No. 1330 Session of 1983



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), entitled "An
     2     act to consolidate, editorially revise, and codify the public
     3     welfare laws of the Commonwealth," further regulating
     4     eligibility for welfare; and transferring responsibilities to
     5     the Department of Labor and Industry.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  The introductory paragraph of subsection (a) and
     9  subsection (e) of section 405.1 of the act of June 13, 1967
    10  (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, amended April
    11  8, 1982 (P.L.231, No.75), are amended to read:
    12     Section 405.1.  Work Registration Program.--(a)  [Prior]
    13  Every individual, within ten days after establishing eligibility
    14  for public assistance, as a condition of continuing eligibility
    15  for aid to families with dependent children or general
    16  assistance and prior to the authorization of assistance, [every
    17  individual] shall register in accordance with regulations of the
    18  [department] Department of Labor and Industry for employment,

     1  training and manpower services, unless such individual is:
     2     * * *
     3     (e)  The [department] Department of Labor and Industry
     4  shall[, within twelve months of the effective date of this act,]
     5  establish a Statewide program which will have as its primary
     6  purpose, the obtaining of bona fide employment for non-exempt
     7  assistance applicants and recipients. The program may be
     8  substituted for the registration required by subsection (a). The
     9  program shall include, but not be limited to referral to private
    10  employment agencies under contract with the department and the
    11  establishment of an employment officer in county board of
    12  assistance offices.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 2.  Sections 405.2, 432(3)(iii), 442.1 and 475 of the
    15  act, added or amended April 8, 1982 (P.L.231, No.75), are
    16  amended to read:
    17     Section 405.2.  Community Work Program.--(a)  The
    18  [department] Department of Labor and Industry shall coordinate
    19  the establishment of community work projects by departments,
    20  agencies or institutions of the Commonwealth or any nonprofit
    21  organization or agency located within the Commonwealth or any
    22  political subdivision located within the Commonwealth or any
    23  agency of the Federal Government and shall assign to these work
    24  projects cash assistance recipients for whom the Office of
    25  Employment Security has been unable to secure employment. In
    26  instances when community work projects are not available for all
    27  able-bodied cash assistance recipients, priority shall be given
    28  to general assistance recipients for referral to available
    29  projects.
    30     (b)  Every individual who has not received a bona fide offer
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     1  of training or employment under section 405.1 shall, as a
     2  condition of continuing eligibility for cash assistance, report
     3  to and work in a community work project established under this
     4  section unless such individual is over the age of forty-five or
     5  is exempt from the registration requirements of section 405.1.
     6  Such individual shall be required to work that number of hours
     7  which when multiplied by the applicable minimum wage equals the
     8  amount of cash assistance such person receives: Provided,
     9  however, That the parent or other caretaker of a child between
    10  the ages of six and fourteen who is personally providing care
    11  for the child with only very brief and infrequent absences from
    12  the child shall not be required to participate in community work
    13  projects except on days and at times when the child is in school
    14  or when there are adequate day-care arrangements available for
    15  the child at no cost to the recipient. No lien shall be imposed
    16  against the real property of the individual under the act of
    17  June 24, 1937 (P.L.2045, No.397), known as "The Support Law," to
    18  recover cash assistance payments paid to that individual for the
    19  period that the individual actually works in community work
    20  projects.
    21     (c)  Community work projects established under this section
    22  must be approved by the [department] Department of Labor and
    23  Industry. To qualify for approval, a work site must conform to
    24  appropriate health and safety standards. Cash assistance
    25  recipients shall not be assigned to work opportunities available
    26  due to a labor dispute, strike, or lockout and shall not be
    27  assigned to perform work so as to cause the layoff, downgrading
    28  or prevention of return to work of an available competent
    29  employe. Cash assistance recipients shall be assigned to
    30  community work projects within [twenty-five miles] reasonable
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     1  proximity of their place of residence.
     2     (d)  A person who without good cause fails or refuses to
     3  accept assignment to and participate in a community work project
     4  shall be disqualified from receiving cash assistance for sixty
     5  days for the first violation and thereafter until such time he
     6  or she is willing to comply. For the second violation and
     7  subsequent violations the disqualification period shall be one
     8  hundred twenty days. The disqualification period shall commence
     9  on the date the department's order imposing disqualification is
    10  final.
    11     (e)  The department shall propose initial rules and
    12  regulations for the administration of this section prior to the
    13  effective date of this section. Neither initial rules and
    14  regulations nor any promulgated thereafter with regard to this
    15  section shall take effect without the approval of the General
    16  Assembly. The department's proposed initial rules and
    17  regulations shall be submitted to, and approved or disapproved
    18  by, the Senate and the House of Representatives in the same
    19  manner as provided for the consideration of reorganization plans
    20  provided for by the act of April 7, 1955 (P.L.23, No.8), known
    21  as the "Reorganization Act of 1955." In the event that the
    22  General Assembly disapproves the proposed rules and regulations,
    23  then the department shall submit new rules and regulations
    24  within thirty days.
    25     (f)  Workmen's compensation insurance premiums shall be the
    26  responsibility of the [entity which provides the employment
    27  opportunity.] Commonwealth.
    28     (g)  No person shall be denied general assistance under this
    29  section if the office has not been able to establish sufficient
    30  community work projects.
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     1     Section 432.  Eligibility.--Except as hereinafter otherwise
     2  provided, and subject to the rules, regulations, and standards
     3  established by the department, both as to eligibility for
     4  assistance and as to its nature and extent, needy persons of the
     5  classes defined in clauses (1), (2), and (3) shall be eligible
     6  for assistance:
     7     * * *
     8     (3)  Other persons who are citizens of the United States, or
     9  legally admitted aliens and who are chronically needy or
    10  transitionally needy persons.
    11     * * *
    12     (iii)  Transitionally needy persons are those persons who are
    13  otherwise eligible for general assistance but do not qualify as
    14  chronically needy. Assistance for transitionally needy persons
    15  shall be [authorized only once in any twelve-month period in an
    16  amount not to exceed the amount of ninety days' assistance]
    17  continued as long as the person complies with the requirements
    18  of this act.
    19     * * *
    20     Section 442.1.  The Medically Needy; Determination of
    21  Eligibility.--A person shall be considered medically needy if
    22  he:
    23     (1)  Resides in Pennsylvania, regardless of the duration of
    24  his residence or his absence therefrom; and
    25     (2)  Meets the standards of financial eligibility established
    26  by the department with the approval of the Governor. In
    27  establishing these standards the department shall take into
    28  account (i) the funds certified by the Budget Secretary as
    29  available for medical assistance for the medically needy; (ii)
    30  pertinent Federal legislation and regulations; and (iii) the
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     1  cost of living. [Transitionally needy persons who are not
     2  eligible for cash assistance by reason of section 432(3)(iii)
     3  shall be considered medically needy if otherwise eligible.]
     4     Section 475.  Grant Increases.--[(a)]  On July 1, 1982, the
     5  Department of Public Welfare shall raise general assistance and
     6  aid to families with dependent children allowances for
     7  assistance units of three or more persons by an average of at
     8  least five percent.
     9     [(b)  If the department is prevented by court order from
    10  implementing the provisions of section 10 of this amendatory
    11  act, the provisions of this section shall be suspended and shall
    12  not take effect until the provisions of section 10 are
    13  implemented.]
    14     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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