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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2199



No. 1793 Session of 1999

           JULY 27, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 28, 1937 (P.L.955, No.265), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act to promote public health, safety, morals,
     3     and welfare by declaring the necessity of creating public
     4     bodies, corporate and politic, to be known as housing
     5     authorities to engage in slum clearance, and to undertake
     6     projects, to provide dwelling accommodations for persons of
     7     low income; providing for the organization of such housing
     8     authorities; defining their powers and duties; providing for
     9     the exercise of such powers, including the acquisition of
    10     property by purchase, gift or eminent domain, the renting and
    11     selling of property, and including borrowing money, issuing
    12     bonds, and other obligations, and giving security therefor;
    13     prescribing the remedies of obligees of housing authorities;
    14     authorizing housing authorities to enter into agreements,
    15     including agreements with the United States, the
    16     Commonwealth, and political subdivisions and municipalities
    17     thereof; defining the application of zoning, sanitary, and
    18     building laws and regulations to projects built or maintained
    19     by such housing authorities; exempting the property and
    20     securities of such housing authorities from taxation; and
    21     imposing duties and conferring powers upon the State Planning
    22     Board, and certain other State officers and departments,"
    23     further providing for appointment of members of an authority
    24     and for powers of the authority.

    25     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    26  hereby enacts as follows:
    27     Section 1.  Section 5 of the act of May 28, 1937 (P.L.955,

     1  No.265), known as the Housing Authorities Law, amended July 15,
     2  1968 (P.L.337, No.163), is amended to read:
     3     Section 5.  Appointment of Members of an Authority.--(a)  The
     4  board of county commissioners for any county upon issuing a
     5  certificate declaring the need for an Authority to operate in
     6  such county or upon receiving notice of the issuance of such
     7  certificate by the Governor, shall appoint five citizens,
     8  residents of the county, to be members of the housing authority
     9  which is to operate within such county. Such members shall be
    10  citizens residing within the county for which the Authority is
    11  created.
    12     (b)  The governing body of any city upon issuing a
    13  certificate declaring the need for an Authority to operate in
    14  such city or upon receiving notice of the issuance of such
    15  certificate by the Governor, shall promptly notify the mayor of
    16  such certification. Upon receiving such notice, the mayor, with
    17  the approval of the majority of the members of council, shall
    18  appoint five citizens, residents of the city, to be members of
    19  the housing authority of such city--(1) [that in cities of the
    20  first class, the mayor shall appoint two members, the city
    21  controller shall appoint two members, and the four members, thus
    22  appointed, shall select a fifth member of such Authority;] that
    23  in cities of the first class, the mayor shall appoint one member
    24  who shall be chairman, the president of city council shall
    25  appoint one member, the minority leader of city council shall
    26  appoint two members and the city controller shall appoint one
    27  member; a qualified majority of four members shall be required
    28  to approve the budget for the fiscal year, the hiring of the
    29  authority executive director and any other decisions which the
    30  qualified majority shall decide by resolution; (2) that in
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     1  cities of the second class, the mayor shall appoint two
     2  additional members for a total of seven members of the housing
     3  authority; (3) that in cities of the third class, the mayor,
     4  with the approval of the majority of the members of council,
     5  shall appoint five persons to be members of the housing
     6  authority of such city, such members shall be citizens residing
     7  within the city for which the Authority is created.
     8     Section 2.  Section 10(ff) of the act, added October 5, 1980
     9  (P.L.690, No.140), is amended to read:
    10     Section 10.  Powers of an Authority.--An Authority shall
    11  constitute a public body, corporate and politic, exercising
    12  public powers of the Commonwealth as an agency thereof, which
    13  powers shall include all powers necessary or appropriate to
    14  carry out and effectuate the purpose and provisions of this act,
    15  including the following powers, in addition to others herein
    16  granted:
    17     * * *
    18     (ff)  In the city of the first class, to appoint security
    19  officers who shall have the same rights, powers and duties as
    20  police officers in the Commonwealth in and upon the grounds and
    21  buildings of the Authority and in instances of hot pursuit
    22  within the boundaries of the city of the first class and who
    23  shall be authorized to arrest persons for the commission of any
    24  offense and the keepers of the jails and other places of
    25  detention in the city of the first class shall receive all
    26  persons arrested by such security officers for purposes of
    27  detention until they are dealt with according to law: Provided,
    28  however, That such security officers successfully complete the
    29  course of instruction provided under the act of June 18, 1974
    30  (P.L.359, No.120), referred to as the Municipal Police Education
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     1  and Training Law. The Authority shall[, to the maximum extent
     2  practicable, give preference in hiring security officers first
     3  to any person living in public housing and receiving any form of
     4  State or Federal public assistance, and second, to any other
     5  person living in public housing] not require that such security
     6  officers be residents of a county of the first class that is
     7  coterminous with a city of the first class.
     8     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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