No. 389 Session of 1977



                                     AN ACT

     1  Creating a temporary Joint Legislative Committee on Regulatory
     2     Reform; prescribing its powers and duties; and making an
     3     appropriation.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Legislative
     8  Regulatory Reform Act."
     9  Section 2.  Legislative Findings.
    10     It is hereby determined and declared as a matter of
    11  legislative findings:
    12         (1)  That there currently exists in the State of
    13     Pennsylvania a vast and pervasive network of statutes and
    14     administrative determinations which direct, shape, limit, and
    15     supervise private business activity in the State.
    16         (2)  That this State government regulation of private
    17     business may be beneficial to the public interest in order
    18     to:

     1             (i)  control the actions of natural monopolists;
     2             (ii)  prevent destructive competition;
     3             (iii)  allocate public resources;
     4             (iv)  protect consumers, workers, or disadvantaged
     5         market participants;
     6             (v)  redistribute income; and
     7             (vi)  to protect the vitality of free competition.
     8         (3)  That despite the pervasiveness of current State
     9     regulatory activity, and despite the numerous situations in
    10     which regulation is justified, the fundamental health of our
    11     economy, our prospects for growth and prosperity, and the
    12     full exercise of personal freedoms, depends upon the strength
    13     and vitality of our free market system.
    14         (4)  That in order to protect the vigor of free economic
    15     competition, regulation must be strictly limited to those
    16     circumstances and times during which the benefits of
    17     regulation clearly outweigh the damage to free competition.
    18     Because the threat to the fiber of our market system from
    19     regulation is so great, there must be a strong presumption
    20     against regulation and in favor of solving economic problems
    21     using free market mechanisms.
    22         (5)  That unchecked, regulatory activities tend to
    23     outlive the rationales upon which they are based, and tend to
    24     broaden their scope to include the control of activities not
    25     justified using a cost benefit analysis.
    26         (6)  That regulation no longer justified by a careful
    27     cost-benefit analysis tends to produce the following economic
    28     maladjustments:
    29             (i)  it restricts vigorous and essential private
    30         investment activity;
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     1             (ii)  it maintains artificially high consumer prices,
     2         or else fosters dangerous product shortages;
     3             (iii)  it builds unnecessary barriers to entry;
     4             (iv)  it maldistributes inputs and outputs both
     5         regionally and between producing sectors;
     6             (v)  it contributes to unemployment and
     7         underemployment; and
     8             (vi)  it sets up situations in which a self
     9         perpetuating and degenerating cycle of regulation feeds
    10         upon itself and produces new regulatory needs.
    11  Section 3.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    14  meanings given to them in this section:
    15     "Efficiency analysis."  An explicit evaluation of the aims of
    16  economic regulation, as discussed above in section 2, and an
    17  estimation of the costs of regulation, as discussed above in
    18  section 2 but not limited to the costs listed above. This cost-
    19  benefit analysis must be both short run and long, and must
    20  compare actual current methods of regulation with alternative
    21  modes of control.
    22     "Regulation."  Any act of the General Assembly and any
    23  administrative determination which: imposes costs upon the
    24  performance of business activity; sets wages, hours, or working
    25  conditions; controls conditions of entry into an occupation or
    26  certification of participants in an occupation or industry; sets
    27  prices or designates product quality; controls the quantity of
    28  any business output; pertains to environmental performance;
    29  directs or controls geographical location of an industry; or
    30  substantially infringes upon the free exercise of business
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     1  judgment in any substantial manner.
     2  Section 4.  Establishment of the Joint Legislative Committee on
     3              Regulatory Reform.
     4     There is hereby created for the General Assembly a Joint
     5  Legislative Committee on Regulatory Reform which shall be a
     6  temporary committee of both houses of the General Assembly.
     7  Section 5.  Joint Legislative Committee on Regulatory Reform
     8              Membership.
     9     (a)  The Joint Legislative Committee on Regulatory Reform
    10  hereinafter often referred to as the joint committee shall
    11  consist of six members of the Senate and six members of the
    12  House of Representatives and 12 members drawn from the general
    13  public. Three of the members from the Senate shall be appointed
    14  by the President pro tempore, and three shall be appointed by
    15  the Senate Minority Leader. Three of the members from the House
    16  shall be appointed by the Speaker, and three shall be appointed
    17  by the House Minority Leader. The members of the General
    18  Assembly serving on the committee shall meet and select 12
    19  persons from the general public to serve on the committee. These
    20  12 members shall be individuals who are specially qualified to
    21  serve on the committee by virtue of their education, training,
    22  or experience, but who are not officers or employees of any
    23  government. At least two of these 12 individuals must represent
    24  each of the following groups:
    25         (1)  business;
    26         (2)  labor;
    27         (3)  consumers; and
    28         (4)  the academic community.
    29     (b)  At the first meeting of the full committee a chairperson
    30  and vice chairperson shall be elected by the committee
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     1  membership.
     2     (c)  The terms of legislators appointed to the committee
     3  shall end by resignation with the termination of service of
     4  elected membership in the Legislature.
     5     (d)  The terms of members drawn from the general public shall
     6  end upon submission of a letter of resignation to the committee
     7  chairperson, or upon death or incapacity.
     8     (e)  Vacancies among legislators on the committee between
     9  legislative sessions shall be filled in the same manner as
    10  provided for standing joint committees but shall not be in
    11  violation of the provisions herein specified. Vacancies among
    12  members drawn from the general public shall be filled within ten
    13  days by the legislative members in the same manner indicated for
    14  original appointment.
    15     (f)  The joint committee shall prescribe its own rules of
    16  procedure for the conduct of its affairs. A quorum shall consist
    17  of 16 members but hearings may be conducted by six members.
    18  Section 6.  Responsibilities.
    19     The joint committee shall:
    20         (1)  Compile a comprehensive list of each and every
    21     regulatory activity currently conducted by any branch of the
    22     Pennsylvania State Government.
    23         (2)  Prepare an efficiency analysis for each economic
    24     regulatory activity.
    25         (3)  Report on the impact of each regulatory activity
    26     upon our current economic recession and recovery.
    27         (4)  Report on the impact of each regulatory activity
    28     upon the rate of price inflation.
    29         (5)  Report on the interrelationships among State
    30     regulatory activities, and between State and local or Federal
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     1     activity in each regulatory area. The committee shall
     2     investigate and report the existence of any overlapping or
     3     inconsistent regulatory activity.
     4         (6)  Report on the possibility of increasing public
     5     participation in regulatory decisions, insuring agency
     6     independence from both undue political interference and
     7     improper pressures by the regulated industries, and methods,
     8     if necessary, to upgrade the quality of regulatory personnel.
     9         (7)  Make recommendations concerning any needed
    10     modifications to each regulatory activity which are required
    11     to promote economic efficiency, growth and cyclical
    12     stability, price stability, and efficient interaction with
    13     local and Federal regulatory activities.
    14         (8)  Consider the need and advisability of a permanent
    15     mechanism to continuously review and evaluate the efficiency
    16     of all economic regulatory activity.
    17         (9)  Present a single comprehensive report on all above
    18     mentioned duties not later than October 1, 1978, and other
    19     preliminary or supplementary reports as may be deemed
    20     appropriate by the joint committee. The comprehensive report
    21     will contain draft legislation to implement all joint
    22     committee recommendations.
    23  Section 7.  Powers of the joint legislative committee.
    24     The joint legislative committee shall have the power to:
    25         (1)  Hold meetings as often as may be necessary, during
    26     and between legislative sessions, to perform its duties and
    27     functions.
    28         (2)  Conduct hearings relevant to performance of its
    29     duties.
    30         (3)  Subpoena witnesses to testify before the committee,
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     1     to produce documents, or to answer written interrogatories of
     2     the committee.
     3         (4)  Issue oaths and affirmations.
     4         (5)  Appoint an executive director of research for the
     5     committee and an assistant director of research. These
     6     individuals shall be employed full time until 30 days after
     7     submission of the final report of the joint committee, or
     8     until December 30, 1978, whichever is earlier. These persons
     9     shall be paid salaries competitive with their previous
    10     occupations to the extent of available appropriations.
    11         (6)  Hire other full time professional or clerical staff
    12     members as may be deemed necessary by the joint committee.
    13     These professional employees may include a professional
    14     economist, accountant, counsel, and statistician. The joint
    15     committee may also hire on an intermittent basis whatever
    16     consultants or special clerical help it deems appropriate to
    17     the extent of available appropriations. The joint committee
    18     shall establish regulations governing appointment, promotion,
    19     dismissal, termination, layoff, suspension, and compensation
    20     of employees.
    21         (7)  The members of the joint committee shall serve
    22     without compensation, except that the ordinary and necessary
    23     expenses incident to the conduct of joint committee duties
    24     shall be reimbursed out of the joint committee appropriation.
    25         (8)  The joint committee shall have full access to all
    26     executive data sources which are relevant to the performance
    27     of the duties of the joint committee. Nothing in this
    28     section, however, shall violate the privacy guarantees
    29     provided in other statutes of the General Assembly.
    30  Section 8.  Extension of deadlines.
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     1     The General Assembly may extend all deadlines listed above
     2  for performance of joint committee duties and the employment of
     3  the joint committee personnel, by up to 365 days. In any case,
     4  the joint committee shall cease to exist 30 days after the
     5  submission of its final report.
     6  Section 9.  State agencies to advise and assist.
     7     The Joint Legislative Committee on Regulatory Reform may
     8  require comprehensive written reports from any agency or
     9  official of the Commonwealth concerning any regulatory activity
    10  that such agency or official is engaged in, or is concerned
    11  with. Whenever requested by the joint committee, the head of any
    12  Commonwealth department or agency shall give such advice and
    13  assistance and submit such written reports as the joint
    14  committee may request.
    15  Section 10.  Appropriation.
    16     The sum of $100,000, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    17  is hereby appropriated to the Joint Legislative Committee on
    18  Regulatory Reform for the performance of its duties.
    19  Section 11.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect immediately.

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