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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1423



No. 1246 Session of 1999


           APRIL 13, 1999

                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring the Department of Community and Economic Development
     2     to maintain data regarding research and development affecting
     3     the housing industry in this Commonwealth; and recognizing
     4     and supporting the Pennsylvania Housing Research Center.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Housing
     9  Research Act.
    10  Section 2.  Legislative findings.
    11     The General Assembly finds as follows:
    12         (1)  In July 1988 the Housing Research Center was
    13     established to provide training, research, technology
    14     transfer, consulting and other services to this
    15     Commonwealth's residential building industry and to ensure
    16     the best technologically advanced and scientifically sound
    17     building processes and a more knowledgeable and quality-

     1     oriented home-building industry. To reflect the commitment of
     2     the center to provide such services to this Commonwealth and
     3     its residents, the name of the center was changed to the
     4     Pennsylvania Housing Research Center (PHRC). The PHRC is
     5     devoted exclusively to research aimed at improving the
     6     quality of housing and the infrastructure needed to support
     7     such housing. To date, this commitment has been strengthened
     8     through partnerships with the home-building industry, the
     9     Pennsylvania Electric Association, the Pennsylvania Energy
    10     Office and the member firms of the Mid-Atlantic Building
    11     Systems Council.
    12         (2)  Home building is a major economic force within this
    13     Commonwealth, providing tens of thousands of jobs and
    14     generating millions of dollars in tax revenues. To ensure
    15     such economic contributions remain a strong and viable part
    16     of this Commonwealth's economy and to ensure this
    17     Commonwealth's residents have continuing employment
    18     opportunities, the PHRC provides valuable services and advice
    19     to State, national and international aspects of the housing
    20     industry and is expanding into newly opening markets in
    21     second and third world countries.
    22         (3)  The PHRC has gained national recognition for its
    23     contributions to the education of young engineers, the
    24     training of builders and the establishment and implementation
    25     of outstanding research and development for housing consumers
    26     and the home-building industry. It studies demographic
    27     changes, technological developments and economic and social
    28     trends. The PHRC serves as the focal point of informational
    29     exchange through conferences, training courses and research
    30     publications.
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     1         (4)  To continue to effectively provide for this
     2     Commonwealth's housing demands and the need for out-of-State
     3     expansion of the housing industry, this Commonwealth needs
     4     to:
     5             (i)  Support expansion of housing industry research
     6         and development activities in this Commonwealth and
     7         expansion of out-of-State and international export
     8         opportunities to develop a competitive edge over other
     9         states' expansion in those areas.
    10             (ii)  Develop and improve the product--a house, its
    11         component parts and materials and the employees who
    12         provide these--to provide a more affordable, better
    13         quality and technologically advanced product to
    14         homebuyers and homeowners.
    15             (iii)  Improve housing industry productivity.
    16         (5)  The PHRC conducts research projects that have been
    17     identified, developed and approved in concert with this
    18     Commonwealth's building community of builders, private
    19     companies and utilities.
    20         (6)  Because economic expansion in rural areas is
    21     dependent on the adequate provision of public sewer and
    22     water, the PHRC conducts research projects on sewer and water
    23     line extensions into rural residential areas.
    24  Section 3.  Definitions.
    25     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    26  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    27  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    28     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
    29  Development of the Commonwealth.
    30     "PHRC."  The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center, originally
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     1  the Housing Research Center, a center which gathers and
     2  disseminates information, conducts research and development
     3  projects and makes other academically based contributions to the
     4  housing industry of this Commonwealth.
     5  Section 4.  Recognition by department.
     6     The department shall recognize the essential role PHRC
     7  occupies in the growth of this Commonwealth's economy. The
     8  department shall, in cooperation with PHRC, use the fruits of
     9  PHRC's efforts to further meet the goals of the department.
    10  Section 5.  Information sharing.
    11     The department and PHRC shall share any information which is
    12  acquired by either and which affects the housing industry's role
    13  in the economic growth of this Commonwealth. The goal of
    14  information sharing shall be to ensure that this Commonwealth
    15  develops and maintains global leadership status in the housing
    16  industry.
    17  Section 6.  Data.
    18     A copy of any data relevant to the provisions of this act and
    19  acquired by either the department or PHRC shall be maintained by
    20  the department.
    21  Section 7.  Annual report.
    22     The department shall report annually to the appropriate
    23  committee in the Senate and in the House of Representatives
    24  regarding both economic and technological advancements,
    25  including, but not limited to, the improvement of
    26  infrastructure, made during the immediately preceding year by
    27  this Commonwealth's housing industry. The department shall also
    28  report annually to the Environmental Resources and Energy
    29  Committee of the Senate and the Environmental Resources and
    30  Energy Committee of the House of Representatives regarding the
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     1  effects of sewer and water line extensions into rural
     2  residential areas.
     3  Section 8.  Expiration.
     4     This act shall expire June 30, 2002.
     5  Section 9.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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