H0090B0079A00412 KMF:JSL 03/18/13 #90 A00412







Printer's No. 79


1Amend Bill, page 5, by inserting between lines 19 and 20

2(e) Annual reports and records of Attorney General and
3district attorneys.--The following shall apply:

4(1) On or before April 1 following the effective date of
5this section and annually thereafter, including the year
6following the expiration of this section, the Attorney
7General shall make a report on the operation of this section
8to the Judiciary Committee of the Senate and the Judiciary
9Committee of the House of Representatives. The reports by the
10Attorney General shall contain the following information for
11the previous calendar year:

12(i) The number of administrative subpoenas issued.

13(ii) The number of investigations for which an
14administrative subpoena was issued.

15(iii) The number of court orders issued under
16subsections (a)(4) and (7) and (c)(2).

17(iv) The number of arrests made and the type of
18charge filed in cases in which an administrative subpoena
19was issued.

20(v) The number of cases in which an administrative
21subpoena was issued and in which no arrests or
22prosecutions resulted.

23(2) On or before March 1 following the effective date of
24this section and annually thereafter, including the year
25following the expiration of this section, each district
26attorney shall provide to the Attorney General all of the
27information under paragraph (1) with respect to all
28administrative subpoenas issued by that district attorney on
29forms prescribed by the Attorney General.

30(f) Expiration.--This section shall expire December 31,

32Amend Bill, page 5, line 20, by striking out "(e)" and

34 (g)


See A00412 in
the context
of HB0090