No. 387 Session of 1993

           FEBRUARY 10, 1993


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for high voltage
     3     transmission line siting.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Title 66 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     7  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
     8                             CHAPTER 28
     9                         ELECTRIC UTILITIES
    10  Subchapter
    11     A.  General Provisions
    12     B.  High Voltage Transmission Lines
    13                            SUBCHAPTER A
    14                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    15  Sec.
    16  2801.  Definitions.
    17  § 2801.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter

     1  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     2  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     3     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Resources of
     4  the Commonwealth.
     5     "Facility."  A bulk electric generating facility, a large
     6  electric generating facility or a high voltage transmission
     7  line.
     8     "High voltage transmission line."  A conductor of electric
     9  energy designed for operation at a nominal voltage of 230
    10  kilovolts or more, together with associated facilities. The term
    11  does not include transmission line relocation which the
    12  commission determines is necessary to facilitate highway or
    13  airport projects.
    14     "Public utility."  Persons or corporations in this
    15  Commonwealth owning or operating equipment or facilities for
    16  generating, transmitting, distributing or furnishing electricity
    17  for the production of light, heat or power to or for the public
    18  for compensation. The term does not include the following:
    19         (1)  A person or corporation not otherwise a public
    20     utility who or which furnishes service only to himself or
    21     itself.
    22         (2)  A bona fide cooperative association which furnishes
    23     service only to its stockholders or members on a nonprofit
    24     basis.
    25                            SUBCHAPTER B
    27  Sec.
    28  2811.  Advance plan.
    29  2812.  Commission approval of siting application.
    30  2813.  Application of subchapter.
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     1  2814.  Rules and regulations.
     2  2815.  Severability.
     3  § 2811.  Advance plan.
     4     (a)  Plan components.--At least 120 days prior to the filing
     5  of a siting application for a high voltage transmission line and
     6  any related electric generating facilities, the applicant shall
     7  notify the department and the commission of its intention to
     8  make application and provide the department and the commission
     9  with a plan of the proposed transmission line and facilities.
    10  The advance plan shall include at a minimum all of the
    11  following:
    12         (1)  The location of all tentative, proposed and
    13     alternative routes for the high voltage transmission line.
    14         (2)  The effects, if any, of the transmission line on the
    15     environment and the means by which potential adverse effects
    16     will be avoided or minimized.
    17         (3)  The projected demand for the electric energy to be
    18     transmitted along the transmission line and the basis for
    19     determining the projected demand.
    20         (4)  The utility's relationship to other utilities and
    21     regional associations, power pools and networks.
    22         (5)  Existing and planned programs and policies to
    23     discourage inefficient and excessive power use.
    24         (6)  Information, if any, that the project is part of the
    25     public utility's least-cost integrated resource plan,
    26     including information that demonstrates that the transmission
    27     line is a least-cost alternative.
    28         (7)  An engineering plan showing a description of the
    29     line, including the major components thereof having a
    30     significant impact on citizens' property, farmlands and State
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     1     game lands, and a description of the anticipated effects of
     2     the proposed transmission line and facilities on agriculture.
     3         (8)  Any other information required by the commission.
     4     (b)  Filing of plan.--A copy of the plan shall at the time it
     5  is filed with the commission also be filed with each of the
     6  following:
     7         (1)  The department.
     8         (2)  The director or chairman of each regional planning
     9     commission that has jurisdiction over any area where a
    10     facility is proposed to be located or which requests a copy
    11     of the plan.
    12         (3)  The Office of Consumer Advocate and the Office of
    13     Small Business Advocate.
    14     (c)  Distribution of copies.--The public utility shall within
    15  ten days after the plan is filed with the commission send a copy
    16  of the plan, or the applicable portion thereof, to the county
    17  planner or, if none exists, to the county clerk of each county
    18  affected by the plan, to the main public library of each such
    19  county and to any other county planner, county clerk or public
    20  library which requests copies of the plan or portions of the
    21  plan. The utility shall send a copy of the applicable portion of
    22  the plan to the clerk of each municipality and town in which the
    23  transmission line is proposed to be located and shall notify
    24  each public library in the municipality or town that copies of
    25  the plan are available upon request.
    26     (d)  Submission of comments.--Any county, municipality or
    27  person may submit written comments on any plan to the commission
    28  within 60 days after the plan is filed. The comments shall be
    29  reviewed by the commission and considered in the review of the
    30  advance plan under subsection (e).
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     1     (e)  Review by commission.--The commission shall review and
     2  make a determination concerning the advance plan within 90 days
     3  after the filing of the plan. The commission's review shall be
     4  limited to whether the advance plan is filed in accordance with
     5  this subchapter. If the commission determines that the advance
     6  plan is incomplete in accordance with the requirements of this
     7  subchapter, the commission shall notify the utility and all
     8  interested parties of this determination. The electric utility
     9  shall not file a siting application for a proposed high voltage
    10  transmission line if the advance plan does not comply with the
    11  requirements of this subchapter.
    12     (f)  Resubmission of plan.--If the commission determines that
    13  the advance plan is incomplete, the utility shall have an
    14  opportunity to resubmit the advance plan in accordance with
    15  regulations promulgated under this subchapter. The utility shall
    16  resubmit its advance plan at least 60 days prior to the filing
    17  of a siting application for a high voltage transmission line and
    18  related facilities.
    19  § 2812.  Commission approval of siting application.
    20     (a)  Application procedures.--The siting application to
    21  construct a high voltage transmission line and related
    22  facilities shall be filed in accordance with the commission's
    23  rules and regulations. The application to construct a high
    24  voltage transmission line and facilities shall include all of
    25  the information, including any and all updates, required under
    26  the advance plan in accordance with section 2811 (relating to
    27  advance plan). The application to construct a high voltage
    28  transmission line also shall include:
    29         (1)  A description of studies which have been made as to
    30     the projected environmental impact of the high voltage line
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     1     as proposed and of the efforts which have been and which will
     2     be made to minimize the impact of the high voltage line upon
     3     the environment, public health and upon scenic and historic
     4     areas, including, but not limited to, impacts, where
     5     applicable, upon land use, soil and sedimentation, plant and
     6     wildlife habitats, terrain, hydrology and landscape.
     7         (2)  A description of the efforts of the applicant to
     8     locate and identify any archaeological, geologic, historic,
     9     scenic or wilderness areas of significance within two miles
    10     of the proposed right-of-way and the location and identity of
    11     the area discovered by the applicant.
    12         (3)  The location and identity of airports within two
    13     miles of the nearest limit of the right-of-way of the
    14     proposed facility.
    15         (4)  A description of reasonable alternative routes to
    16     the proposed high voltage line, including a description of
    17     the corridor planning methodology, a comparison of the merits
    18     and detriments of each route and a statement of the reasons
    19     for selecting the proposed high voltage line route.
    20         (5)  A list of the Federal, State and local governmental
    21     agencies that have requirements which need to be met in
    22     connection with the construction or maintenance of the
    23     proposed high voltage line and a list of documents which have
    24     been or are required to be filed with those agencies in
    25     connection with the siting and construction of the proposed
    26     high voltage line.
    27         (6)  A description of environmental considerations,
    28     including, but not limited to, alternative sources of supply,
    29     to the proposed high voltage transmission line.
    30         (7)  A copy of the individual notice to be mailed first
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     1     class to any and all persons whose property is located in the
     2     proposed rights-of-way and to any and all persons who are
     3     substantially affected by the proposed transmission line.
     4     (b)  Notice requirements.--Within 30 days of filing the
     5  siting application with the commission, the public utility shall
     6  provide individual notice by first class mail to any and all
     7  persons whose property is located in the proposed rights-of-way
     8  and to any and all persons who are substantially affected by the
     9  proposed transmission line. The commission shall determine the
    10  form and contents of the individual notice through the
    11  promulgation of regulations.
    12     (c)  Criteria for approval.--The siting application to
    13  construct a high voltage transmission line and related
    14  facilities shall be approved if the commission determines after
    15  notice and hearing that:
    16         (1)  The proposed facility is consistent with the most
    17     recent least-cost integrated resource plan filed under
    18     section 524 (relating to data to be supplied by electric
    19     utilities).
    20         (2)  The proposed transmission line is necessary to
    21     satisfy the reasonable needs of the public for an adequate
    22     supply of electric energy.
    23         (3)  The design and location or route is in the public
    24     interest considering alternative sources of supply,
    25     alternative locations or routes, individual hardships,
    26     engineering, economic, safety, reliability and environmental
    27     factors.
    28         (4)  The proposed transmission line will not have an
    29     undue adverse effect on surrounding agricultural areas,
    30     including any businesses located within the proposed right-
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     1     of-way.
     2         (5)  The proposed transmission line will not have undue
     3     adverse impact on other environmental values, including, but
     4     not limited to, ecological balance, public health and
     5     welfare, historic sites, geological formations and the
     6     aesthetics of land.
     7         (6)  The proposed transmission line will not have a
     8     substantial health impact on any and all individuals within
     9     its proposed rights-of-way.
    10         (7)  The proposed transmission line complies with any
    11     other factors that the commission deems in the public
    12     interest of any or all utility customers in this
    13     Commonwealth.
    14         (8)  The proposed transmission line complies with the
    15     commission's rules and regulations concerning siting
    16     requirements of high voltage transmission line.
    17         (9)  The proposed facilities comply with any and all laws
    18     and commission policies concerning clean air standards.
    19     (d)  Commission approval or disapproval.--If the application
    20  does not meet the criteria under subsection (c), the commission
    21  shall reject the application or approve the application with
    22  necessary modifications. The commission shall act within three
    23  years of the filing date of the siting application or the
    24  application shall be deemed denied. Any portion of the
    25  application that is not approved may be resubmitted by the
    26  utility after entry of the order of disapproval and, if
    27  resubmitted, shall be reviewed under this section in the same
    28  manner.
    29     (e)  Review and comment.--Those agencies receiving copies
    30  under this section shall review the application and submit their
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     1  comments to the commission within 120 days after their receipt
     2  of the application. Comments shall include:
     3         (1)  A description of any statutory permits or approvals
     4     required by the agency.
     5         (2)  A description of the types and forms of information
     6     required for adequate review of an application for each
     7     permit or approval.
     8         (3)  A detailed discussion as to the areas in which the
     9     plan coordinates with the agency's plans, policies, functions
    10     and programs and the areas in which the plan conflicts and
    11     the significance of the conflicts.
    12         (4)  A discussion of the environmental impacts of the
    13     plan to the extent practicable and consistent with its
    14     program responsibilities.
    15         (5)  Information of any and all adverse effects and
    16     significant benefits of the proposed transmission line and
    17     related facilities, including, but not limited to,
    18     environmental, health, economic and safety effects.
    19     (f)  Exception.--The commission may waive compliance with any
    20  requirement of this section to the extent necessary to restore
    21  service which has been substantially interrupted by a natural
    22  catastrophe, accident or sabotage.
    23     (g)  Hearings.--The commission and the department shall
    24  schedule as many hearings under this section as practicable at a
    25  time and place reasonably convenient to the majority of persons
    26  in the area of the facility. The commission shall hold a hearing
    27  within the geographic areas which the commission determines will
    28  be significantly affected by facilities proposed in the
    29  application. Notice of any scheduled hearings shall be in
    30  accordance with the commission's rules and regulations. At the
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     1  hearing the commission shall briefly describe the application
     2  and give all interested persons an opportunity, subject to
     3  reasonable limitations on the presentation of repetitious
     4  material, to express their views on any aspect of the
     5  application.
     6     (h)  Right to appeal.--Any person whose substantial rights
     7  may be adversely affected or any county or municipality having
     8  jurisdiction over land affected by a siting application may
     9  petition for judicial review under 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    10  administrative law and procedure) of any decision of the
    11  commission regarding the siting application.
    12     (i)  Notice to seller of real property.--A person may not
    13  purchase or acquire an option to purchase any interest in real
    14  property knowing that the property being purchased is to be used
    15  for the construction of a high voltage transmission line unless
    16  the person gives written notice to the prospective seller of the
    17  size, maximum voltage and structure type of any transmission
    18  line planned to be constructed thereon and the electric utility
    19  by whom it will be operated. A contract made in violation of
    20  this subsection is subject to rescission by the seller at any
    21  time prior to the approval of a siting application for the
    22  facility by the commission.
    23  § 2813.  Application of subchapter.--This subchapter shall apply
    24  to every high voltage line or portion thereof which is not in
    25  regular permanent service on or after the effective date of this
    26  subchapter.
    27  § 2814.  Rules and regulations.
    28     The commission may promulgate regulations to administer and
    29  enforce this subchapter.
    30  § 2815.  Severability.
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     1     The provisions of this chapter are severable. If any
     2  provision of this chapter or its application to any person or
     3  circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect
     4  other provisions or applications of this chapter which can be
     5  given effect without the invalid provision or application.
     6     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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