PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 884, 2457, 2568,         PRINTER'S NO. 2670
        2610, 2616



No. 784 Session of 1985

           AND E. Z. TAYLOR, MARCH 26, 1985

           DECEMBER 11, 1985

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), entitled     <--
     2     "An act providing for independent oversight and review of
     3     regulations, creating an Independent Regulatory Review
     4     Commission, providing for its powers and duties, making
     5     repeals and making an appropriation," further providing for
     6     agency submissions of rulemaking and for time periods for
     7     review of rulemaking; and making editorial changes.
     8  AMENDING THE ACT OF JUNE 25, 1982 (P.L.633, NO.181), ENTITLED     <--

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633,    <--
    17  No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act, is amended to read:
    18  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
    19     The General Assembly has enacted a large number of statutes

     1  conferring on boards, commissions, departments and other
     2  agencies of the executive branch of government the authority to
     3  adopt rules and regulations to supplement and implement those
     4  statutes. The General Assembly has found that this delegation of
     5  its authority has resulted in regulations being promulgated
     6  without effective review concerning cost benefits, duplication,
     7  inflationary impact and conformity to legislative intent. The
     8  General Assembly finds that it must provide a procedure for
     9  oversight and review of regulations adopted pursuant to this
    10  delegation of legislative power to curtail excessive regulation
    11  and to establish a system of accountability so that the
    12  bureaucracy must justify its use of the regulatory authority
    13  before imposing hidden costs upon the economy of Pennsylvania.
    14  It is the intent of this act to establish a method for
    15  continuing and effective review, accountability and oversight.
    16  It is the further intent of this act to provide for primary
    17  review by a commission with sufficient authority, expertise,
    18  independence and time to perform that responsibility. It is the
    19  further intent of this act to provide ultimate review by the
    20  General Assembly of those regulations which may be contrary to
    21  the public interest or to legislative intent. To facilitate
    22  conformity to legislative intent the commission should attempt
    23  to enhance communication between the commission and the standing
    24  committees of the General Assembly. This act is intended to
    25  provide a method of oversight and review of regulations issued
    26  by executive agencies to assist the Governor and the General
    27  Assembly in their supervisory and oversight functions and it is
    28  not intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or
    29  procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the
    30  Commonwealth, its agencies, officers or any person.
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     1     Section 2.  Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 15 of the act, amended
     2  December 9, 1982 (P.L.1023, No.238), are amended to read:
     3  Section 4.  Creation of commission; membership, compensation;
     4                 vacancies; removal.
     5     (a)  The Independent Regulatory Review Commission shall
     6  consist of five members to be known as commissioners. One member
     7  of the commission shall be appointed by the Governor to serve at
     8  his pleasure, one by the President pro tempore of the Senate,
     9  one by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one by the
    10  Minority Leader of the Senate and one by the Minority Leader of
    11  the House of Representatives. No member of the General Assembly
    12  or any other officer or employee of State Government shall serve
    13  as a member of the commission.
    14     (b)  Of the original members, the two members appointed by
    15  the Speaker of the House and the Minority Leader of the House of
    16  Representatives respectively shall serve for an initial term of
    17  two years and the two members appointed by the President pro
    18  tempore of the Senate and the Minority Leader of the Senate
    19  respectively shall serve for an initial term of three years.
    20  Thereafter each appointment provided for by this act shall be
    21  for a term of three years and such appointments shall be made in
    22  the same manner as the original appointments.
    23     (c)  All vacancies shall be filled, for the remainder of the
    24  unexpired term, in the same manner as original appointments. Any
    25  commissioner, upon the expiration of his term, shall continue to
    26  hold office until his successor shall be appointed.
    27     (d)  The commissioners shall receive $125 per day as
    28  compensation for their services. The commissioners shall also be
    29  entitled to reimbursement for travel and other necessary
    30  expenses incurred as a result of their duties as members of the
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     1  commission. The expenses incurred by the commissioners, or by
     2  any employees of the commission, shall be allowed and paid on
     3  the presentation of itemized vouchers therefor, which vouchers
     4  shall be subject to the approval of the commission.
     5     (e)  Except as authorized pursuant to this section and except
     6  for the Governor's appointee who shall serve at his pleasure, no
     7  commissioner may be removed from office during his term. The
     8  Governor may, with the approval of two-thirds of the members of
     9  the Senate, upon a clear and convincing evidence of misfeasance
    10  or malfeasance in office or neglect of duty, remove a
    11  commissioner prior to the expiration of the term. The Governor
    12  shall provide the commissioner so removed with a detailed
    13  written statement of the reasons for his removal.
    14     (f)  Any member of the commission formally charged before a
    15  court of record with the commission of a felony shall
    16  immediately be suspended as a member of the commission until the
    17  charge is dismissed or a verdict of acquittal is announced. If
    18  any commission member shall be convicted of a felony, then that
    19  commissioner's membership shall become vacant automatically upon
    20  announcement of the verdict by a trial court or upon acceptance
    21  of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. No commission member
    22  shall participate in deliberations regarding any regulation in
    23  which he, or any member of his family, has a financial interest.
    24     (g)  Within 60 days following the appointment of a quorum of
    25  the commission, the Governor shall convene an organization
    26  meeting of the commission and the Governor or his designee shall
    27  preside at such meeting until a chairman shall be elected.
    28     (h)  A chairman shall be elected by the commission who shall
    29  serve for a term of two years and until his successors shall be
    30  elected. The chairman shall preside at meetings of the
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     1  commission and shall execute documents relating to the formal
     2  actions of the commission.
     3     (i)  The commission shall meet at least twice a month at such
     4  times and places as shall be set by the chairman. A commissioner
     5  who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without cause
     6  shall be removed as a commissioner by the authority appointing
     7  the commissioner.
     8     (j)  Each member of the commission shall be equally
     9  independent of each other. The commission may not establish any
    10  rules governing conduct of a commissioner which unduly impairs,
    11  inhibits or prevents the execution of the business of the
    12  commission. Dissenting opinions should be noted along with the
    13  final disposition of the matter.
    14  Section 5.  Proposed regulation; criteria for review, existing
    15                 regulations.
    16     (a)  For proposed regulations, submitted after the effective
    17  date of this section, at the same time that proposed regulations
    18  [and any changes thereto] are submitted to the Legislative
    19  Reference Bureau for publication of notice of proposed
    20  rulemaking in the Pennsylvania Bulletin as required by the act
    21  of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the
    22  Commonwealth Documents Law, the agency proposing the regulation
    23  shall forward a copy of such proposal to the commission and the
    24  designated standing committee of each House of the General
    25  Assembly and additional information including but not limited to
    26  the following:
    27         (1)  The name of the agency proposing the regulation and
    28     a statement of the statutory or other authority under which
    29     the regulation or change is proposed and if such regulation
    30     or change is proposed to implement the requirements of
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     1     Federal statute or Federal regulation, such Federal statute
     2     or regulation shall be cited with specificity.
     3         (2)  A brief explanation of the proposed regulation or
     4     change.
     5         (3)  A statement of the need for the regulation or
     6     change.
     7         (4)  Estimates of the direct cost to the Commonwealth and
     8     direct and indirect cost to its political subdivisions and
     9     indirect cost to the private sector. Insofar as the proposal
    10     relates to direct cost to the Commonwealth, the agency may
    11     submit in lieu of its own statement the fiscal note prepared
    12     by the Office of the Budget pursuant to section 612 of the
    13     act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The
    14     Administrative Code of 1929."
    15         (5)  A statement of legal, accounting or consultant
    16     procedures which may be required for implementation of the
    17     regulation by those affected by it.
    18         (6)  A statement of any additional reporting,
    19     recordkeeping or other paperwork required by the proposed
    20     regulations including copies of any forms or reports which
    21     will be required in the implementation of the proposed
    22     regulation.
    23         (7)  An outline of conformance and relevant dates
    24     including dates by which comments must be received, copies of
    25     comments received as a result of the proposed regulation
    26     being published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, dates of
    27     proposed public hearings, the effective date of final
    28     regulations, date by which compliance with the proposed
    29     regulations will be required, including the date by which any
    30     required permits, licenses or other approvals must be
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     1     obtained.
     2         (8)  The name of the author or authors of the regulation
     3     with their office address and phone numbers included.
     4         (9)  An identification of the types of persons,
     5     businesses and organizations which would be affected by the
     6     regulation.
     7         (10)  Identification of any other regulations which would
     8     be affected by the regulation.
     9  The requirements of this section shall not diminish the Notice
    10  of Proposed Rule Making requirements of the Commonwealth
    11  Documents Law but the information required by this section may
    12  be included in the Notice of Proposed Rule Making requirement
    13  for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin in lieu of the
    14  information required by paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 201 of
    15  the Commonwealth Documents Law. The commission may waive an
    16  information requirement of this section for a proposed
    17  regulation when any specific requirement is deemed by the
    18  commission to be unnecessary or inappropriate.
    19     (b)  In addition to the requirements of subsection (a), for
    20  regulations which impose fiscal impacts on the public sector,
    21  private sector, or both of over $1,000,000, in any year, or
    22  which impose other major impacts as determined by the
    23  commission, the agency proposing the regulation shall forward at
    24  the request of the commission a written regulatory analysis.
    25  Such regulatory analysis shall state:
    26         (1)  the financial, economic and social impacts of the
    27     regulation on individuals, business and labor communities or
    28     other public and private organizations. When practicable, an
    29     evaluation of the benefits expected as a result of the
    30     regulation should be included;
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     1         (2)  that alternative approaches have been considered and
     2     the least burdensome acceptable alternative has been
     3     selected;
     4         (3)  that, in arriving at the acceptable alternative,
     5     consideration was given to minimizing new reporting,
     6     accounting and legal requirements;
     7         (4)  that a plan for the evaluation of the effectiveness
     8     of the regulation after its issuance has been developed; and
     9         (5)  the manner in which, when it is lawful, desirable
    10     and feasible, special provisions have been developed to meet
    11     the particular needs of affected groups and persons
    12     including, but not limited to: minorities, elderly, small
    13     businesses and farmers.
    14     (c)  The standing committee shall, within 20 calendar days
    15  from the [day it receives] date the proposed regulation is
    16  published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, approve or [recommend
    17  disapproval to the commission.] disapprove the proposed
    18  regulation. The standing committee shall notify the commission
    19  of approval or disapproval. Failure of both standing committees
    20  to [recommend disapproval of any such] disapprove a regulation
    21  within the 20 calendar days shall constitute approval thereof.
    22  Along with a notification of approval or disapproval the
    23  committee shall convey a report which includes:
    24         (1)  A copy of the proposed regulation.
    25         (2)  A summary of the objections of the committee, if
    26     any, stating the reasons why the committee has found the
    27     proposed regulation unacceptable, and a copy of any staff
    28     reports deemed pertinent by the committee.
    29  In the event the standing committees are prevented from
    30  completing their 20-day review because of expiration of the
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     1  legislative session in even-numbered years, consideration of the
     2  proposed regulation shall be automatically suspended until the
     3  [first day] fourth Monday in January of the next succeeding
     4  session of the General Assembly. On that date, the agency shall
     5  resubmit the proposed regulation to the designated standing
     6  committee of each chamber, or its successor committee, and to
     7  the commission. The standing committees, or their successor
     8  committees, shall have 20 calendar days and the commission shall
     9  have 30 calendar days from [receipt of] the date the proposed
    10  regulation is published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin to review
    11  such regulation. In computing the 20-day committee review period
    12  and the 30-day commission review period, the number of days in
    13  which the proposed regulation had been under review by the
    14  standing committees and by the commission as of the expiration
    15  of the prior session shall be subtracted from the 20-day
    16  committee and the 30-day commission review periods,
    17  respectively. Failure of the agency to resubmit the proposed
    18  regulation on the [first day] fourth Monday in January of the
    19  next succeeding session shall constitute withdrawal thereof. No
    20  proposed regulation shall be submitted to the commission or the
    21  standing committees for review during the period from the end of
    22  the legislative session of even-numbered years to the first day
    23  of the next succeeding legislative session, but emergency
    24  regulations may be adopted pursuant to the provisions of section
    25  6(b).
    26     (d)  In order to ascertain whether a proposed regulation is
    27  in the public interest, the commission shall consider the
    28  following criteria in the review of any proposed regulation:
    29         (1)  Conformity to the statutory authority of the agency.
    30         (2)  Consistency with the legislative intent of the act
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     1     which the regulation is designed to implement.
     2         (3)  Possible adverse effects on prices of goods and
     3     services, productivity or competition.
     4         (4)  Whether the regulation represents a policy decision
     5     of such substantial nature that it requires a legislative
     6     review.
     7         (5)  Direct costs to the Commonwealth, direct and
     8     indirect cost to political subdivisions and indirect cost to
     9     the private sector.
    10         (6)  Reasonableness of requirements, implementation
    11     procedures and timetable for the public and private sectors.
    12         (7)  The nature of any reports, forms or other paperwork
    13     and the estimated cost of their preparation by individuals,
    14     businesses and organizations in the private and public sector
    15     where such reports would be required.
    16         (8)  Possible conflict with or duplication of statutes or
    17     other existing regulations.
    18         (9)  The nature and estimated cost of any legal,
    19     consulting or accounting services which the private or public
    20     sector would incur.
    21         (10)  The impact on the public interest of exempting or
    22     setting lesser standards of compliance for individuals or
    23     small businesses when it is lawful, desirable and feasible to
    24     do so.
    25         (11)  Clarity and lack of ambiguity.
    26         (12)  Need for the rule or regulation.
    27         (13)  Approval or disapproval by the designated standing
    28     committee of the House of Representatives or the Senate.
    29     (e)  Regulations for which notice of proposed [making]
    30  rulemaking is omitted pursuant to section 204 of the
    19850H0784B2670                 - 10 -

     1  Commonwealth Documents Law and regulations which the agency
     2  intends to submit for final publication with modifications from
     3  the initial text as published under section 201 of the
     4  Commonwealth Documents Law shall be submitted to the commission
     5  and the designated standing committees for review in the same
     6  fashion as proposed regulations at the same time that the
     7  regulations are submitted to the Attorney General for review as
     8  provided in the Commonwealth Attorneys Act. For regulations
     9  which are adopted containing modifications to the proposed text
    10  as published, the time period set forth in subsection (c) shall
    11  begin to run from the date the standing committee receives the
    12  modification. No final order adopting such regulation shall be
    13  published until completion of review pursuant to this act.
    14     (f)  The agency which proposes the regulation shall forward
    15  to the commission within two days of receipt, a copy of any
    16  comments received by the agency which refers to the proposed
    17  regulation.
    18     (g)  The commission, either on its motion or on the request
    19  of any individual, agency, corporation, member of the General
    20  Assembly or any other entity which may be affected by a
    21  regulation, may also review any existing regulation or
    22  administrative procedure. Whenever a committee of the Senate or
    23  the House of Representatives shall request a review of a
    24  regulation, the commission shall make such review and shall
    25  assign it high priority. The commission may submit
    26  recommendations to any agency recommending changes in existing
    27  regulations where it finds the existing regulations or
    28  administrative procedure to be contrary to the public interest
    29  under the criteria established in this section. The commission
    30  may also make recommendations to the General Assembly and the
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     1  Governor for statutory changes whenever it finds that any
     2  existing regulation or procedure may be contrary to the public
     3  interest.
     4  Section 6.  Procedures for commission consideration and agency
     5                 review.
     6     (a)  Whenever the commission shall find that a proposed
     7  regulation submitted to the Legislative Reference Bureau for
     8  publication of notice of proposed rulemaking in the Pennsylvania
     9  Bulletin or that a regulation for which notice of proposed
    10  rulemaking is omitted pursuant to section 204 of the act of July
    11  31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth
    12  Documents Law, or a regulation which the agency intends to
    13  submit for final publication with modifications from the initial
    14  text as published under section 201 of the Commonwealth
    15  Documents Law submitted to the Attorney General for review prior
    16  to publication [without notice pursuant to section 204 of the
    17  Commonwealth Documents Law,] may be contrary to the public
    18  interest under the criteria set forth in section 5, the
    19  commission shall notify the agency promulgating such regulation
    20  of its finding. Such notification shall set forth the
    21  commission's objections in reasonable detail. The agency shall
    22  review the commission's finding and not later than two weeks
    23  following the notification unless the commission grants extended
    24  time to comment shall respond to the commission as to whether or
    25  not the proposed regulation will be withdrawn [or], revised or
    26  returned in its original form with added justification or
    27  documentation by the agency. If the commission does not notify
    28  the agency of any objection within 30 days of publication, in
    29  the case of proposed rulemaking, or within 30 days of receipt
    30  [under section 5], in the case of omission of proposed
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     1  rulemaking or in the case of modifications to the proposed text
     2  as published, the agency may proceed to promulgate the
     3  regulation as provided in the [act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769,
     4  No.240), referred to as the] Commonwealth Documents Law.
     5     (b)  The commission may, when notifying an agency of its
     6  objections pursuant to subsection (a) or at any time following
     7  such notification but prior to publication of a final order
     8  adopting a regulation, issue an order barring the publication of
     9  a final order adopting a regulation pending subsequent review of
    10  the regulation in the manner provided in section 7. The
    11  commission may not however issue an order against a proposed
    12  regulation to the extent that the Attorney General certifies
    13  that proposed regulation is required pursuant to the decree of
    14  any court or to implement the provisions of a statute of the
    15  United States or regulations issued thereunder by a Federal
    16  agency nor shall the commission issue an order against a
    17  proposed regulation when such regulation is transmitted with the
    18  certification of the Governor that it is required to meet an
    19  emergency which shall include but not be limited to conditions
    20  which may cause a significant budget deficit or create need for
    21  supplemental or deficiency appropriations. In such case, the
    22  regulation can take effect for up to 120 days but after that
    23  time may be suspended by the commission unless it has been
    24  approved by the General Assembly under the procedures contained
    25  in section 7(b).
    26     (c)  Whenever a designated standing committee of the House of
    27  Representatives or the Senate has notified the commission of its
    28  disapproval and the commission approves the proposed regulation,
    29  the commission shall notify the said designated standing
    30  committee of such approval.
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     1  Section 7.  Procedures and subsequent review.
     2     (a)  If the commission determines after reviewing an agency's
     3  response that the agency still intends to implement such
     4  regulation, the commission shall, [within seven days of] at its
     5  next public meeting following receipt of an agency's response to
     6  its objections or, if its next public meeting is less than seven
     7  days from the date of receipt, at its second public meeting
     8  following receipt of an agency's response to its objections,
     9  either approve the regulations or, if the commission believes
    10  that said regulation would be contrary to the public interest as
    11  determined under section 5, notify the Governor, who shall
    12  within 45 days review the proposed regulation and the commission
    13  findings. Failure of the commission to notify the Governor of
    14  its continued objections to a proposed regulation [within seven
    15  days] by its next public meeting following receipt of an
    16  agency's response or, if its next public meeting is less than
    17  seven days from the date of receipt, at its second public
    18  meeting following receipt of an agency's response shall
    19  constitute approval thereof. Within seven days of an agency's
    20  response, the commission may continue an order barring
    21  publication of a final order adopting a regulation, issue such
    22  an order if none was previously issued, or withdraw its order.
    23     (b)  If the Governor and the agency determine that it is
    24  desirable to implement the proposed regulation without
    25  revisions, the Governor shall submit a report to the General
    26  Assembly containing the findings of the commission, the response
    27  of the initiating agency and his own recommendations regarding
    28  the regulation. At the time of the submission of the report by
    29  the Governor, the commission shall, within 14 days of submission
    30  of the report, either approve the regulation or transmit the
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     1  proposed regulation to the General Assembly for consideration in
     2  accord with the procedures set forth in the act of April 7, 1955
     3  (P.L.23, No.8), known as the "Reorganization Act of 1955."
     4  Failure of the commission to transmit a regulation to the
     5  General Assembly for consideration within 14 days of submission
     6  of the Governor's report shall constitute approval of the
     7  proposed regulation. However, if the commission is prevented
     8  from transmitting the regulation to the General Assembly within
     9  14 days because of recess or adjournment, it may transmit the
    10  regulation on the first subsequent session day. Failure to
    11  submit a proposed regulation on the first subsequent session day
    12  shall constitute approval thereof. Pending the review of a
    13  regulation by the General Assembly, the commission may continue
    14  an order barring publication of a final order adopting a
    15  regulation, issue such an order if none was previously issued,
    16  or withdraw its order. If the General Assembly disapproves a
    17  regulation, the disapproval shall constitute a permanent order
    18  barring publication, or shall rescind a regulation for which a
    19  final order was published pending review of the regulation by
    20  the commission or the General Assembly. The General Assembly may
    21  at its discretion, however, disapprove a regulation to indicate
    22  the intent of the General Assembly, but permit publication of a
    23  final order adopting a regulation.
    24     (c)  Whenever a designated standing committee has received
    25  the notice required under section 6(c), the designated standing
    26  committee may within ten days report to the House of
    27  Representatives or Senate a concurrent resolution and notify the
    28  affected agency which shall be the official notice to the
    29  agency. A final order adopting the regulation shall not be
    30  published for 30 calendar days or ten legislative days,
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     1  whichever is longer, from date of reporting the concurrent
     2  resolution. If both the House of Representatives and the Senate
     3  agree to the concurrent resolution within the allotted time
     4  period, the adoption of the concurrent resolution shall
     5  constitute a permanent order barring publication, or shall act
     6  as an order rescinding a regulation for which a final order was
     7  published pending review of the regulation. Failure of the House
     8  of Representatives and the Senate to act on the concurrent
     9  resolution within the allotted time period shall constitute
    10  approval of the regulation. In addition, notice as to any final
    11  disposition of any concurrent resolution considered in
    12  accordance with this act shall be published in the Pennsylvania
    13  Bulletin. The General Assembly may, at its discretion, adopt a
    14  concurrent resolution disapproving the regulation to indicate
    15  the intent of the General Assembly, but permit publication of a
    16  final order adopting a regulation.
    17  Section 9.  Commission staff.
    18     The commission shall appoint and fix the compensation of an
    19  executive director, who shall devote his full time to the
    20  general supervision of all the affairs of the commission. In
    21  addition, the commission shall appoint a chief counsel who shall
    22  not be subject to the supervision of the Attorney General or the
    23  General Counsel [and it]. Both the executive director and chief
    24  counsel shall report directly to the commission. The commission
    25  shall appoint a permanent liaison person to provide direct
    26  communication between the commission and the General Assembly.
    27  The commission may appoint and fix the compensation of such
    28  other employees as the commission may from time to time find
    29  necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the
    30  commission. In determining the necessity for such additional
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     1  staff, the commission shall consider the fact that the General
     2  Assembly is required under this act to participate in the review
     3  process and its staff will be providing assistance to the
     4  commission through the legislative review provisions of this
     5  act.
     6  Section 15.  Effective date.
     7     Except for the provisions of sections 3, 4, 9, 11 and 13,
     8  which shall take effect in 30 days, this act shall take effect
     9  on March 1, 1983. This act shall expire on December 31, [1985]
    10  1990 unless it is sooner reenacted by the General Assembly.
    11     Section 3.  This act applies to proposed and final rulemaking
    12  submitted to the Legislative Reference Bureau after the fourth
    13  Wednesday following the effective date of this act.
    14     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.
    15     SECTION 1.  SECTION 15 OF THE ACT OF JUNE 25, 1982 (P.L.633,   <--
    17  1982 (P.L.1023, NO.238), IS AMENDED TO READ:
    21  ON MARCH 1, 1983. THIS ACT SHALL EXPIRE ON [DECEMBER 31, 1985]
    22  JULY 31, 1987, DECEMBER 31, 1986, UNLESS IT IS SOONER REENACTED   <--

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