commission may sue
     9  and be sued, contract and have an official seal. The commission
    10  is constituted an instrumentality of the Commonwealth. The
    11  exercise by the commission of the powers conferred by this act
    12  is an essential governmental function of the Commonwealth. All
    13  actions at law or in equity against the commission shall be
    14  brought only in the courts in which such actions may be brought
    15  against the Commonwealth.
    16     (b)  Composition.--The commission shall consist of 15
    17  commissioners:
    18         (1)  There shall be nine voting commissioners appointed
    19     by the Governor with the advice and consent of a majority of
    20     the members elected to the Senate. These commissioners must
    21     be residents and qualified electors of this Commonwealth.
    22     Three commissioners must be from each regional district. Not
    23     more than two commissioners may be of the same political
    24     party from each regional district.
    25         (2)  There shall be six ex officio, nonvoting
    26     commissioners:
    27             (i)  The President pro tempore of the Senate.
    28             (ii)  The Speaker of the House of Representatives.
    29             (iii)  The Executive Director of the Pennsylvania
    30         Historical and Museum Commission.
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     1             (iv)  The Secretary of Education.
     2             (v)  The State Librarian.
     3             (vi)  The Chief Justice of Pennsylvania.
     4     (c)  Terms.--A commissioner under subsection (b)(1) shall
     5  serve a term of four years and may be removed only for cause.
     6  The commissioner shall continue to serve until a successor is
     7  appointed and approved.
     8     (d)  Officers.--
     9         (1)  The Governor shall designate a commissioner as the
    10     chair of the commission.
    11         (2)  The chair may designate a commissioner as the chair
    12     pro tempore.
    13         (3)  The commissioners shall elect a treasurer, who must
    14     not be a commissioner.
    15         (4)  The State Librarian shall serve ex officio as the
    16     secretary of the commission.
    17         (5)  Except as set forth in paragraph (4), each officer
    18     shall serve a term of four years, subject to removal by the
    19     commission for cause. A vacancy shall be filled for the
    20     remainder of the term in the same manner as the original
    21     office was filled.
    22     (e)  Quorum.-- Five voting commissioners shall constitute a
    23  quorum for the transaction of business and to compel the
    24  attendance of absent commissioners. The quorum shall be reduced
    25  by one voting commissioner for every two unfilled vacancies of
    26  voting commissioners.
    27     (f)  Meetings and records.--
    28         (1)  The meetings of the commission shall be in public
    29     where the State Library is headquartered.
    30         (2)  The records of the commission shall be open to the
    19970H1884B2378                 - 19 -

     1     public. The minutes of the commission shall be preserved as
     2     permanent records.
     3         (3)  An elected or appointed public official may not make
     4     an ex parte communication to a commissioner or an officer or
     5     employee of the commission relative to the consideration of a
     6     pending application for State aid by a library in the system.
     7     An individual who violates this paragraph commits a summary
     8     offense.
     9     (g)  Compensation.--Each commissioner appointed under
    10  subsection (b)(1) shall:
    11         (1) be paid a fee of $250 per meeting, plus mileage,
    12     travel and accommodation expenses; and
    13         (2)  be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the
    14     performance of duties. The voucher of the chair shall be
    15     sufficient evidence that the per diem compensation and
    16     expenses are properly allowable.
    17     (h)  Internal procedures.--The commission shall make
    18  necessary rules for its own operation. The commission may do all
    19  of the following:
    20         (1)  Acquire, own, use, lease, exchange, operate and
    21     dispose of property.
    22         (2)  Enter into contracts necessary or incidental to the
    23     performance of its functions.
    24         (3)  Employ an executive director, an inspector general,
    25     experts, consultants and employees as necessary. Individuals
    26     under this paragraph shall be hired or employed solely with
    27     reference to fitness for duties.
    28  Section 322.  Commission powers and duties.
    29     The commission has the following powers and duties:
    30         (1)  To propose annually to the General Assembly the
    19970H1884B2378                 - 20 -

     1     appropriation required for the operation of the State Library
     2     and for grants to members of the system.
     3         (2)  To promulgate, upon the recommendation of the State
     4     Librarian, regulations for the qualification of system
     5     members to obtain services administered by the State Library
     6     and for the licensing and removal of professional librarians.
     7         (3)  To promulgate regulations for grants to system
     8     members to aid in their operation and capital maintenance of
     9     facilities and to construct new libraries.
    10         (4)  To designate academic libraries, county libraries or
    11     local libraries to be regional libraries for the purpose of
    12     acquiring major research collections and, under regulations
    13     promulgated by the commission, to make research collections
    14     available to all citizens of this Commonwealth, physically
    15     and by computer library services.
    16         (5)  To designate, upon the recommendation of the State
    17     Librarian, various divisions of materials within the State
    18     Library.
    19         (6)  To promulgate regulations for the access and usage
    20     of the State Library, interlibrary loans in the system and
    21     acquisition of materials by master license agreements and
    22     master purchase contracts.
    23         (7)  To make recommendations to the State Librarian on
    24     coordination of library services in the system.
    25         (8)  To promulgate regulations establishing minimal
    26     system standards of all of the following:
    27             (i)  Print, audio-visual and digital materials and
    28         their acquisition and disposal.
    29             (ii)  Staffing.
    30             (iii)  Internship qualifications.
    19970H1884B2378                 - 21 -

     1             (iv)  Accessibility and services for persons who are
     2         physically disabled.
     3             (v)  Accessibility and services for non-English
     4         speaking patrons.
     5             (vi)  Services and programs for patrons by
     6         demographic segments and interests.
     7             (vii)  Other germane library science matters.
     8         (9)  To accept and administer gifts, bequests or devises
     9     of property for the benefit of the State Library.
    10         (10)  To propose to the General Assembly the
    11     appropriation required for the establishment and maintenance
    12     of physical plant and facilities for the State Library.
    13         (11)  To promulgate regulations upon the advice and
    14     consultation of the Supreme Court for the establishment,
    15     administration, operation and maintenance of law libraries
    16     and minimal system standards of law materials and services
    17     for inclusion in those libraries.
    18         (12)  To promulgate regulations for the establishment,
    19     operation, maintenance and upgrade of the computer library
    20     network so as to provide digital material services via
    21     computer access to all materials designated for public use by
    22     the legislative, executive or judicial branch.
    23         (13)  Upon the recommendation of the State Librarian, to
    24     promulgate regulations for the physical and digital
    25     preservation of historical materials of the State Library and
    26     system members.
    27         (14)  To collect, preserve and publish appropriate
    28     statistics on the libraries of this Commonwealth.
    29         (15)  To provide analysis in an annual report to the
    30     Governor and General Assembly by the first Monday in
    19970H1884B2378                 - 22 -

     1     February. The report shall contain a detailed statement of
     2     the nature of the receipts and the manner of expenditures and
     3     any balance of money remaining at the end of the year after
     4     the payment of the necessary expenses, including per diem
     5     expenses and other necessary expenses of the commission
     6     incurred in the discharge of functions.
     7         (16)  To promulgate regulations to implement literacy
     8     enhancement and improvement skills of the citizens of this
     9     Commonwealth.
    10         (17)  To order, upon adjudication subject to 2 Pa.C.S.
    11     Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice and procedure of
    12     Commonwealth agencies) and Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating to
    13     judicial review of Commonwealth agency action), the
    14     prohibition of inclusion within a collection of library
    15     materials deemed to be pornographic or obscene.
    16         (18)  To make recommendations on other matters of general
    17     policy concerning the State Library and the system.
    18  Section 323.  Inspector general.
    19     (a)  Powers.--The inspector general has the following powers
    20  and duties:
    21         (1)  To conduct investigations at the direction of the
    22     commission pertaining to the proper management and fiduciary
    23     obligations of the State Library and libraries in the system.
    24         (2)  To make recommendations to the commission, the
    25     Attorney General and the Auditor General for implementation
    26     of measures necessary for compliance with this act.
    27     (b)  Authorization and support.--
    28         (1)  The commission shall issue to the inspector general
    29     proper authorization and identification under the seal of the
    30     commission.
    19970H1884B2378                 - 23 -

     1         (2)  The commission shall provide the inspector general
     2     with services and support.
     3         (3)  The commission shall prepare guidelines governing
     4     the conduct of investigations by the inspector general.
     5     Guidelines under this paragraph include constitutional
     6     protection of the accused.
     7  Section 324. Decennial census capital requirements.
     8     (a)  Report.--The commission shall investigate and report to
     9  the Governor and the General Assembly within 180 days of the
    10  effective date of this act, and every ten years thereafter, the
    11  findings of the commission as to the capital requirements of the
    12  State Library System, which shall include a determination and
    13  requirements of all existing facility and physical plants of a
    14  system member library and whether such system member library
    15  requires relocation, rehabilitation or repair.
    16     (b)  Engineers and consultants.--The commission shall hire
    17  such professional engineers and consultants with expertise in or
    18  reasonable access to expertise relative to library services as
    19  may be necessary to physically inspect, survey and analyze the
    20  attributes and defects, if any, of the structural and building
    21  attributes, heating, air conditioning and ventilation,
    22  floorload, parking accommodations, access for persons who are
    23  physically disabled, security and preservation of materials,
    24  implementation and maintenance of prevailing state-of-the-art
    25  technology and preservation of historical or unique
    26  architectural features.
    27     (c)  The commission shall consult with and cooperation shall
    28  be provided, as to the State Library, by the Secretary of
    29  General Services and the mayor of the city of Harrisburg, and as
    30  to all other libraries, by the county commissioners or county
    19970H1884B2378                 - 24 -

     1  executives and the governing bodies of local municipalities, and
     2  their respective department heads or officials responsible for
     3  property maintenance and management.
     4  Section 325.  Special financing report to General Assembly.
     5     (a)  Report.--The commission shall report to the General
     6  Assembly within 180 days from the effective date of this act its
     7  recommendation of a permanent funding formula plan for the State
     8  Library System established under this act. In preparing the
     9  report:
    10         (1)  The commission shall survey the funding formulas
    11     enacted by other states and municipalities within other
    12     states and conduct a comprehensive survey of the material,
    13     staffing and capital requirements of each potential member of
    14     the State Library System.
    15         (2)  The commission should specifically consider whether
    16     the Commonwealth should assume the primary financing of
    17     public libraries through general appropriations, or whether
    18     the counties or municipalities should assume the primary
    19     financing of public libraries through levy of a library tax
    20     and whether the tax should be levied on market value of real
    21     estate or personal income, or any combination of State and
    22     local funding or any combination of State aid for incentives
    23     to counties and municipalities to finance local libraries.
    24         (3)  The commission shall analyze and determine the
    25     amount of capital expenditures that may be required to remedy
    26     existing deficiencies in library financing and whether the
    27     expenditures shall be from general appropriations, local
    28     taxes or public bond financing.
    29         (4)  The commission shall use generally accepted
    30     benchmarks and indices provided by national library service
    19970H1884B2378                 - 25 -

     1     organizations and public agencies in its evaluation of the
     2     state of public libraries.
     3         (5)  The commission shall include a comprehensive census
     4     of existing library services, material possessions and
     5     capital requirements by municipality, county, legislative
     6     district and shall include such other information and
     7     analysis which the commission deems proper for consideration
     8     by the General Assembly.
     9         (6)  The commission may include consideration of
    10     consolidating various public libraries and whatever other
    11     means the commission deems appropriate to contain costs.
    12     (b)  Hearings.--The commission or a panel of three
    13  commissioners thereof shall conduct hearings in each county and
    14  inspect the physical plant and facilities of each potential
    15  member of the State Library System prior to the submission of
    16  the report under subsection (a). The following criteria shall
    17  apply to the hearings:
    18         (1)  Each hearing shall be open to the public and
    19     scheduled at such reasonable hours and locations which will
    20     accommodate the general public and local press and broadcast
    21     coverage.
    22         (2)  Sufficient notice shall be provided not less than
    23     five business days prior to the hearing by legal
    24     advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation and
    25     posting of notices at all local libraries, borough and
    26     township buildings, schools and county courthouses.
    27         (3)  Each public school or school district is authorized
    28     to distribute to all students in attendance the notice of the
    29     hearings.
    30         (4)  Written comments may be received by the commission
    19970H1884B2378                 - 26 -

     1     at any time prior to the time the commission is required to
     2     report to the General Assembly.
     3         (5)  The commission shall hold public hearings in
     4     Harrisburg to mark up and prepare the report prior to its
     5     submission to the General Assembly.
     6     (c)  Surveys.--The commission shall conduct a survey of
     7  public opinion employing generally accepted statistical
     8  practices as to public understanding of libraries and preferable
     9  financing options. The public opinion survey shall gauge the
    10  extent to which the public currently uses and has access to
    11  local libraries and what expectations the general public has of
    12  local library services. The commission shall also conduct a
    13  survey of county and municipal officials as to their opinions of
    14  the proper means of public library financing.
    15     (d)  Cooperation.--Each public library heretofore established
    16  and each academic, scholastic and law library shall cooperate to
    17  the fullest extent possible in assisting the commission to
    18  develop such information as the commission determines is
    19  necessary to formulate its recommendations.
    20     (e)  Hiring of professional services.--The commission shall
    21  have the authority to hire such certified public accountants and
    22  consultants and other professional services as the commission
    23  deems appropriate to complete this report.
    24  Section 326.  Cooperation of other agencies.
    25     The commission may request from Commonwealth agencies and
    26  authorities and from political subdivisions and their agencies
    27  and authorities available information required in its work.
    28  Required information shall, within a reasonable time, be
    29  furnished to the commission.
    30                            SUBCHAPTER C
    19970H1884B2378                 - 27 -

     1                          STATE LIBRARIAN
     2  Section 341.  State Librarian, deputy and assistant.
     3     (a)  State Librarian.--The State Librarian shall be appointed
     4  by the Governor, with the advice and consent of a majority of
     5  the members elected to the Senate. The State Librarian shall
     6  manage the affairs of the State Library.
     7     (b)  Deputy and assistant.--The State Librarian shall, after
     8  consultation with the commission, appoint one Deputy State
     9  Librarian, who shall assist the State Librarian and act as the
    10  State Librarian in the State Librarian's absence, and an
    11  Assistant State Librarian for Computer Library Services,
    12  Historical Preservation, the Law Library, each section of the
    13  General Library and Literacy Programs.
    14     (c)  Compensation.--The compensation of the State Librarian
    15  and Deputy and Assistant State Librarians shall be set by the
    16  commission.
    17     (d)  Qualifications.--The State Librarian and Deputy State
    18  Librarian must each have a master's degree in library science
    19  and not less than four years' experience in library work in a
    20  supervisory administrative capacity. The Assistant State
    21  Librarian must have a master's degree in library science or such
    22  specialized training to develop the expertise and skill that is
    23  generally recognized within the appropriate discipline.
    24     (e)  Transfer.--The subjects of transfer of the State Library
    25  are transferred to the commission with the same force and effect
    26  as if they had originally belonged to the commission. The civil
    27  service status of employees of the State Library shall not be
    28  affected by the transfer.
    29  Section 342.  Staff.
    30     (a)  General.--The State Librarian, after consultation with
    19970H1884B2378                 - 28 -

     1  the commission, may employ other employees as necessary for the
     2  care and management of the State Library.
     3     (b)  Computer operation.--The State Librarian shall appoint
     4  an adequately qualified staff skilled in the maintenance and
     5  operation of electronic computer services for the digitalization
     6  and dissemination of information, which shall be under the
     7  direction of the Assistant State Librarian for Computer Library
     8  Services. The State Librarian is authorized to maintain a
     9  temporary staff to satisfy the conversion of physical material
    10  into digital material.
    11     (c)  Qualifications.--All individuals employed in the State
    12  Library under the State Librarian shall be appointed solely with
    13  reference to fitness for particular duties.
    14  Section 343.  Powers and duties.
    15     The State Librarian has the following powers and duties:
    16         (1)  To manage the State Library pursuant to the
    17     philosophy and mission as set forth by the commission.
    18         (2)  To maintain, as part of the State Library, a system
    19     of law libraries in the State Capitol; each county; State and
    20     county correctional facilities; and seats of the Supreme
    21     Court, Superior Court and Commonwealth Court subject to the
    22     advice and consultation of the Chief Justice of Pennsylvania
    23     or a designee.
    24         (3)  To receive copies of State and political subdivision
    25     publications in order to maintain a definitive, organized
    26     collection of all the publications by the State Library and
    27     to provide for the distribution of the publications to
    28     libraries in the system.
    29         (4)  To designate selected academic libraries or local
    30     libraries to be State government document depository
    19970H1884B2378                 - 29 -

     1     libraries under regulations approved by the commission.
     2         (5)  To coordinate the services and programs not related
     3     to finances of the system and to aid and assist the libraries
     4     in the system in complying with the regulations of the
     5     commission.
     6         (6)  To purchase and maintain a general collection of
     7     material for the use of the legislative, executive and
     8     judicial branches of the Commonwealth and for the use of the
     9     political subdivisions.
    10         (7)  To sell or exchange duplicate volumes or sets of
    11     works of material not needed for use in the State Library and
    12     to apply the proceeds to the purchase of other material for
    13     the State Library.
    14         (8)  To make available materials of the State Library for
    15     circulation to the system and to the citizens of this
    16     Commonwealth generally under the regulations promulgated by
    17     the commission. The State Librarian may, after consultation
    18     with the commission, restrict the circulation of certain
    19     materials because they are rare or used intensively in the
    20     State Library for reference or other purposes.
    21         (9)  To establish and maintain programs providing for
    22     literacy skills enhancement and improvement of all employees
    23     of the Commonwealth.
    24         (10)  To establish and conduct continuing professional
    25     educational programs for personnel of the State Library and
    26     all system members.
    27         (11)  To further the development of effective Statewide
    28     school library services.
    29         (12)  To provide technical assistance to historical
    30     libraries for the maintenance and preservation of historical
    19970H1884B2378                 - 30 -

     1     materials.
     2         (13)  To promote and advance the library science of this
     3     Commonwealth.
     4         (14)  To otherwise coordinate the affairs and activities
     5     of the State Library with the commission.
     6         (15)  To send one copy of each public document required
     7     to be deposited under this act to the Library of Congress.
     8         (16)  To prepare and issue quarterly a complete index of
     9     public documents deposited under this act during the
    10     immediately preceding quarter. The index shall be cumulated
    11     and printed at the end of each calendar year. A copy shall be
    12     distributed by the State Librarian to each member of the
    13     General Assembly, to Commonwealth agencies and to each county
    14     law library.
    15         (17)  To establish a document exchange system with
    16     agencies in the several states to make available selected
    17     documents.
    18         (18)  To exchange the judicial decisions, statutes,
    19     journals, legislative and executive documents of the
    20     Commonwealth and other books placed in the care of the State
    21     Library with other libraries of the several states, the
    22     Federal Government, foreign countries and societies and
    23     institutions.
    24         (19)  To name, after consultation with the commission,
    25     members to advisory panels for each section of the State
    26     Library to advise and consult on the establishment and
    27     maintenance of materials for such sections.
    28  Section 344.  Historical materials preservation.
    29     The State Librarian shall, under regulations promulgated by
    30  the commission, establish and maintain facilities for the
    19970H1884B2378                 - 31 -

     1  preservation of historical materials owned by the Commonwealth;
     2  by the several counties; and, on a cost-only basis, by
     3  historical libraries. The State Librarian shall appoint an
     4  adequately qualified staff skilled in the preservation of
     5  historical materials. The State Librarian shall maintain on an
     6  annual basis a census of historical materials owned by the
     7  Commonwealth, the several counties and the historical libraries.
     8  Section 345.  Report of State Librarian.
     9     By January 15, the State Librarian shall make an annual
    10  report for the preceding fiscal year as to the affairs of the
    11  State Library. The report shall include a detailed statement of
    12  receipts and expenditures on account of the State Library, the
    13  acquisition of new materials and analysis of the collection of
    14  materials in the possession of the State Library.
    15                            SUBCHAPTER D
    16                               SYSTEM
    17  Section 361.  Establishment.
    18     There is established the State Library System which shall
    19  consist of a unified system of all libraries within this
    20  Commonwealth which qualify for and apply for State financial
    21  assistance within this act. The commission shall promulgate
    22  regulations governing the State Library System and such minimal
    23  library service standards for libraries to qualify for State aid
    24  and grants.
    25  Section 362.  Library precincts.
    26     Each local library, regardless if it is a branch of the
    27  county library district or of a municipal library district,
    28  shall be within a local library precinct which shall constitute
    29  the service area of one or more precincts, wards, boroughs,
    30  towns or townships, as the case may be. At no time shall any
    19970H1884B2378                 - 32 -

     1  local library district divide any political subdivision, nor
     2  shall there be any overlapping of political subdivisions by a
     3  local library. The local library district shall no later than
     4  February 1 of each year certify to the commission the
     5  municipality or municipalities within the local library
     6  precinct.
     7  Section 363.  County or municipal library districts.
     8     (a)  Establishment of county library districts.--The
     9  governing body of each county shall create a county library
    10  district and appoint not less than five nor more than nine
    11  library trustees to serve at the pleasure of the district board.
    12  All local libraries which seek State aid shall be members of the
    13  county library district, unless the municipality in which the
    14  local library is located elects to establish a municipal or
    15  joint municipal library district under subsection (c). The
    16  county library district shall establish new libraries in
    17  municipalities which are not served by a local library.
    18     (b)  Trustees.--Each library trustee shall serve without
    19  compensation and upon their appointment thereto, the library
    20  trustees shall meet and elect from among themselves a chairman,
    21  vice chairman and secretary-treasurer, who shall be bonded
    22  pursuant to regulations promulgated by the commission and shall
    23  serve for a term of four years commencing on the first January
    24  after a municipal election. The district board of the library
    25  district shall be responsible for the implementation of the
    26  provisions of this act pursuant to the regulations promulgated
    27  by the commission.
    28     (c)  Establishment of municipal or joint-municipal library
    29  districts.--A municipality in which a local library is
    30  established may elect to establish a municipal library district
    19970H1884B2378                 - 33 -

     1  or enter into an agreement to establish a joint municipal
     2  library district with contiguous municipalities which fall
     3  within the local library precinct established under subsection
     4  (a).
     5     (d)  Membership in regional library district.--Each library
     6  district and each academic, historical, law and specialized
     7  library shall be a member of a regional library district.
     8  Section 364.  Regional library districts.
     9     The system shall be divided into the following regional
    10  library districts:
    11         (1)  The Eastern Regional District, which shall consist
    12     of Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster,
    13     Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton and Philadelphia
    14     Counties.
    15         (2)  The Middle Regional District, which shall consist of
    16     Adams, Bedford, Blair, Bradford, Centre, Clearfield, Clinton,
    17     Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon,
    18     Juniata, Lackawanna, Lebanon, Luzerne, Lycoming, Mifflin,
    19     Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Pike, Potter, Schuylkill,
    20     Snyder, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Union, Wayne, Wyoming
    21     and York Counties.
    22         (3)  The Western Regional District, which shall consist
    23     of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cambria, Cameron,
    24     Clarion, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Forest, Greene,
    25     Indiana, Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Somerset,
    26     Venango, Warren, Washington and Westmoreland Counties.
    27  Section 365.  State Library System Conference.
    28     (a)  Organization and meeting.--On the third Wednesday of
    29  January, April, July and October, or in the case of a holiday,
    30  on the first business day thereafter, the State Library System
    19970H1884B2378                 - 34 -

     1  Conference shall meet in Harrisburg or at another place
     2  designated by the commission from time to time. Each county
     3  library district shall send not less than one nor more than five
     4  librarians and not less than one nor more than three library
     5  trustees, each of whom shall have one vote on all matters
     6  brought before the conference. No librarian or trustee shall be
     7  compensated for attending the conference but may be reimbursed
     8  for out-of-pocket expenses.
     9     (b)  Authority and duties.--The conference shall have the
    10  authority to consider and enact resolutions informing the
    11  commission of the views of the conference on matters concerning
    12  the administration of the State library system and to make
    13  recommendations on policy pertaining to library sciences. The
    14  commission shall accept, modify or table the recommendations
    15  within three regularly scheduled meetings of the commission.
    16  Section 366.  Academic, law, school and specialized libraries.
    17     Any academic library, law library, school library or
    18  specialized library must be a member of the system in order to
    19  be entitled to assistance under Chapter 7 Subch. B. A system
    20  member under this subsection may not charge membership dues or
    21  admission fees for services.
    22  Section 367.  System operations.
    23     (a)  Regulations.--The commission shall promulgate
    24  regulations establishing minimum standards governing the system.
    25     (b)  Pass.--
    26         (1)  The commission shall establish, maintain and operate
    27     a singular Statewide library pass to be issued by the
    28     commission to all citizens 12 years of age or older. The pass
    29     shall be accepted by all system members.
    30         (2)  The commission shall establish, maintain and operate
    19970H1884B2378                 - 35 -

     1     a singular Statewide law library pass to be issued by the
     2     commission to all attorneys at law. The pass shall be
     3     accepted by the State Library and all county law libraries
     4     which are system members.
     5     (c)  Catalog.--The commission shall establish, maintain and
     6  operate a Statewide automated catalog to be made available over
     7  the computer library network.
     8     (d)  Annual reports.--The commission shall promulgate
     9  regulations for annual reporting to the commission by all system
    10  members regarding the state of the member library, its service
    11  to the general public and forecasts for library development. The
    12  report shall include, but not be limited to, the annual
    13  expenditures of the system member, the number of patrons,
    14  borrowings, visitations and inquiries, the number of print,
    15  audio-visual and digital materials on hand, including additions
    16  and matter missing, and the general character of books, with
    17  such other statistics, information and suggestions as they may
    18  deem of general interest. All reports filed with the commission
    19  shall be subject to the provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4902
    20  (relating to perjury).
    21  Section 368.  Noncompliance with system requirements.
    22     Any system member which fails to comply with the minimal
    23  standards promulgated by the commission shall not be eligible
    24  for any State aid or financial assistance or access to the
    25  computer library network. A system member not in compliance
    26  shall be suspended from the system pursuant to an order, subject
    27  to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice and procedure
    28  of Commonwealth agencies) and Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating to
    29  judicial review of Commonwealth agency action). Suspension shall
    30  remain in effect until such curative actions as ordered are
    19970H1884B2378                 - 36 -

     1  effectuated.
     2  Section 369.  Organic law and additional materials.
     3     (a)  Existing law.--Nothing in this act shall be construed to
     4  invalidate any provision of organic law authorizing the
     5  establishment of a library electing to be a system member.
     6     (b)  Additional materials.--Nothing in this act or a
     7  regulation promulgated by the commission shall be construed to
     8  prohibit a library from acquiring or possessing material.
     9  Section 370.  Regional libraries.
    10     Each regional district shall have a regional library as
    11  designated by the commission. A regional library shall be
    12  designated because of its capacity to provide additional
    13  services and support for local libraries within the regional
    14  district. A designated regional library shall maintain the
    15  documents readily accessible for use and shall render assistance
    16  for their use without charge.
    17  Section 371.  County library districts.
    18     (a)  Powers and duties.--The district board the of the county
    19  library district has the following powers and duties:
    20         (1)  To administer the downloading of computer library
    21     services from the State Library to the regional library for
    22     distribution to libraries within the county library district.
    23         (2)  To administer the uploading of computer library
    24     services from libraries within the county library district to
    25     the State Library for Statewide distribution.
    26         (3)  To administer interlibrary loan programs, special
    27     events, programs and projects for local libraries if such
    28     existing activities are not administered by the local
    29     library.
    30     (b)  Organization.--The district board shall organize after
    19970H1884B2378                 - 37 -

     1  appointment by electing a presiding officer, a secretary and a
     2  treasurer from its membership and other officers and agents as
     3  the district board deems necessary.
     4                             CHAPTER 5
     5                                FUND
     6  Section 501.  Establishment.
     7     The Library Fund is established as a separate fund in the
     8  State Treasury.
     9  Section 502.  Source.
    10     The following are the sources of the fund:
    11         (1)  Appropriations.
    12         (2)  Donations.
    13         (3)  Fees collected under this act.
    14  Section 503.  Administration.
    15     The commission shall administer the fund to implement this
    16  act.
    17                             CHAPTER 7
    18                             FINANCING
    19                            SUBCHAPTER A
    20                              FUNDING
    21  Section 701.  District board to control all funds.
    22     (a)  General.--All money appropriated for the establishment
    23  or maintenance of a local library and all money received from
    24  other sources for its use shall be under the exclusive control
    25  of the appropriate district board.
    26     (b)  Report.--The district board of a system member shall
    27  file with the commission an annual report by January 30 or
    28  within 30 days subsequent to the end of the fiscal year. The
    29  report shall be a public document. The accounts of the treasurer
    30  of the district board shall be audited as in the case of other
    19970H1884B2378                 - 38 -

     1  county or municipal expenditures. The annual report required
     2  under this subsection shall contain an itemized statement of all
     3  receipts and expenditures and shall show the condition of the
     4  library and branches, the number of materials, the number added,
     5  the number lost or withdrawn, the number of registered borrowers
     6  and readers and a statement of the circulation of material, with
     7  other information and recommendations as desirable. A copy of
     8  each report shall be sent to the county or municipality in which
     9  the library district is located at the same time the report is
    10  filed with the commission.
    11     (c)  Deposit.--Money received for any county library district
    12  or local library district shall be deposited in the treasury of
    13  the county or municipality to the credit of the library and
    14  shall be kept separate and apart from other money of the county
    15  or municipality.
    16  Section 702.  Professional dues.
    17     Each library district shall include among the expenses of the
    18  local library or county library district the annual membership
    19  dues of professional librarians in the Pennsylvania Library
    20  Association and the annual membership dues of a president, vice-
    21  president, secretary, treasurer or similarly designated officer
    22  of an incorporated nonprofit organization of friends or patrons
    23  of the local library or county library district in the Friends
    24  of Pennsylvania Libraries.
    25  Section 703.  Donations.
    26     Any person desiring to making donations of money, personal
    27  property or real property for the benefit of any system member
    28  library shall have the right to vest the title to the donated
    29  money or property in the commission or the district board of any
    30  county library, joint-county library district, municipal library
    19970H1884B2378                 - 39 -

     1  or joint-municipal library created under this act, to be held
     2  and controlled by the commission or district board, when
     3  accepted, according to the terms of the deed, gift, devise or
     4  bequest of the money or property. As to the donated money or
     5  property, the commission or district board shall be held and
     6  considered to be special trustees.
     7  Section 704.  Base funding for library expenditures. (Reserved)
     8  Section 705.  Base funding for capital expenditures. (Reserved)
     9                            SUBCHAPTER B
    10                       SUPPLEMENTAL STATE AID
    11  Section 721.  Authorization. (Reserved)
    12  Section 722.  Exception. (Reserved)
    13  Section 723.  Procedure. (Reserved)
    14  Section 724.  School library. (Reserved)
    15  Section 725.  Regulations.
    16     The commission shall promulgate regulations governing
    17  eligibility for local libraries for supplemental State aid
    18  beyond the base funding, based on the following criteria:
    19         (1)  The tax base of the political subdivision and impact
    20     thereon by result of the number of taxpayers who are
    21     economically impoverished or otherwise below the Poverty
    22     Level by Family Size established by the United States Bureau
    23     of the Census.
    24         (2)  The economic and social demographic background of
    25     the population of the political subdivision, including:
    26             (i)  Major plant closing and decline of industries
    27         which dominate the economic base of the political
    28         subdivision and surrounding region.
    29             (ii)  Number of citizens within the political
    30         subdivision who are not gainfully employed by reason of
    19970H1884B2378                 - 40 -

     1         age or inability to obtain employment in industries which
     2         are major employers within and throughout the political
     3         subdivision.
     4             (iii)  Number of citizens within the political
     5         subdivision who are dependent on Federal or State
     6         assistance provided by reason of economic poverty and
     7         lack of educational or vocational training.
     8             (iv)  Number of housing stock within the political
     9         subdivision which may be eligible for Federal or State
    10         financial assistance.
    11             (v)  The lack of adequate communications networks
    12         installed by utilities by reason of market conditions
    13         precluding investment by the utilities.
    14         (3)  The fiscal condition of the political subdivision,
    15     including the following factors:
    16             (i)  Significant tax increases required to be enacted
    17         by the political subdivision which have resulted in the
    18         loss of business entities and establishments relocating
    19         from the political subdivision.
    20             (ii)  Budget deficits incurred by the political
    21         subdivision over a period of the past five years.
    22             (iii)  The amount of State financial assistance to
    23         the political subdivision for improvement of housing
    24         stock, assistance to citizens who are economically
    25         impoverished or not gainfully employed by reason of age
    26         or inability to obtain employment in industries which
    27         historically were major industries within the political
    28         subdivision.
    29             (iv)  The urgency of the preservation requirements of
    30         the material collections, for which the rarity of the
    19970H1884B2378                 - 41 -

     1         material shall be a governing influence, or the urgency
     2         of capital improvement to plant and premises, for which
     3         the state of disrepair of the specific capital attribute
     4         shall be a governing influence.
     5             (v)  The demographic population attributes of the
     6         political subdivision which the system member is charged
     7         to serve. Under this subparagraph, the necessity to
     8         improve the literacy rate of the population shall be a
     9         governing influence.
    10             (vi)  The alternative opportunities available to the
    11         population of the political subdivision which the member
    12         system library is chartered to serve. Under this
    13         subparagraph, the limitations on the means and
    14         accessibility of transportation and communications
    15         networks shall be a governing influence.
    16  Section 726.  Nonprofits.
    17     (a)  General.--The commission is authorized to consider an
    18  application from a nonprofit organization or corporation engaged
    19  in the administration of services providing such literacy
    20  programs. No award shall be for the expense of retaining
    21  services of professional fundraisers who, as compensation for
    22  their services, charge a percentage or extract a portion of the
    23  fees from the money raised.
    24     (b)  Historical, law and specialized libraries.--
    25         (1)  The commission is authorized to provide State aid to
    26     any historical library, law library or specialized library
    27     which:
    28             (i)  is established and operated by a nonprofit
    29         organization, including a county bar association; and
    30             (ii)  is a system member.
    19970H1884B2378                 - 42 -

     1         (2)  An application for State aid under this subsection
     2     must be submitted by February 1 for consideration and
     3     inclusion in the budgetary requests of the commission.
     4         (3)  The commission shall approve an application for
     5     State aid based on the following criteria:
     6             (i)  The financial condition of the system member.
     7             (ii)  The economic condition of the political
     8         subdivision of which the system member is chartered to
     9         serve.
    10         (4)  For a system member under section 366, State aid
    11     under this subsection shall include the amount that the
    12     library would have collected from membership dues or
    13     admission fees.
    14                             CHAPTER 9
    15                       LICENSING OF LIBRARIAN
    16  Section 901.  Licensing of professional librarians.
    17     (a)  Authority.--The commission shall have the authority to
    18  issue licenses to professional librarians to be admitted to this
    19  Commonwealth for employment as professional librarians by any
    20  academic, historical, law, local, school or special library.
    21     (b)  Regulations.--The commission shall promulgate
    22  regulations governing the professional standards and educational
    23  knowledge to be examined and the times and places in which
    24  candidates for professional librarian licenses may take
    25  examinations for applications for professional library licenses.
    26  Examination for licenses shall include proficiency in book,
    27  audio visual and computer materials, administration and
    28  financial management.
    29     (c)  Exemptions.--
    30         (1)  A professional librarian employed by an academic,
    19970H1884B2378                 - 43 -

     1     historical, law, local, school or special library for ten
     2     years prior to the enactment of this act and who has a
     3     master's degree in library sciences granted by an accredited
     4     college or university or any professional librarian employed
     5     by an academic, historical, law, local, school or special
     6     library for 15 years prior to the enactment of this act and
     7     who has a bachelor's degree in library sciences granted by an
     8     accredited college or university, shall be exempt from
     9     examination for a professional license under this section.
    10         (2)  The commission may, upon petition of any
    11     professional librarian or system member made within six
    12     months after enactment of this act, exempt any other
    13     professional librarian from examination for a professional
    14     license under this section, except for extraordinary hardship
    15     situations.
    16         (3)  The waiver shall be effective only for the current
    17     librarian position in which the candidate is employed and
    18     shall not be transferrable to any other librarian position
    19     within this Commonwealth.
    20     (d)  Advisory board.--The commission may establish and
    21  appoint a seven-member Professional Librarian Licensing Board
    22  consisting of four college professors from schools of library
    23  sciences of any college or university within this Commonwealth
    24  and three citizens with expertise and experience in allied
    25  subject matters such as computer operations and public finance,
    26  to serve at the pleasure of the commission.
    27  Section 902.  Employment hiring and removal of professional
    28                 librarians.
    29     (a)  General.--No person shall be employed as a librarian
    30  within this Commonwealth without first being qualified and
    19970H1884B2378                 - 44 -

     1  licensed or otherwise exempted from licensing requirements under
     2  section 901.
     3     (b)  Employment removal.--No professionally licensed
     4  librarian may be removed by a library or district board on
     5  matters relative to material selection and maintenance or other
     6  matters germane to library administration and management. Any
     7  removal of a professionally licensed librarian must be upon
     8  order of the commission after following the procedure under 2
     9  Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice and procedure of
    10  Commonwealth agencies) and Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating to judicial
    11  review of Commonwealth agency action).
    12     (c)  Exception.--Any library or district board may remove a
    13  professionally licensed librarian upon conviction of theft,
    14  abuse of public office or other infamous crime without the prior
    15  consent of the commission.
    16                             CHAPTER 11
    17                        INFORMATION AND FEES
    18  Section 1101.  Computer library services, digital storage and
    19                 dissemination.
    20     (a)  Computer library network.--There is established a
    21  computer library network, which shall connect system members;
    22  the legislative, executive and judicial branches; and
    23  municipalities. The computer library network may be referred to
    24  as the Pennsylvania Information Network (PIN). The computer
    25  library network shall be available to the general public without
    26  cost or fee via Internet access.
    27     (b)  Materials.--Materials generally made available by the
    28  legislative, executive and judicial branches and municipalities
    29  by print material shall be available by digital material over
    30  the computer library network pursuant to regulations promulgated
    19970H1884B2378                 - 45 -

     1  by the commission. Materials owned by the State Library and all
     2  system members shall be made available over the computer library
     3  network unless dissemination is prohibited by Federal or
     4  international copyright laws. The commission shall promulgate
     5  regulations governing the time and cost factors relative to the
     6  conversion of print materials to digital format for inclusion on
     7  the computer library network.
     8  Section 1102.  Commercial computerized information retrieval
     9                 services.
    10     The State Librarian, under regulations promulgated by the
    11  commission, is authorized to acquire commercially available
    12  computerized information retrieval services for dissemination
    13  through the computer library services of the State Library, as
    14  provided in section 1103, through a master license contract.
    15  Section 1103.  Bid examination.
    16     Notwithstanding the provisions of State law to the contrary,
    17  the State Librarian may acquire commercial computerized
    18  information retrieval services for dissemination through the
    19  computer library services of the State Library without contract
    20  bid, subject to the following:
    21         (1)  The commercial computerized information retrieval
    22     service is not a service that is otherwise regularly
    23     available by public dissemination over existing communication
    24     networks under ownership of a public agency or entity.
    25         (2)  The fee is a one-year, flat-rate charge for
    26     unlimited access.
    27         (3)  The commercial computerized information retrieval
    28     service demonstrates by competent documentation in a form and
    29     manner as prescribed by the commission that the volume
    30     discount rate meets all of the following:
    19970H1884B2378                 - 46 -

     1             (i)  Is less than the largest commercially available
     2         discount provided by the vendor to its largest volume
     3         customer.
     4             (ii)  Represents a significant discount to the State
     5         Library for the acquisition of the information retrieval
     6         service so that, after deducting 10% of the cost of
     7         acquisition of the service for State government use, the
     8         pro rata expense of providing the information retrieval
     9         service to fee-paying library patrons remains less than
    10         the expense after application of the largest commercially
    11         available discount provided by the vendor to its largest
    12         commercial volume customer.
    13             (iii)  The cost charged to 75% of fee-paying library
    14         patrons estimated under the master license contract will
    15         offset the expense of providing the service for State
    16         government use and for exemption of patron access fees as
    17         provided under this act.
    18         (4)  The commercial computerized information retrieval
    19     service includes all serial and periodic updates within
    20     consideration of the volume discount rate.
    21         (5)  The commercial computerized information retrieval
    22     service includes all consumer and technical support services
    23     made available to the highest preferred commercial customer.
    24  Section 1104.  User fees.
    25     The commission by regulation shall set user fees for access
    26  to information retrieval services.
    27  Section 1105.  Telephone service.
    28     Under section 254(h)(1)(B) of the Communications Act of 1934
    29  (48 Stat. 1105, 47 U.S.C. § 254(h)(1)(B)), each common carrier
    30  providing intrastate telephone service shall provide at no cost
    19970H1884B2378                 - 47 -

     1  telephone access to the Internet for all system members in a
     2  number and amount set by regulations promulgated by the
     3  commission, which shall take into consideration the per capita
     4  requirements of each system member and availability of
     5  prevailing state-of-the-art technology.
     6                             CHAPTER 13
     7                                TAX
     8  Section 1301.  Property, inheritance and income.
     9     (a)  Property.--Any building owned and occupied by a county
    10  library district or a local library district and the land on
    11  which it stands shall be exempt from local tax, notwithstanding
    12  the fact that some portion of the building or land may be
    13  yielding rentals to the corporation or association managing the
    14  library. To qualify for exemption under this subsection, the net
    15  receipts of the corporation or association from rentals must be
    16  used solely for the purpose of maintaining the library.
    17     (b)  Inheritance and income.--Gifts, bequests, devises,
    18  grants or endowments made to a library, to the State Library or
    19  to any national library created by a Federal statute shall be
    20  free from inheritance tax. The income from such gifts, bequests,
    21  devises, grants or endowments used solely for the purposes of
    22  maintaining the libraries shall be exempt from State income tax.
    23  Section 1302.  Local.
    24     (a)  Authorization.--If a local library within a city,
    25  borough, incorporated town or township is not a system member
    26  through either a county library district or a municipal or joint
    27  municipal library district, the city, borough, incorporated town
    28  or township shall levy and collect a tax of one-half of one mill
    29  on every dollar of assessable property within the levying
    30  municipality.
    19970H1884B2378                 - 48 -

     1     (b)  Increase.--The millage under this section may be
     2  increased by any of the following:
     3         (1)  Vote of the governing body of the levying
     4     municipality.
     5         (2)  Vote of the electors of the levying municipality
     6     upon a petition brought by at least 5% of the electors who
     7     voted in the last general, municipal or primary election.
     8     (c)  Use.--Taxes collected under this section shall be used
     9  to support and maintain local libraries within the taxing
    10  district.
    11                             CHAPTER 15
    12                               LOCAL
    13  Section 1501.  Referendum.
    14     The governing body of a municipality may and, upon petition
    15  of 3% of the number of electors at the preceding general
    16  election or municipal election, shall submit to the qualified
    17  voters of the municipality at the next general, municipal or
    18  primary election the question of establishing or maintaining a
    19  local library or a county library.
    20  Section 1502.  Organization.
    21     There shall be at least one local library in each commercial
    22  trading zone, as designated by generally accepted national
    23  commercial mapmakers within each county. A library established
    24  and maintained by a nonprofit organization or corporation within
    25  a municipality shall qualify as a local library. A library
    26  established and maintained within a secondary school building
    27  maintained by a public school district shall qualify as a local
    28  library if it is free and open to the general public at hours
    29  beyond those of which the school library is regularly open.
    30  Section 1503.  Local library operation.
    19970H1884B2378                 - 49 -

     1     (a)  Control.--The affairs of a county library district or a
     2  local library shall be under the exclusive control of a district
     3  board which shall be responsible for the administration of the
     4  library district or local library. The district board shall be
     5  composed of not fewer than five nor more than seven members,
     6  appointed by the county or municipality, unless by law a greater
     7  number is provided.
     8     (b)  Joint-municipal libraries.--The county library district
     9  or, if there is no county library district, the commission shall
    10  authorize the establishment of a joint-municipal library
    11  district where existing libraries are authorized under this act
    12  to serve a commercial trading zone consisting of more than one
    13  municipality.
    14     (c)  Appointments.--
    15         (1)  Initial appointments shall be as follows:
    16             (i)  One-third for one year.
    17             (ii)  One-third for two years.
    18             (iii)  One-third for three years.
    19         (2)  An appointment shall be for a term of three years.
    20         (3)  A member shall serve until a successor is appointed.
    21         (4)  No member of any district board shall receive any
    22     salary or compensation for services as a member of the
    23     district board.
    24     (d)  Organization.--A district board shall organize after
    25  appointment by electing a presiding officer, a secretary and a
    26  treasurer from its membership and other officers and agents as
    27  the district board deems necessary.
    28  Section 1504.  Staff.
    29     The district board of the county library or local library has
    30  the power to appoint a suitable librarian licensed by the
    19970H1884B2378                 - 50 -

     1  commission and necessary licensed library and administrative
     2  assistants and fix their compensation to conduct business to
     3  carry out the spirit and intent of this act in establishing and
     4  maintaining county or local libraries. Compensation of staff
     5  personnel must meet or exceed minimum standards established by
     6  the commission under section 367(a).
     7  Section 1505.  Duplication.
     8     If there is a local library in a municipality, no new library
     9  shall be established under this act.
    10                             CHAPTER 17
    11                           LAW LIBRARIES
    12  Section 1701.  Maintenance of principal State law library and
    13                 county law libraries.
    14     (a)  Principal law libraries.--The State Librarian shall
    15  maintain a principal law library at the main branch and at other
    16  locations in the Capitol Complex as may be designated by the
    17  commission for the use of the legislative, executive and
    18  judicial branches by establishing and maintaining a complete and
    19  comprehensive collection of the Federal, State and municipal
    20  statutes, ordinances, regulations and case law, and treatises on
    21  such law, by print and digital material.
    22     (b)  Services.--The principal law library shall also maintain
    23  and provide the following services for the use of the
    24  legislative, executive and judicial branches:
    25         (1)  Make available from time to time analysis of
    26     appellate court opinions which express the necessity for
    27     clarity, instruction or guidance as to legislative intent.
    28         (2)  Make available from time to time analysis, appraisal
    29     and evaluation of new legislation from other states and from
    30     Congress.
    19970H1884B2378                 - 51 -

     1         (3)  Report all official opinions of the courts of
     2     Pennsylvania, write as reference aids for the opinions
     3     headnotes and syllabi and periodically compile headnotes into
     4     digests by topic of law pursuant to regulations promulgated
     5     by the commission.
     6         (4)  Report the legislative history of all acts of the
     7     General Assembly and periodically compile the acts, history
     8     and resulting executive regulations into annotated
     9     publications pursuant to regulations promulgated by the
    10     commission.
    11         (5)  Provide such other legal research and reference
    12     services as may be requested from time to time by the
    13     commission.
    14  Section 1702.  Access.
    15     The justices, judges and officers of the unified judicial
    16  system shall have free access to law libraries maintained by the
    17  State Librarian. The commission may not restrict any person
    18  authorized to take books from the law library from having access
    19  to the law library or using the books in the same manner as they
    20  may be used in the general library.
    21  Section 1703.  Free copies.
    22     The State Librarian shall, annually and free of charge,
    23  distribute to the treasurer of each bar association or nonprofit
    24  corporation for the use of its library 60 copies of the Laws of
    25  Pennsylvania and the official reports of the Supreme Court and
    26  the Superior Court for the purpose of enabling the library to
    27  exchange a copy of the laws and reports for a copy of similar
    28  publications of the several states and territories of the United
    29  States.
    30  Section 1704.  Sharing.
    19970H1884B2378                 - 52 -

     1     The State Librarian shall make available to each county law
     2  library and to each law library in a State or county
     3  correctional facility, at no cost, a complete and comprehensive
     4  collection of Federal and State statutes, regulations and case
     5  law, and treatises on such law, by print and digital material.
     6  Section 1705.  Subscription.
     7     Any attorney at law and a law school established and
     8  operating in this Commonwealth may subscribe to the computerized
     9  information retrieval services obtained by the State Library
    10  under a master license contract at cost. Subscribers under this
    11  section shall be responsible for costs associated with the
    12  acquisition and maintenance of computer equipment and
    13  telecommunication.
    14  Section 1706.  Law library fees.
    15     (a)  Assessment.--
    16         (1)  Except as set forth in paragraph (2), in each
    17     judicial district, the clerk of courts shall assess and
    18     collect a surcharge in the amount of 20% of each filing fee.
    19         (2)  Paragraph (1) does not apply to a county where the
    20     law library is:
    21             (i)  maintained by a State or county bar association
    22         or by other private funding; and
    23             (ii)  not a system member.
    24     (b)  Remittance.--The amount of the surcharge under
    25  subsection (a) shall be remitted to the fund each year.
    26                             CHAPTER 19
    27                     INTERSTATE LIBRARY COMPACT
    28  Section 1901.  Compact.
    29     The Interstate Library Compact is enacted into law and
    30  entered into by the Commonwealth with all states legally joining
    19970H1884B2378                 - 53 -

     1  therein in the form substantially as follows:
     2                     INTERSTATE LIBRARY COMPACT
     3     The contracting states solemnly agree that:
     4                             Article I
     5     Because the desire for the services provided by libraries
     6  transcends governmental boundaries and can most effectively be
     7  satisfied by giving such services to communities and people
     8  regardless of jurisdictional lines, it is the policy of the
     9  states party to this compact to cooperate and share their
    10  responsibilities; to authorize cooperation and sharing with
    11  respect to those types of library facilities and services which
    12  can be more economically or efficiently developed and maintained
    13  on a cooperative basis; and to authorize cooperation and sharing
    14  among localities, states and others in providing joint or
    15  cooperative library services in areas where the distribution of
    16  population or of existing and potential library resources make
    17  the provision of library service on an interstate basis the most
    18  effective way of providing adequate and efficient service.
    19                             Article II
    20     As used in this compact:
    21     (a)  "Public library agency" means any unit or agency of a
    22  local or state government operating or having power to operate a
    23  library.
    24     (b)  "Private library agency" means any nongovernmental
    25  entity which operates or assumes a legal obligation to operate a
    26  library.
    27     (c)  "Library agreement" means a contract establishing an
    28  interstate library district pursuant to this compact or
    29  providing for the joint or cooperative furnishing of library
    30  services.
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     1                            Article III
     2     (a)  Any one or more public library agencies in a party state
     3  in cooperation with any public library agency or agencies in one
     4  or more other party states may establish and maintain an
     5  interstate library district. Subject to the provisions of this
     6  compact and any other laws of the party states which pursuant
     7  hereto remain applicable, such district may establish, maintain
     8  and operate some or all of the library facilities and services
     9  for the area concerned in accordance with the terms of a library
    10  agreement therefor. Any private library agency or agencies
    11  within an interstate library district may cooperate therewith,
    12  assume duties, responsibilities and obligations thereto, and
    13  receive benefits therefrom as provided in any library agreement
    14  to which such agency or agencies become party.
    15     (b)  Within an interstate library district, and as provided
    16  by a library agreement, the performance of library functions may
    17  be undertaken on a joint or cooperative basis or may be
    18  undertaken by means of one or more arrangements between or among
    19  public or private library agencies for the extension of library
    20  privileges to the use of facilities or services operated or
    21  rendered by one or more of the individual library agencies.
    22     (c)  If a library agreement provides for joint establishment,
    23  maintenance or operation of library facilities or services by an
    24  interstate library district, such district shall have the power
    25  to do any one or more of the following in accordance with such
    26  library agreement:
    27     1.  Undertake, administer and participate in programs or
    28  arrangements for securing, lending or servicing of books and
    29  other publications, any other materials suitable to be kept or
    30  made available by libraries, library equipment or for the
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     1  dissemination of information about libraries, the value and
     2  significance of particular items therein, and the use thereof.
     3     2.  Accept for any of its purposes under this compact any and
     4  all donations, and grants of money, equipment, supplies,
     5  materials, and services, (conditional or otherwise), from any
     6  state or the United States or any subdivision or agency thereof,
     7  or interstate agency, or from any institution, person, firm or
     8  corporation, and receive, utilize and dispose of the same.
     9     3.  Operate mobile library units or equipment for the purpose
    10  of rendering bookmobile service within the district.
    11     4.  Employ professional, technical, clerical and other
    12  personnel and fix terms of employment, compensation, and other
    13  appropriate benefits; and where desirable, provide for the
    14  inservice training of such personnel.
    15     5.  Sue and be sued in any court of competent jurisdiction.
    16     6.  Acquire, hold, and dispose of any real or personal
    17  property or any interest or interests therein as may be
    18  appropriate to the rendering of library service.
    19     7.  Construct, maintain and operate a library, including any
    20  appropriate branches thereof.
    21     8.  Do such other things as may be incidental to or
    22  appropriate for the carrying out of any of the foregoing powers.
    23                             Article IV
    24     (a)  An interstate library district which establishes,
    25  maintains or operates any facilities or services in its own
    26  right shall have a governing board which shall direct the
    27  affairs of the district and act for it in all matters relating
    28  to its business. Each participating public library agency in the
    29  district shall be represented on the governing board which shall
    30  be organized and conduct its business in accordance with
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     1  provision therefor in the library agreement. But in no event
     2  shall a governing board meet less often than twice a year.
     3     (b)  Any private library agency or agencies party to a
     4  library agreement establishing an interstate library district
     5  may be represented on or advise with the governing board of the
     6  district in such manner as the library agreement may provide.
     7                             Article V
     8     Any two or more state library agencies of two or more of the
     9  party states may undertake and conduct joint or cooperative
    10  library programs, render joint or cooperative library services,
    11  and enter into and perform arrangements for the cooperative or
    12  joint acquisition, use, housing and disposition of items or
    13  collections of materials which, by reason of expense, rarity,
    14  specialized nature, or infrequency of demand therefor would be
    15  appropriated for central collection and shared use. Any such
    16  programs, services or arrangements may include provision for the
    17  exercise on a cooperative or joint basis of any power
    18  exercisable by an interstate library district and an agreement
    19  embodying any such program, service, or arrangement shall
    20  contain provisions covering the subjects detailed in Article VI
    21  of this compact for interstate library agreements.
    22                             Article VI
    23     (a)  In order to provide for any joint or cooperative
    24  undertaking pursuant to this compact, public and private library
    25  agencies may enter into library agreements. Any agreement
    26  executed pursuant to the provisions of this compact shall, as
    27  among the parties to the agreement:
    28     1.  Detail the specific nature of the services, programs,
    29  facilities, arrangements or properties to which it is
    30  applicable.
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     1     2.  Provide for the allocation of costs and other financial
     2  responsibilities.
     3     3.  Specify the respective rights, duties, obligations and
     4  liabilities of the parties.
     5     4.  Set forth the terms and conditions for duration, renewal,
     6  termination, abrogation, disposal of joint or common property,
     7  if any, and all other matters which may be appropriate to the
     8  proper effectuation and performance of the agreement.
     9     (b)  No public or private library agency shall undertake to
    10  exercise itself, or jointly with any other library agency, by
    11  means of a library agreement any power prohibited to such agency
    12  by the constitution or statutes of its state.
    13     (c)  No library agreement shall become effective until filed
    14  with the compact administrator of each state involved, and
    15  approved in accordance with Article VII of this compact.
    16                            Article VII
    17     (a)  Every library agreement made pursuant to this compact
    18  shall, prior to and as a condition precedent to its entry into
    19  force, be submitted to the attorney general of each state in
    20  which a public library agency party thereto is situated, who
    21  shall determine whether the agreement is in proper form and
    22  compatible with the laws of his or her state. The attorneys
    23  general shall approve any agreement submitted to them unless
    24  they shall find that it does not meet the conditions set forth
    25  herein and shall detail in writing addressed to the governing
    26  bodies of the public library agencies concerned the specific
    27  respects in which the proposed agreement fails to meet the
    28  requirements of law. Failure to disapprove an agreement
    29  submitted hereunder within 90 days of its submission shall
    30  constitute approval thereof.
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     1     (b)  In the event that a library agreement made pursuant to
     2  this compact shall deal in whole or in part with the provision
     3  of services or facilities with regard to which an officer or
     4  agency of the state government has constitutional or statutory
     5  powers of control, the agreement shall, as a condition precedent
     6  to its entry into force, be submitted to the state officer or
     7  agency having such power of control and shall be approved or
     8  disapproved by the officer or agency as to all matters within
     9  the jurisdiction of the state officer or agency in the same
    10  manner and subject to the same requirements governing the action
    11  of the attorneys general pursuant to paragraph (a) of this
    12  article. This requirement of submission and approval shall be in
    13  addition to and not in substitution for the requirement of
    14  submission to an approval by the attorneys general.
    15                            Article VIII
    16     Nothing in this compact or in any library agreement shall be
    17  construed to supersede, alter or otherwise impair any obligation
    18  imposed on any library by otherwise applicable law, nor to
    19  authorize the transfer or disposition of any property held in
    20  trust by a library agency in a manner contrary to the terms of
    21  such trust.
    22                             Article IX
    23     (a)  Any public library agency party to a library agreement
    24  may appropriate funds to the interstate library district
    25  established thereby in the same manner and to the same extent as
    26  to a library wholly maintained by it and, subject to the laws of
    27  the state in which such public library agency is situated, may
    28  pledge its credit in support of an interstate library district
    29  established by the agreement.
    30     (b)  Subject to the provisions of the library agreement
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     1  pursuant to which it functions and the laws of the states in
     2  which such district is situated, an interstate library district
     3  may claim and receive any state and Federal aid which may be
     4  available to library agencies.
     5                             Article X
     6     Each state shall designate a compact administrator with whom
     7  copies of all library agreements to which the administrator's
     8  state or any public library agency thereof is party shall be
     9  filed. The administrator shall have such other powers as may be
    10  conferred upon him or her by the laws of his or her state and
    11  may consult and cooperate with the compact administrators of
    12  other party states and take such steps as may effectuate the
    13  purposes of this compact. If the laws of a party state so
    14  provide, such state may designate one or more deputy compact
    15  administrators in addition to its compact administrator.
    16                             Article XI
    17     (a)  This compact shall enter into force and effect
    18  immediately upon its enactment into law by any two states.
    19  Thereafter, it shall enter into force and effect as to any other
    20  state upon the enactment thereof by such state.
    21     (b)  This compact shall continue in force with respect to a
    22  party state and remain binding upon such state until six months
    23  after such state has given notice to each other party state of
    24  the repeal thereof. Such withdrawals shall not be construed to
    25  relieve any party to a library agreement entered into pursuant
    26  to this compact from any obligation of that agreement prior to
    27  the end of its duration as provided therein.
    28                            Article XII
    29     This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate
    30  the purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be
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     1  severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of
     2  this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of
     3  any party state or of the United States or the applicability
     4  thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is
     5  held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and
     6  the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or
     7  circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact
     8  shall be held contrary to the constitution of any state party
     9  thereto, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to
    10  the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the
    11  state affected as to all severable matters.
    12                             CHAPTER 51
    13                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    14  Section 5101.  Repeals.
    15     (a)  Absolute.--The act of June 14, 1961 (P.L.324, No.188),
    16  known as The Library Code, is repealed.
    17     (b)  General.--All other acts and parts of acts are repealed
    18  insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
    19  Section 5102.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect immediately.

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