1Recognizing September 11, 2014, as a day of solemn commemoration
2of the events of September 11, 2001, and offering the
3Commonwealth's deepest and most sincere condolences to the
4families, friends and loved ones of the innocent victims of
5the attacks.

6WHEREAS, On September 11, 2001, the peace and security of our
7nation was shattered by cowardly terrorist attacks that killed
8nearly 3,000 innocent and brave people at the World Trade Center
9towers in New York City, at the United States Pentagon and in
10Shanksville, Pennsylvania; and

11WHEREAS, At 8:46 a.m., hijacked American Airlines Flight 11
12crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New
13York City, New York; and

14WHEREAS, At 9:03 a.m., hijacked United Airlines Flight 175

1crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center; and

2WHEREAS, At 9:37 a.m., the Pentagon was hit by hijacked
3American Airlines Flight 77, the impact of which caused
4immediate and catastrophic damage to the headquarters of the
5Department of Defense; and

6WHEREAS, At approximately 10 a.m., the passengers and crew of
7hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 acted heroically to retake
8control of the airplane and thwart the taking of additional
9American lives by crashing the airliner in Shanksville, Somerset
10County, and, in doing so, gave their lives to save countless
11others; and

12WHEREAS, These attacks claimed nearly 3,000 innocent lives,
13becoming the most devastating attack on American soil in our
14history; and

15WHEREAS, Many individuals unselfishly gave their lives in
16unyielding courage and sacrifice with the passenger resistance
17that occurred on United Airlines Flight 93 in Somerset County;

19WHEREAS, Their acts of courage and sacrifice for our country
20are worthy of acknowledgment and commendation and they shall
21remain in our hearts and minds forever, their remembrance
22continuing to be passed on to future generations; and

23WHEREAS, Many brave people heroically, tirelessly and
24courageously participated in an extraordinarily difficult and
25dangerous rescue and recovery effort, in some cases voluntarily
26putting their own well-being at risk; and

27WHEREAS, The heroic and gallant sacrifices the emergency
28medical services responders made on that disastrous September
29morning are likewise worthy and deserving of commemoration,
30recognition and honor on this 13th anniversary of the attacks;


2WHEREAS, Thirteen years later, thousands of men and women in
3the United States Armed Forces remain in harm's way defending
4the United States against those who seek to threaten the United
5States; and

6WHEREAS, On September 11, 2001, the terrorists targeted
7symbols of American strength and prosperity as an attack on the
8principles, values and freedoms of the American people, but
9instead, inspired the very best of American courage, compassion
10and resilience and demonstrated our resolve to protect our
11democracy and our way of life; and

12WHEREAS, Because of the loss of innocent lives, left behind
13were husbands, wives, children, mothers, fathers, brothers,
14sisters, family members and friends who, along with the nation
15as a whole, will forever mourn that catastrophic day and the
16lives that were lost; and

17WHEREAS, On the 13th anniversary of that tragic day, the
18thoughts of the people of this Commonwealth and the United
19States are with the victims of the events of September 11, 2001,
20and their families; therefore be it

21RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize
22September 11, 2014, as a day of solemn commemoration of the
23events of September 11, 2001, and offer its deepest and most
24sincere condolences to the families, friends and loved ones of
25the innocent victims of the attacks; and be it further

26RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives reaffirm that the
27people of this Commonwealth will never forget the challenges our
28country endured on and since September 11, 2001, and will work
29tirelessly to preserve our freedom and to defeat those who
30attacked the United States; and be it further

1RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives pay special
2tribute, on this 13th anniversary of the attacks, to all the men
3and women who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.