No. 1020 Session of 1975



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for sheltered workshops for physically and mentally
     2     handicapped persons; imposing additional duties on the Bureau
     3     of Vocational Rehabilitation in the Department of Labor and
     4     Industry and prescribing its powers and duties; and making an
     5     appropriation.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Short Title.--This act shall be known and may be
     9  cited as the "Sheltered Employment Act."
    10     Section 2.  Declaration of Policy.--It is the public policy
    11  of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to assist and encourage
    12  handicapped individuals to attain their maximum usefulness and
    13  self-sufficiency, and to make adequate provision for services
    14  toward these ends. The Commonwealth believes that sheltered
    15  employment for handicapped individuals should at all times
    16  provide handicapped individuals with a sense of dignity and
    17  self-worth, and to this end it shall be public policy to reduce
    18  the work-related expenses of sheltered workshop employees for

     1  the purpose of easing their financial burden. This policy should
     2  be carried out by a Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation which
     3  shall adopt and enforce workshop standards necessary for the
     4  welfare of the handicapped, provide certain work-related
     5  services for handicapped individuals employed in sheltered
     6  workshops which are approved by the bureau and encourage and aid
     7  in the expansion and development of adequate sheltered
     8  employment.
     9     Section 3.  Definitions.--The following words and phrases
    10  when used in this act shall have, unless the context clearly
    11  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
    12     "Bureau."  The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation in the
    13  Department of Labor and Industry.
    14     "Certified."  Certified by the Wage and Hour Division, United
    15  States Department of Labor in accordance with the Federal Fair
    16  Labor Standards Act of 1938 (52 Stat. 1068) as amended.
    17     "Director."  The director of the Bureau of Vocational
    18  Rehabilitation.
    19     "Handicapped individual."  An individual who is physically or
    20  mentally handicapped.
    21     "Sheltered employment."  Employment in a workshop setting for
    22  handicapped individuals who are unable due to a physical or
    23  mental limitation to engage in work in the competitive labor
    24  market or who cannot be readily absorbed by that market.
    25     "Sheltered workshop."  A rehabilitation facility or that part
    26  of a rehabilitation facility engaged in a production or service
    27  operation which is operated for the purpose of providing gainful
    28  employment and other professional services for those handicapped
    29  individuals who cannot be readily absorbed in the competitive
    30  labor market. Wherever sheltered workshop is referred to in this
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     1  act, it shall include work activities centers.
     2     "Sheltered workshop employee."  A physically or mentally
     3  handicapped individual employed by a sheltered workshop but does
     4  not include handicapped individuals employed as facility staff.
     5     "Work activities center."  A sheltered workshop or a
     6  physically separated department of a sheltered workshop planned
     7  and designed exclusively to provide therapeutic activities for
     8  handicapped workers whose physical or mental impairment is so
     9  severe as to make their productive capacity inconsequential.
    10  Therapeutic activities include any purposeful activity so long
    11  as work or production is not the main purpose.
    12     Section 4.  Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Duties.--The
    13  bureau shall perform the following functions:
    14     (1)  Adopt and enforce standards for sheltered workshops
    15  utilized by State agencies to insure that such facilities are
    16  organized and administered so as to effectively achieve stated
    17  goals and to provide quality services to handicapped persons.
    18     (2)  Adopt and enforce rules and regulations to carry out the
    19  provisions of this act.
    20     (3)  Exercise supervision over all sheltered workshops to
    21  insure that wages paid to handicapped workers in sheltered
    22  employment, which are lower than the applicable minimum wage,
    23  are commensurate with wages paid non-handicapped workers in the
    24  vicinity for essentially the same type, quality, and quantity of
    25  work in accordance with requirements established under section
    26  14(d) of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (52 Stat.
    27  1068) and other provisions of Federal law, including amendments
    28  and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
    29     (4)  In coordination with Federal and other State agencies,
    30  insure proper certification of all workshops in accordance with
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     1  Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended.
     2     (5)  In compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
     3  (P.L.93-112, 87 Stat. 355) to determine and respond to the need
     4  for additional vocational rehabilitation services and facilities
     5  in this Commonwealth. The bureau shall submit its findings and
     6  recommendations to the General Assembly within 24 months after
     7  the effective date of this act. This report shall include
     8  information relative to the degree of utilization of facilities,
     9  the quality of services being provided, the need for additional
    10  services and the means and methods by which vocational
    11  rehabilitation services can be expanded.
    12     (6)  Coordinate activities with Federal and other State
    13  agencies involved in sheltered workshop programs.
    14     (7)  Administer, in coordination with established and
    15  properly certified private nonprofit sheltered workshops, a
    16  program to provide funds for one lunch per working day for each
    17  person in sheltered employment. This program shall not apply to
    18  State agency-sponsored clients in an Evaluation and/or Training
    19  Program, nor shall it include persons employed in workshops in
    20  State institutions. The bureau shall contract with individual
    21  workshops for the furnishing of such food and may, subject to an
    22  appropriation, expend for said purpose such sum, or sums, not to
    23  exceed $350 per year for each handicapped employee of which no
    24  more than 10% shall be expended for administrative or other
    25  expenses incurred by the workshop in providing this service.
    26  Methods of expending such funds shall be subject to approval by
    27  the bureau.
    28     (8)  Conduct periodic audits of expenditures of lunch funds
    29  by sheltered workshops.
    30     (9)  Administer, in coordination with established and
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     1  properly certified private nonprofit sheltered workshops, a
     2  program to provide funds for transportation from a sheltered
     3  workshop employee's residence to the place of employment and
     4  from the place of employment to sheltered workshop employee's
     5  residence. This program shall not apply to State agency-
     6  sponsored clients in an Evaluation and/or Training Program nor
     7  shall it include persons employed in workshops in State
     8  institutions. The bureau shall contract with individual
     9  workshops for the furnishing of such transportation, and may,
    10  subject to an appropriation, expend for said purpose such sum or
    11  sums, not to exceed $275 per year for each handicapped employee
    12  of which no more than 10% shall be expended for administrative
    13  expenses incurred by the workshop in providing this service.
    14  Methods of expending such funds shall be subject to approval by
    15  the bureau.
    16     (10)  Conduct periodic audits of expenditures of
    17  transportation funds by sheltered workshops.
    18     Section 5.  Appropriation.--(a) The sum of $4,375,000, or as
    19  much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby specifically
    20  appropriated to the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation for
    21  carrying out the provisions of this act, said appropriation to
    22  be effective 120 days after the effective date of this act.
    23     (b)  The sum of $266,500 is hereby specifically appropriated
    24  to the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation for administrative
    25  expenses incurred by the bureau, said appropriation to be
    26  effective immediately.
    27     Section 6.  Repealer.--(a) Section 901 of the act of June 13,
    28  1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the "Public Welfare Code," is
    29  repealed in so far as it is inconsistent with this act.
    30     (b)  All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the
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     1  provisions of this act are repealed to the extent of the
     2  inconsistency.
     3     Section 7.  Effective Date.--This act shall take effect
     4  immediately, but shall not be applied to any workshop for a
     5  period of 120 days after the effective date of this act.

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