PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1416, 1886               PRINTER'S NO. 3334



No. 1277 Session of 1981


           MAY 24, 1982
                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 6, 1967 (P.L.678, No.318), entitled
     2     "An act to promote the education and welfare of the people of
     3     the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; to provide educational
     4     facilities at nonprofit institutions of higher education in
     5     the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and creating the
     6     Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority as a
     7     body corporate and politic with power to acquire, construct,
     8     improve, equip, furnish, operate, lease, and dispose of
     9     projects; authorizing and regulating the issuance of notes
    10     and bonds and the payment thereof by said authority; and
    11     providing that no debt, obligation, or credit of the
    12     Commonwealth shall be incurred in the exercise of any powers
    13     granted by this act," removing provisions relating to term
    14     bonds and providing rights regarding the collection of
    15     subsidy payments in the event of rental payment failures.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  Section 6.1, act of December 6, 1967 (P.L.678,
    19  No.318), known as "The Pennsylvania Higher Educational
    20  Facilities Authority Act of 1967," added October 16, 1969
    21  (P.L.257, No.104), is amended and a section is added to read:
    22     [Section 6.1.  Term Bonds.--Whenever the board of said
    23  authority shall authorize the issuance of bonds under the

     1  provisions of this act, the board shall also concurrently
     2  provide for the authorization of term bonds in the denomination
     3  of one hundred dollars ($100) payable in not more than twenty-
     4  five years from the date of issue, and the principal amount of
     5  said term bonds shall be equal to a reasonable amount of the
     6  principal amount of the bonds with which the said term bonds are
     7  being concurrently authorized. The amount and term of the issue
     8  of the term bonds shall be fixed by the board in the exercise of
     9  its discretion. Said term bonds shall bear interest at a rate to
    10  be fixed by said board not exceeding the legal rate. The term
    11  bonds authorized under the authority of this section shall be
    12  subject to, except as provided in this section, all the terms
    13  and conditions of the bonds authorized concurrently therewith.]
    14     Section 6.2.  Actions for Nonpayment of Rentals.--In all
    15  cases where a college fails to pay or provide for the payment of
    16  any rental or rentals or other sums due to the authority in
    17  accordance with any lease or other contract entered into between
    18  the authority and such college, upon written notice thereof from
    19  the authority, the State Treasurer shall MAY (i) notify the       <--
    20  college of its obligation and of the withholding provisions of
    21  this section; (ii) withhold, out of any State appropriations
    22  payable to the college an amount equal to the unpaid rentals or
    23  other sums owing by such college, and (iii) notify the Auditor
    24  General of his actions and request the Auditor General to issue
    25  a warrant for payment to the authority of the amount so
    26  withheld. Upon receipt of such notice from the State Treasurer,
    27  the Auditor General shall issue to the State Treasurer a warrant
    28  for payment to the authority and the State Treasurer shall
    29  forthwith pay over the amount so withheld to the authority,
    30  which shall apply said amount to the rental or other sums due
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     1  from such college. The authority shall also give written notice
     2  of any such nonpayment to the Secretary of Education.
     3     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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